
Destiny Divine: The Divine Threads

Through the lenses of Konquerors, a place where hidden realities are twisting destinies, Timothy a 15 yr old and dreamy, discovers that what seems to be ordinary life is a fabric of lies. The filmy veil of his ordinary family-life is torn up at that point, and he finds himself in the brink of a world on the verge of war. Timothy's world is upturned with the unveiling of The Forsaken Son's Prophecy and he is forced to compensate for an existence totally different from the one he had ever known. In the subterfuge provided by the mysterious imprints of fate, he has to find support amidst fragile alliances and to undo age-old mysteries, which he must do with the demons of chaos always on his heels. Be a part of Timothy on a wayward path to find what he is looking for and the meaning of his life all the time filling him with impending fate with each step he takes.

SHADOW_IV · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Chapter 21: A world of Konquerors

In the early hours of the morning, Timothy stirred on the floor, awakening with a headshake and a self-deprecating remark.

"I really need to stop passing out on the floor," he mused, contemplating the repeated patterns of his sleeping habits.

A visit to the bathroom took an unexpected turn when a maid servant entered, placing clean clothes on his bed. The refreshing shower was accompanied by the contemplation of the neatly arranged attire, consisting of a linen shirt and long black pants. A note was placed on top of the attire.

'Change into those and wait for me.'

Timothy, intrigued and somewhat puzzled, complied with the directive, changing into the clothes he sat on his bed waiting. As he settled into the anticipation of what was to come, a knock echoed through the room. Finn, the mysterious manhe had met just days ago, stood at the door with a friendly gaze.

"MayI come in?" Finn inquired, his demeanor suggesting an air of friendship.

Timothy, poised to assert his right within this castle, refrained from the expected retort of "this is your home after all." Instead, he silently moved aside, welcoming Finn into the space.

"I'll be blunt with you, Timothy. You are not the first Mesa I've met, and surely you are not the last, but out of all your people I've ever come across, you are the only one that hasn't tried to kill me." Finn laughed at Timothy's confused gaze.

"I know you don't trust me. I don't expect you to, since we only met two days ago. But I only wish to extend an invitationof friendship, I know this may all seem weird now, but I feel like it was destiny that led to our paths crossing. I see something in you—something primordial, something ancient. But it seems to be slumbering, and I want to help you on your journey," Finn spoke, his words weighingin on Timothy like a hammer on a nail.

"You already have my respect, my Lord, so I can accept your offer of flriendship," Timothy spoke with a bow after a few minutes of arranging his scrambled thoughts.

"Great, and you can stop calling me my Lord. That's not how friends treat each other. The others are already waiting for us."

They both went to the garden and found Jake, Elaine, and Ver seated at a table filled with food. Jake and Ver's eyes lit up upon noticing Timothy approaching.

"You surely do love your sleep, huh, river pal?" Jake laughed.

"Spare me your nonsense today, shall you?" Timothy responded, with Ver only shaking her head at the two hopeless fools.

They all ate their breakfast peacefully. After eating, a maid servant came out and cleared the dishes off the table, leaving all of them to focus on Finn.

"Before I begin, if anyone of you feels like they don't want to be involved in all of this, you are free to leave," Finn spoke, hi, but fortunately, no one left.

"Very well then. Remember the story I told you on our way here from your home city?"

"Yes, the one about dragons and whatnot?" Jake asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, that one. It's all true. Everything I told you on that carriage was true," Finn spoke.

"So, you're saying the enlightened existed in history, and those creatures attacked human settlements periodically?" Jake widened his eyes and so did ver who also had her mouth agape in shock , but Timothy wasn't overly surprised.

"In reality, the enlightened still exist, but it's been a very long time since anyone has ever met or heard from any one of the two. Our world is governed by Konquerors—humans with supernatural abilities obtained by nourishing the soul with the breath of the universe, known as mana. Once your soul reaches a certain point, it births a soul seed, turning you into a soul seed Konqueror, unlocking an element you're most attuned to within your elemental soul. The mind soul takes time to nourish, but once it is, you'll enjoy its benefits. Both Elaine and I are Konquerors," Finn explained, releasing a bit of his aura, startling everyone.

"Wait, wait. You mentioned the soul, elemental soul, and mind soul. What do you mean? How many souls do we have?" Ver asked hurriedly.

"You're confusing the kids. Let me simplify it for you; Our body is the vessel that holds the soul. The soul is the link between our bodies and spirits, embodying characteristics of both. Our spirits are our true beings residing in a higher plane. By synchronizing all three and achieving the rumored TRINITY, we can ascend to Godhood and become our true selves," Elaine paused, looking at them before continuing.

"The soul, or precisely the body of souls, consists of 3 parts:

1st is the astral body or more precisely the wandering soul. This is the main soul, our consciousness. We use the wandering soul for astral traveling, or studying/practicing in our dreamscapes.

2nd is the mind soul. The mind soul focuses on our ability to think and see. A Konqueror's mind has to be vast and sharp, or else they would not be able to bear the effects of becoming a Konqueror. The mind soul also blesses us with the ability to perceive the supernatural. Everything that is happening around us that can't be perceived by the regular human eye can be seen by a Konqueror. This ability is called spirit vision and is accessible to every Konqueror. However, there are certain types of Konquerors who are blessed with supernatural visual prowess labeled runic eyes. These eyes all have different abilities and functions, but most people who have those types of eyes are diviners or oracles whose eyes can see into the future.

3rd is the elemental soul, which holds the element we are attuned with. But some people's souls can hold more than one element. There are also other rumored souls like the shadow soul, devil soul, and angel soul. The devil soul and angel soul are rumored to be the result of the first step in the path of the divine. Those who unlock a devil soul are the ones who would have fallen into the void during their ascension. But that is a story for another day," Elaine finished speaking, and she could see the curiosity of the teenagers reaching its peak.

Ver raised her hand and asked " What is a dreamscape?"

Elaine smiled at the girl before answering, " A dreamscape is a landscape all Konquerors can create with the strangeness or mystery characteristics of a dream , but it is not a dream.You can shape your dreamscape into anything you desire , the only limit in there is your imagination . But you can only create a dreamscape when you have nurtured your soul seed into a soul sappling. "

They all tried to digest what they had just heard, but it was hard, especially for Ver. Everything they had just revealed to them was just like the stuff of legend , but unlike legends these two could actually back up their claims.

"Beware of the void. It calls, and if you are weak, you will fall," Elaine spoke , he voice laced with traces of fear and sadness.

the breath is mana guys , but I'mma just call it breath , mana is way overused

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