
Destiny's Alter

Sam, a 29-year-old cashier, lived a life plagued by profound sadness and regret. However, if bestowed with a second opportunity, would he be capable of attaining what he ardently desired, or would he succumb to becoming a malevolent force, further amplifying his disillusionment?.

B8te · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Time To Go

Ron trudged on, his mind numb and his body aching. His legs throbbed from overexertion as he collapsed onto the ground. Through fading vision, he glimpsed a figure approaching before succumbing to darkness.

Gasping for breath, Ron emerged from his slumber, finding himself in Gazelle's Mansion. To his side stood Elizabeth, her smile greeting him.

"Good morning, Ron," she said warmly.

Attempting to rise, Ron was met with a wave of pain coursing through his body. Elizabeth supported him, urging caution.

"Take it easy. You've been asleep for four days," she explained.

Confusion clouded Ron's face as he inquired, "How did I end up here?"

"Sir Edward brought you, battered and covered in blood and mud. You looked like a corspe when you came here," she replied.

As Ron stepped outside, Gazelle, Olivia, and Bob stood before him, their concerned faces welcoming his return. Bob rushed forward, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Man, I missed you, man," he sobbed as he hugged Ron. "But why does it feel like you grew a bit taller than me?".

"Hahah, I guess it's puberty," Ron said with a smile.

Gazing at Gazelle, Ron questioned, "Anyway, how did Edward find me?"

"I sent him to search for you, fearing something had gone wrong. And it seems like it did," Gazelle answered firmly.

With her little fingers, Olivia reached out and grasped Ron's hand. "Are you okay?" she asked with genuine concern.

"I'm fine, except for the pain," Ron responded, managing a smile.


The rest of the day slipped away, and Gazelle felt a strong urge to share something with Ron and Bob, so she called them to her library.

"It's time for you to join the academy," Gazelle announced as she handed them a file.

"Your names will be changed, and from now on, you'll be considered part of the Luminar family."

Curiosity sparked, Ron and Bob eagerly opened the file, revealing a certificate of adoption. "So, she's our mom now?" Bob whispered.

Turning to Gazelle, Ron asked, "When do we leave for the academy?"

"In a few days," Gazelle replied with authority. "Edward will accompany you until you arrive. And remember, never disclose your past as slaves," she warned sternly.

"Yes, ma'am," they replied in unison.

With Bob excused from the room, Gazelle sought a private conversation with Ron. "Do you know why I'm sending both of you to the academy?" she inquired.

"To find the next piece of the rune and protect Olivia?" Ron answered.

Gazelle nodded, acknowledging his understanding. "There's something more significant that I'm sure you're aware of," she said, her expression expectant.

Ron hesitated for a moment before responding, "He's been found, hasn't he?"

"Yes, the blessed child has been found. His name is Adam," Gazelle confirmed. "He is the chosen successor to Ethan, the previous hero, after a hiatus of 200 years. Interestingly, he is of the same age as you and will be joining the academy soon."

Gazelle lowered her voice and added, "However, this information is known only to the higher members of the Axis Church."

(The Axis Church is the institution that worships the goddess, and its members possess the ability to wield light magic, serving as adjudicators against the dark army.)

"In addition to your duties, I want both of you to closely observe Adam and gather information within the academy. This will enable me to plan our next moves in collaboration with The Black Hand," Gazelle revealed.

Ron's curiosity heightened as he asked, "What is the next move?"

"You will know when the time it right" Gazelle replied cryptically.


The following morning, Ron and Bob found themselves in the spatial Region in hidden Room.

"OK, my friend, why did you wake me up at such an early hour?" Ron inquired, raising an eyebrow as he glanced skeptically at Bob, who was poised to strike.

Bob, now a self-proclaimed magical prodigy (at least in his mind), couldn't help but sport a mischievous grin. "Gotta catch you off guard, my man!" he exclaimed, dramatically raising his hand to initiate his attack.

Bob pointed his hands towards Ron as he conquered water in 4 spheres and shot them towards Ron at high speed.

"That's pretty good magic" said Ron as he moved to the side, easily avoiding it.

He didn't wanna hurt Bob, because if Ron goes on offense Bob will be dead.

Determined to push the boundaries of his magical prowess, Bob focused his energy on a new creation. With a flourish, he conjured a whip forged from a fusion of swirling wind magic and scorching flames. The whip crackled and writhed with raw power, filling the room with a palpable intensity.

"Behold!" Bob exclaimed, his voice filled with exuberance. "Witness the culmination of my latest creation."

The whip crackled and writhed, emanating an intense heat that permeated the surrounding air. Bob, with a fluid motion, swung the blazing whip towards Ron, aiming to astound him with its fiery brilliance.

"Wow, now that's really cool" said Ron as he caught, he whips with his hand which was covered in wind magic, as his magic was powerful that the spell broke down.

Bob collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, his magical energy depleted by the intense display.

"Well, I guess that's the limit of his contract power," thought Ron.

Disappointment etched across his face as he muttered, "I suppose that's the limit of a second-class mage."

"C'mon man, You will get stronger, just believe in yourself " said Ron as he patted Bob.

Just as the tension eased, Bob's gaze fell upon the glimmering necklace on Ron's neck. Curiosity tinged with concern washed over Ron's face as he questioned, "What's the story behind that necklace, Bob? I've never seen you wear that before."

"It's umm…Nothing" said Ron as his face turned dark,

"I can't believe I am forgetting about it" thought Ron.