
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Chapter 29: soul seed Konquerors

Timothy remained in a meditative state within his astral form when an abrupt, resonant frequency emanated from his being, permeating the entire cosmic void. The pitch of Timothy's astral essence distorted under the influence of this harmonic wave, only to eventually subside. Although the ephemeral auditory experience left Timothy astounded, his transcendental reflection was short-lived. Reality intruded when water cascaded onto his face, jolting him from his astral reverie.

"What on earth!" Timothy exclaimed, bewildered by the presence of Ver and Jake, the latter brandishing an empty receptacle with an innocent countenance.

"I can explain, my friend," Jake began, gingerly retreating as Timothy exhibited signs of discomfort.

"Are you alright?" Ver inquired, her countenance reflecting genuine concern. Timothy clamped his ears shut; every sound seemed amplified, his eyes grappling with the visual representation of sound waves created by Ver and Jake. Seeking solace, Timothy closed his eyes and initiated a meditative practice. Gradually, the resonance dissipated, and the world resumed its normalcy. Opening his eyes, Timothy beheld the concerned gazes of his companions.

"Are you okay?" Ver reiterated.

"Yes, I am. What brings you two into my chamber?" Timothy queried as he rose from the bed, sauntering toward a mirror. Observing his reflection, he noted a subtle alteration in his eye color—a shift from solid grey to a metallic hue.

"We wished to apprise you of our ascension to Konquerors. I am aligned with the lightning element, and she—well, she possesses a unique disposition," Jake elucidated, casting a fearful glance toward Ver.

"What do you mean?" Timothy inquired, his surprise evident.

"Pay it no mind, dear friend," Jake deflected, while Ver maintained a stoic silence.

"Congratulations to both of you. I, too, have sown my seed, marking my journey as a soul seed Konqueror. However, the elemental attunement remains elusive to my understanding," Timothy disclosed, offering a congenial smile.

A contemplative pause ensued before Ver broke the silence, "Two months prior, we unveiled a world fraught with concealed perils and powers. Presently, we stand as harbingers of these veiled forces. Elaine contends that achieving Konqueror status symbolizes the inaugural stride toward transcending mortality," Jake chuckled.

"Don't dwell excessively on it," he added.

"Yeah," Ver concurred.


The night of the full moon arrived, drawing the entire capital to the castle's forecourt.

"Citizens of Zebha, I address you not as a monarch but as a paternal figure proud of our collective achievements during my reign. Regrettably, I announce my abdication from the throne," King Zaloz proclaimed, evoking sorrowful cries from the populace.

"Allay your concerns, my people, for I bequeath you not to an inept ruler. My successor is a man of eminence, well-known to you all. I present your new king, Finn Zaloz!" The announcement incited jubilant pandemonium, with cheers echoing through the capital.

Finn approached the platform, kneeling before his father. The coronation ensued, with the crown adorning Finn's head, and his father's paternal gesture encapsulated in a touch to the cheek. "Make me proud, my boy," Finn's father expressed, gazing upon the jubilant crowd.

"I pledge to exert every effort to safeguard you. After this conflict, Zebha shall flourish. However, our victory requires collective endeavor. I introduce to you, citizens of Zebha, the King's Blades... my Blades!" Five enigmatic figures, cloaked in secrecy, materialized before the crowd, instigating rapturous excitement.

"These are the newest Blades, sworn to protect and serve the throne," Finn proclaimed as the individual in the white cloak stepped forward, bowing to the newly crowned king.

"In a few moments, we convene; Komoni, alert the others," Finn murmured to the girl in the white cloak before she retreated, leaving him amidst the exuberant crowd.

"Disseminate this news throughout the kingdom—a new sovereign ascends the throne of Zebha!" Finn's father commanded the crowd as they withdrew into the palace.


In the throne room, five individuals knelt before the newly crowned king, Finn Zaloz.

"Rise and introduce yourselves to one another," Finn instructed. As they removed their hooded cloaks, the girl in white initiated the introductions.

"I am Komoni of House Rebi."


"Lus," the white-haired boy responded.



The other three eyed Timothy and Jake with a hint of wariness, perceiving an unusual ease in their demeanor in the king's presence.

"From this point forward, your predecessors and I shall impart various lessons. You will reside together to foster camaraderie. Allow me to lead you to your new abode."

Finn led the quintet from the castle to an ancient structure behind the palace—a castle untouched by footprints for centuries.

"Welcome to your new residence, where previous Blades have dwelled," Finn announced as the castle doors swung open, revealing five individuals led by a woman in the center.

"All of you are present? Excellent, let our instruction commence," the woman declared.