
chapter 79 : Revelations and Alliances: The Unveiling of Lilith Mendabich

Everyone assembled around the lengthy table, including the teenagers adorned with runic markings. Finn rose from his seat, commanding the room's attention. "Good, you have all arrived. I called you here to announce that Zebha has officially entered an alliance with Hentesa. Our kingdoms see no need for war, especially one that is not our business. Upon entering the Deep Me, Elaine and Lenard will depart for other kingdoms. Our mission is to persuade them to join forces and wage war against a common foe—the incompetent gods. We denounce their rule and are about to wage war against them. Each one of you here plays a crucial role. Our goal is to unite the human race under a single banner. Divided, we fall; united, we conquer. If anyone feels they cannot be part of this cause, you are free to leave," Finn declared with resounding conviction, each word carrying the weight of their audacious endeavor.

Timothy, having already made his decision, observed the reactions of his fellow blades and the others present. Initial uncertainty transformed into hardened resolve, but the teens with runic markings, particularly the scholarly-looking Peter, wore expressions of confusion. Peter raised a hand, questioning the seemingly absurd notion of waging war against gods. "Excuse me, but what are you all talking about? War against gods? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Gods have ruled this world for countless years, and you want to overthrow them just like that?" Peter mocked.

Finn remained unfazed by Peter's skepticism, recognizing it as a rational response. The path they envisioned was fraught with impossibilities, hardships, and the scent of death. Two other runic-marked teens echoed Peter's sentiment, but a girl with purple pupils and runes on her face gracefully shook her head before articulating their unconventional perspective. "The old gods must die, and new ones must be born from their demise. We all have the power to reach godhood, but the very gods we look up to hinder our growth. All the gods of this world were mortals before, just like you and me, Peter. They rose, broke through their mortal shells, and ascended into the divine. Yet, they also killed the gods before them, taking up their names and titles. Now, we must do the same. In our rise, we must expose the gods for the fraud they are. So, stop using human logic in godly affairs... boy," Lilith spoke, her words unraveling a revelation that shocked even lenard and Finn. "That girl... no, she's not a girl," echoed their shared thoughts, fixating on the purple-eyed enigma in their midst.

Peter's frown deepened at Lilith's words, particularly the dismissive use of "boy." Despite the brewing tension, he chose to withhold his reaction and remained silent. In response, Lilith gracefully stood, offering commendation for their bravery, and expressed her willingness to join their noble cause. She believed it was time to defy the heavens and saw it as their destiny. After delivering her statement, she returned to her seat with a bow.

A hush fell over the room, with an unspoken tension hanging in the air. Minutes passed, and then Sydney, Finn's little sister, broke the silence. She rose, bowing to her elder brother and pledging her commitment until the very end. Her determined tone inspired others in the room to follow suit, expressing their desire to stand alongside Finn and Lenard.

As the declarations settled, Finn turned his scrutinizing gaze toward Lilith. "Lilith Mendabich? Why does your name sound so familiar?" he inquired, not anticipating an immediate answer.

"Because it is. I believe the two of you gentlemen have heard of the Menda dynasty from 3000 years ago, around the same time the enlightened ones appeared?" Lilith responded, smiling at Finn and Lenard.

Her revelation triggered fervent expressions from both Finn and Lenard, eliciting startled reactions from the rest of the group. "What!" Their simultaneous exclamations reverberated in the room.

"So, you have heard of me then? How wonderful," Lilith remarked with a smile.

Lenard and Finn remained shocked, their expressions beyond words. Lenard shook his head, downing the wine in his hand, while Timothy chuckled. "Things just keep getting interesting. But I thought only divine beings could enter the reincarnation cycle?" Finn questioned Lilith.

Lilith half-smiled before responding, "And who said I wasn't a divine being?" Her answer left Finn even more astonished.

Silently, the rest of the group observed the unfolding conversation between the three, captivated by the revelation of Lilith's ancient origins and her unexpected connection to a dynasty from millennia past.