
First Day Of Our Junior Year..

Today's is our frist day of our jonior year.. and I forgot to introduce myself I am Elena. seventeen years old..

I was looking in mirror wearing big hoodie with short jeans.. and open my hair yeahh well I like this type of wearing clothes.. I know I look still cute hippy and I like this look.. my body is average.. Mia always said that you look hot and perfect shape body don't know more blah blah.. I always Ignore her compliment. In whole think on my body part I only like my eyes . It's hazal. Like he used to call me.  Ughh not again. Never mind.. don't think about that.. and yes don't think about him too..

I did little make-up like applying eyeliner and eyeshadow to make my eyes more attractive which I like it.. also use lipgloss to  for end of perfection. And than I grab my backpack.. here it is..

First day of junior year . Hope it goes well.. but I also want to stop the time either way I have to complete highschool and get out from here.. which I know it's never going to happen.

I left my bedroom.. and I walk to the dinning table hmm it's smell good maybe Arianna cook somthing special today for us.. well she always give suprise to me.. nothing new..

" Good morning Ari.. what is special today.. smells really good.." i said to her..

She come to with two places. One for her and one for me.. and I look at its look yummy.. she also kiss my chicks. And I also do same to her and she wish me.. and we eat our food...

" We only have 20 minutes plus we have to frist go and collect our schedule so eat fast. " She said and than I nodded with my head.. she's always bossy around me which I don't mind . She always want to rule the world and I don't mind in that.. I like it when she fight for her own battle . Well she is my sis and I always do what she want if she don't like anything I do I stop doing that for her.. because I know she know well more than me and I trust her opinion more than me... I never want to make her sad.. she's only sibiling I have.. and I love her so damn much..

Our mom dad are always bussy in business trip and all that so they don't have more timefor us to seat and give us love but when they get any they always make it sure that give us love and show us that we both are important to them which I love it . They always fullfill our things. And I never had problems with that. I am always be there good girl.. and always understand them because I know they are doing this to us. so I never complete why they are far away.. because of them we are living this life.. don't we.. so why should have to angry on them. it's just all west of time.

" You done Ell we are going to be late." She said getting up to her seat and take her plate with her walk-in to the kitchen.. I also did same moaning last bite of food and follow her.. broking my all thought.

" I am done " i said to her and started washing my plate to make her little less work.  Already she make breakfast for both of us . Which I know I never do in billion..

New flash I don't know how to cook.. well I try once it's big disaster so after that I don't have entry for make food.  Sometimes I make coffee which is rare.

" I am waiting for you in car ." She said to me.. and i nodded with my head.  Grabbing my bagpack and I also getting out of to house and reach to the passenger seat and started to pull seat belt..

" Ready to start this ." She said to me looking at me little excited and i look at her and laugh at her and nodded with my head.

" Yeahh sure. " I said and than she started the engine also her jam session and we both started to sing a song to our lungs out.. it's refreshing.. and I love to do with her. That's what our sisters favourite things to do..

Pulling to parking lot . We both get out from The car. She hug me so I did hug her back..

" See you around my baby girl.." i hate it when she call it but also love it when she do that . It's show her loves to me . So I stop telling her that don't call me that..

" Sure big sis.." and like this how I make her mad. she look at me Rolle her eyes and like this we both part away.. I pull my hoodie cap all over my me and hide my face.. like I do always..

I like to do that.  Cover my face and walk like no one stair.. first its first day of highschool and people like to always stairing part which I don't like it.. so I always pull my hoodie to over me to hide with there stairs and walk to the management office to grab my schedule..

Grabbing all things i walk to my locker and started to open it.. and grab books and take out of my Frist class books. which first I have to attend and I needed.

" There she is like always hiding with crowd.." and i know who's voice that belongs to.. and I turn around see that already her reach me and hug me.. and I hug her back..

" Good morning to you to Mia.." i said to her and we both are giggle.. after that like this we all hug each other and wish each other good morning..

" Did you guys hear about new students.. I heard that they both are twins.. like you and Ari.." Mia said and i Rolle my eyes.. one more twins intersting. Me and Ari got always a special treatment because we both are twins plus our background..

" Well now I am happy that people less intersted in us I mean me and Ari " i said to her with bored tone.. well did I forget to tell you that Mia is gossip queen which also rare.. she know what's going on.. who's dating who.. and that's good or bad thing both sometimes we need to know what's going on in our highschool too its good thing sometimes it's bad to when people are to intersted in other life than ignoring there own..

