
Destined to be Together: Meeting my Lover from a Past Life Again

Julie has accomplished everything in life she wanted. She lives her dream of living abroad and traveling all around the world and she prides herself for being strong and independent. The only thing that was missing in her life was a man. But she was never really interested in anyone and she already thought that she would end up being single forever. Then she met Gianni. From the moment she looked into his eyes she felt a strong pull towards him that she couldn’t explain. Soon it is revealed that she knows Gianni from a past life and that their love story ended tragically. The novel goes into detail about Julie’s past life story in the 19th century and how it is connected to her current life which also has its struggles. Julie has to deal with jealous exes and false friends to finally be with the man that her soul desires. Excerpt His lips moved skillfully against hers. It was like he knew exactly what she wanted. Julie never experienced a kiss like this. She didn’t know kissing could be that good. She felt a whirlwind of emotions as she could feel his immense love for her through the kiss he provided and a lone tear started to slip down her left cheek. Why was she crying now? Julie wasn’t sure. Was it because she was never kissed like this before? Or was it her yearning to be loved? No, it was so much more than this. Kissing him was like she finally found a piece of her soul that she didn’t know was missing and only now she became aware of the emptiness she carried in her heart.

White_Pearl24 · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs

Preparing for the Date

After Julie finished giving the two private English lessons that she had on her schedule today, she rushed home as fast as she could.

She took a quick shower and applied carefully some light make-up. She was contemplating on what to wear for the date. She wanted to look good but not overdressed.

'Why am I stressing about this so much? I don't even know this guy,' she thought shaking her head. But she had to admit that the last time she was this excited about a date was years ago or maybe even never.

She used to go on dates in the past. Mostly with people she met online. Some of the guys were promising but ended up not being what she expected. After the second date at best, she knew it wouldn't work and told that to those guys honestly.

She always felt super uncomfortable rejecting those men. That is one of the reasons why she doesn't like to go on dates anymore.

Julie knows that she has too high expectations but what can she do about it. She is a hopeless romantic. As a child she was always wondering what being in love would feel like and she was convinced that it must be the most fantastic feeling in the world.

She didn't want to commit to anyone until she experiences exactly this fantastic feeling she was imagining in her childlike mind.

Maybe what she was expecting doesn't exist? But on the other hand, what were her options? Forcing herself to fall in love with someone?

Julie preferred being single until she meets someone who makes her feel like she would want to be forever with this person. Someone who makes her happy and she always wants to stay close to.

Could Gianni be the one who shows her what love is? Julie felt silly thinking about it. She just met him. But he has for sure an effect on her she couldn't deny and she needed to explore this.

Julie made up her mind about her outfit and she decided to wear a mint-green and white summer dress with a floral pattern in combination with white sandals that have short heels. When she was dressed, she gave a final touch to her hair. She pinned some strands behind her head but let the shorter ones frame her face. Lastly, she added a golden necklace as jewelry.

Julie looked herself in the mirror. 'That outfit will do,' she thought unsure of her choice. She took a deep breath, took her bag and left her apartment.

"I didn't know you had plans for today?" A male voice called after Julie. She was startled for a moment but than she noticed that it was just her neighbor Pierre who came home.

"Oh yes, something came up spontaneously," she answered.

Pierre approached her. "I was hoping we could do something together like test out a nice restaurant or we could order food and watch TV shows. But if you already have plans, I will have to ask someone else," he said slightly disappointed.

"I'm sorry. We can do this another time. I promise," Julie said.

"OK, I will remind you of that." Pierre looked at Julie curiously. He thought that she looked different today. Normally she has a more casual style but today she looks very elegant. She reminded him of a fairy in that dress. He has only seen her dress up for parties so far and she would definitely not wear heels for a normal hang-out with friends. "You look beautiful by the way. Are you meeting with someone I know?"

"Thank you and no, you don't know him," Julie said slightly flustered.

"Oh. It is a man. You have a date? No wonder you are dressed so different today" Pierre said effusively.

