
Destination: Xendra

[On Hiatus] They say lots of people die every minute across the world...well what happens when over 30+ people die across the world, all at the exact same second? ~~~~~~~~~ A bunch of people are picked up or rather, extracted from their daily lives and thrown into random locations in this new world, where the theme is... SURVIVAL...no surprise there. The only thing they don't know is why? Why were they picked? What is their purpose? Is this simply a new life? Or is this freaking hell a punishment?! Unknown to them, there is no major plot to their storyline, the only purpose they serve is entertainment to the unknown entity which picked them, totally at random, and threw them into the new world. Will they break free of their fate? Or will they die in agony? Just a side note, everyone in this world has a system. The only difference is that the group from earth have a slightly more unique system Follow them on their survival journey as they explore their different races, roles, abilities and... basically their lives in general.

Dark_Triad · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Demon Lord?!, Lion Spring City


[Racial Memories Retrieved]

[Updating Status Menu]


[Update Complete!]

[Please check your new status menu]

The blinding ray of light made me squint my eyes as I opened them. I finally managed to retrieve my memories and my new name.

My new status menu looked like this;

[Status Menu:]

[Name: Conall] [Age: 3+ years]

[Race: Spectre] [Level: 0]

[Title: The Unloved]

[Profession: N/A]

[HP: 250/250] [MP: 500/500]

[EXP: 0/10]

[Stats: ]

[STR: 07] [AGI: 14] [STA: 25] [VIT: 20]

[WIL: 18] [WIS: 07] [INT: 50]. [CHM: 01]

[Attributes: Psionic]

[Skills: ]

[Racial Skills] [Generated Skills]

[Equipment: N/A]

[Newbie Survival Gift Package 1]

The first thing that caught my attention was my age.

Three years?! What the fuck is that about?!

[System wishes to inform host that you have been out for three years. Absorbing strong bloodline memories consumes a lot of time. Host's bloodline memories took 3 years to consume]

So the longer the time, the stronger the bloodline?!

[Yes...as already stated!]

You're indirectly calling me stupid?!

[Host falls on the rather short side of intelligence]

But my stats seem to say otherwise!

I gloated over the fact that my intelligence was a 50, in contrast to the system's judgement.

[Host's intelligence is on the short side. The average intelligence of other transmigrators after three years has surpassed that]

So you can tell me the progress of others?!


Ah forget it!

[Also, system regrets to inform host that the intelligence stat refers to your mana capacity, while your willpower stat refers to your control]

So which one refers to my smarts, as in my actual intelligence and not mana related??

[Your wisdom stat, which is below average for even a human]

Who came up with this stat analysis??!


Of course!!! What's the difference between the stamina and vitality stat?

[Stamina is the host's health and ability to withstand damage and your endurance. Vitality, is the host's recovery and regeneration ability]

After a comprehensive explanation from the system, my stats seemed to be more average than they did before.

And what's with my charm stat?!

[Host's race is very unappealing to members of the same or other races.]

Damn it!!! So what are the odds of two spectres falling in love and making a child?!

[Spectres mate out of unfavorable conditions, such as impending death, not love. Normally, they would never get together. ]

Meaning I was literally born cause they thought they were going to die?! Damn!!

I glanced over my menu again before my eyes fell on my new title.

What the fuck?! The Unloved?!

I checked the effects of the title;

[The Unloved 1]

<<Reduces Charm by 10%>>

Isn't this a title that reduces my presence?! That's fucking OP!

When I looked back at my charm stat, all my happiness melted away in an instant.

How would that work?! My stat is already at 1

[Charm stat shall be reduced by 10%]

I know that already! What kind of effect would that be?!

[Host cannot be seen with normal sight]

I grumbled before heading over to a stream to check my appearance.

What the?! Why can't I see myself?!


Oh shit! That's right! My new title

I face smacked myself, figuratively, as I had no hands, before floating endlessly down the river.


I got to create some new spells along the way, which I tested on some small animals.

System, aren't there like spell books to learn spells or something?

[Host must know that all spells currently known were created by past mages, thus it is quite impractical to say that there should be books to enable one create spells]

[All known and recorded spells are created, although spell books exist, no being can learn spells from them. They only provide guidance in creating a spell. ]

So no, huh?


I already created a few inferior-level spells;

[Hypnotize: Allows for control of opponent.]

[Duration: Less than a second]

[Cooldown: 10 seconds]

[Fear: stuns the opponent.]