" Well I am doubt it.. cozz they both are in Girl and Boy.. and the girl is so beautiful so that guy.. now we have to see that what they are in intersted and picking up.. popular or the bad boys side.. what you think.." Holly join us and said.. and I rolle my eyes..

" Whichever they pick that's not our business.." Nate said and I agree with him so do guy's.  

" Whatever.." Mia and Holly both said.. and I giggled it.. stupid girls..

" So what is your first i am have English.." Changing the subject I said to them.. but than I see no one have attention to me.. everyone have attention to opposite side of new student.. there is boy and girl both are standing and they are talking to Nick and there friend's..

I look at girl . She look beautiful like Mia said.. but I see she's not interested in them.. she looking everywhere but not them.. that's interesting.. maybe she is interested in us who know.. I don't mind in that get another one new friend.. or best friend.. ughh nevermind..

I look at boy.. he also look handsome no matter what he got and tatto in he's neck well that intersting.. and he look like bad boy no matter now I know why he pick Nick or not Noah.. i don't know how much long. I starring at him but he feel my grease before he know this.. I turn around to my locker and again open it and reread my schedule to divert my mind.. fuck that was closed.. I don't like people stair and what I did just now.. I pull hoodie more to cover my face.. and than make myself relax.. I never feel that hot.. damn it what's get me..

" I think that boy is looking at you or somthing.." Mia come to me and whispered.. why she is whispering now.. he's far away from us so we don't have to whisper right..

" That girl is coming over.. I think it's to easy to get a lead guy's wish me luck.." Noah said.. and we laugh at him the way he acting..

" Sure.. hope she give you hard time ." Derrick said to him.. and I know next thing smrik to him..

And the same time bell ring and we all hand our for our class.. my friends have all class with me expact this English which I have to attend alone.. and I don't mind in that..

I said quickly good bye to them and walk to my english.. and entering my class room I walk to random seat and make myself relaxx.. u look at for everyone they all are in with me my last year.. there is nothing new.. so yeah I can do this.. I check my phone and waiting for the teacher come and than this subject is over and than I can join guys.. that's the last thing I want to do desperately..

And than suddenly door is open and Nick and he's friends come and seat.. we both look at each other and than look away.. damn it why he have to English with me.. I hope I will survive this . And than I see that new girl come and setting my right side and one of the guy seat beside in my left side..  okay cool... Relax.. I try to not to be hyper for this.. it's okky.. just take breat.. not to worry about it.. it's not big deal. I try to clam myself..

I never get nervous but they make me.. I never in this situation in My past life.. but I also know that I will take is smoothly.. it's not big thing.. right I guess..

" Hyy I am Nessa and you.." she said to me.. and i look at her.. she look beautiful and her smile is breathtaking no matter what.. I also give her smile and than I know she waiting for my reply before I do she spoke again..

" You are Arianna.. we meet just corridor right.. but how come fast you change.." she said to me looking at me confused.. and I giggled.. damn her..

" Well hello Nessa I am Elena and Ariana is my twin which you meet her in coridor.." I said to her.. and than she still give me confused look.. and than she look me close me.. which make me want to laugh but I control it.. this happen always whenever someone come to our house or we ever to go to beach or picnic spot..

" Ohh... Oohhkky.. you look more beautiful than her and I like you eyes.. that's attractive I guess it's look hazal.." she said and i laugh.. and same time blush too.. hazal...

" Thanks for compliment but you look More beautiful than me. And please don't tell me front of Ari who knows she don't like this compliment" I joke her and she Rolle her eyes. And laugh . ignoring her compliment.

" By the way I  like your smile and hair they are beautiful.." I said and we both giggled..

" I think we are going to best friend in future.." she siad and we both laugh.. maybe..

" I guess so.." I said to her.. and than someone beside me who's seating he is clear he's thought and interrupt up us..

" Ohh and by the way that was my twine brother Noel.. " she said to me.. and than I remember my earlier encounter..

" Okey.. where you guys from.." i said and not to look at him and give hime chance to look at me. And like this teacher come and she started her lecture and than I started to write note..

I know that Noel guy continue are struggling to see me .. I didn't give him any chance for that.. guess he have to more struggle to see me . and I am enjoying this thing..

I never get interste ever in any guy but I don't know I want to this time to try it .. but than I again I know about my future.. that make me sad.. I have to let him go.. it's best for me.. damn it..