"What is that not good. Should I wear something else." Julie looked down at her outfit insecure if she should have chosen something else. Maybe it is too elegant or maybe not enough. She wasn't sure. It has been a while since she dated.

"No, you look perfect. He will be over the moon when he sees you." Pierre encouraged her patting her head but knowing exactly that Julie doesn't like that because it makes her feel like a child. Before she could react, Pierre retracted his hand and left "Have fun on your date. See you." He winked at her and went into his apartment on the other side of hers.

Julie smiled shaking her head. 'This guy has always fun teasing me.' she thought.

But she couldn't be mad at him. Pierre has been a good friend ever since she lives in Paris. She met him on the first day she moved into the new apartment and since then they often hang out together. They spent movie nights in his or her apartment and he showed her the best spots in the city and introduced her to his friends. Julie is very thankful that she met him.

She never adapted so fast to a new city. Usually, it would take her weeks to feel comfortable after moving somewhere new. But thanks to Pierre she felt welcome from the beginning. She is lucky to have him as her friend.

Julie looked at her phone. It was almost 4. She had to hurry.


Gianni needed to catch up on some sleep but he was too excited to meet Julie again. He managed to sleep for 4 hours until he had to wake up to get ready for his date.

He took a shower, shaved, styled his hair and applied aftershave.

He didn't pack many clothes. So, he just wore the best outfit he brought. It was a black and green shirt and short jeans in combination with black sneakers.

"How do I look?" He asked Matteo who was still laying in bed.

Matteo raised his head from his pillow. By now the hangover from last nights drinking hit him hard and he was in a bad mood. "Good," he answered shortly.

Gianni was glad that he didn't drink that much. A hangover was the last thing he needed now. "Seems like you can't handle a whole night of drinking anymore. You are getting old," Gianni said provocatively.

"Shut up! I'm still young and in my twenties," Matteo grumbled. His headache was killing him.

'This guy is never going to grow up,' Gianni thought. Matteo has been the same since they met in high school and he is refusing to behave like an adult. They both become 30 this year. "Yes, but not for long. Your body can't keep up with your escapades anymore," Gianni argued.

"How about you just leave me alone. Don't you need to meet the girl from this morning."

"Yes, I'm going to meet her now. Wish me luck."

"I'm sure you don't need it," he called after him as he left the hotel room. 'Stupid Gianni' Matteo thought when the door closed. 'I'm not getting old. I'm still going to party like this in ten years,' he pouted inwardly as his head fell back into his pillow.

Gianni went to the subway. I took him five station to get back to the café where he met Julie this morning. The closer he got the more nervous he became.

When he arrived, he saw Julie standing at the side of the street waiting for him and she took his breath away. Her dress exposed her slender legs. Her long her blew in the wind. She looked absolutely stunning.

Gianni could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he approached her. When their eyes met the world seemed to stand still and for a moment only the two of them mattered.

Julie was flabbergasted by the man in front of her.

He smiled at her brightly while shyly running his hand through his hair and greeting her with a nervous "hello". Julie could have melted right on the spot seeing him giving her that cute smile which made his eyes sparkle.

She had to take his appearance in for a moment. He even looked better than this morning and when he raised his hand to his hair, she could see what an impressive biceps he has. He is muscular but still has a lean body. Exactly her type.

She noticed that they're both wearing green colors and thought how that makes them looked like a couple who agreed on matching outfits.

"Hi" Julie greeted him back. "Should we go?"

Gianni nodded. They walked side by side to the museum. They could go by foot because it wasn't far away from were Julie lives.

It was a little awkward at the beginning but then Gianni started to talk about his favorite artists and what he wanted to see at the museum. It lightened up the mood and they started to feel comfortable with each other.

Julie was happy that Gianni did most of the talking because she was so nervous that her brain was completely blank and she doesn't know a lot about art anyway.

Gianni has always been good at talking and telling stories and he used his talent to cover up his nerves. He was happy to see Julie listen interested to what he says and his heart made a loop whenever he made a joke and she smiled.

He had a feeling that this date is gonna be great.