[Duration: Less than a second]

[Cooldown: 5 seconds]

[Soul Thorn: creates a small thorn that inflicts pain on opponent's soul.]

[Duration: 1second]

Cooldown: 1 minute]

I had already killed a few frogs and leveled up to level 2. I came across a destroyed part of the forest. The tree branches were all broken and every tree was charred black. Further up, was a huge clearing with a pit so deep it looked like an asteroid had hit.

I tried to get close to the edge, but an instinctive warning exploded from my chest and I had the urge to bow down. I hadn't even made it to the pit yet, but I could barely remain above the ground. I couldn't move a single step.

System! What is this?!

[Host's bloodline reacts to the presence nearby. It is an instinctual reaction, usually when the demon lord is nearby. It can also be a sensor that reacts to crisis or danger.]

Demon Lord?! Damn!! I forgot these types of stories had that. But what's he doing all the way out here?! And why would I be so unlucky as to run into him now?! Maybe I'll be lucky and he would let me go. Oh fuck! I really don't want to die.

[System has deemed the aura to be too weak]

What does that mean?!

[Host should not be afraid. The demon lord should be in its egg and should not yet have been born. It must be in the process of absorbing its bloodline memories and released its aura instinctively.]

Fuck!! You're telling me that this is just the aura of an egg?! This fucking pressure that makes it feel like a scythe is pressed to my neck and I'm about to be crushed flat by a truck at the same time??!


I slowly crawled away from the pit and the pressure disappeared.

Do you think I could raise the demon lord?

[If host wants to be crushed to death by the pressure of the demon lord, host can try his luck. System has judged that the pressure at this area is less than a millionth of the pressure at the center where the egg is.]

Shit! Forget it. It's not like someone else can grab it. I'll just let him be and stay far away from him in future.

[Host must be reminded this pressure is almost negligible to humans, as they lack enough sensory perceptivity to react to this pressure. Only a full-grown demon lord can emit pressure that humans can be affected by.]

Then it's their business if they mess with the demon lord. Let's get out of here.



Open Status

[Name: Stephan Silurian] [Age: 3+ years]

[Race: Beastman (Wolf)] [Level: 4]

[Title: Protector of Hope (+2 others)]

[Profession: N/A]

[HP: 400/400] [MP: 250/250]

[EXP: 77/200]


[STR: 25] [AGI: 34] [STA: 40] [VIT: 22]

[WIL: 17] [WIS: 23] [INT: 25] [CHM: 17]

[Attributes: Wind]


[Racial Skills] [Generated Skills]

[Equipment: FlameHeart Set Item (Sword+Armor+Helmet+Boots)]

I gave a melancholic sigh as I reread the title and its effects;

[Protector of Hope]

<<Gives 15% boost in stats when protecting the beastmen>>

<<Gives +7 stat increase when in Spring Lion city>>

I was born into a Duke's family. From a very early age, beastmen are all sent to hunt. The beastmen kept telling me stories about how my dad killed a lot of beasts on his first hunt, and I was pressured into topping that score, which I did.

Since then, I've been told that I would do a way better job than my father and have been nurtured a lot. I'm talking armor, magic lessons, whatever. That's the reason I'm already at level 4.

I wouldn't say that I hate the pressure, but I like being depended on. I want to make every step I take count for beastmen.

Although the flameheart set sounded cool, it was only a child-sized armor, but its effects were pretty strong;

<<When 2 sets equipped, +2 increase in strength and agility>>

<<When 3 sets equipped, +3 increase in strength and agility, 15% chance to activate perk "Luminous Flame", giving 5% increase in strength, 3% increase in agility and 2% damage increase>>

<<When all sets equipped, +5 increase in all stats, 30% chance to activate perk "Luminous Flame" with 10% increase in strength, 5% increase in agility and damage>>

For a regular man, these effects were useless, but for a 3 year old beastman, they were godly. The effects were enough to raise me all the way to level 8 at the very least, and level 10 with a lot of grinding.

Spring Lion City was the name of our town. It was mostly filed with beastmen, but occasionally, there were human merchants, dwarf merchants, elven diplomats and other races.

I was taking a lot of diplomatic classes and could already speak two languages. I mean, I'm still learning two languages but I can read Elven books.

Although I'm already stressed with all the work, I know it would be worth it in the end, so I can't help but keep striving to help beastmen survive. My goal is to unite all the oppressed beastmen in other empires and claim our rights to live in peace with other races instead of being sold into slavery...