
Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart.

******************** “Imagine the thrill of finally achieving your heart's deepest desire, only to discover the unpredictable consequences that follows it.” This is the question that drives Jonas, a renowned researcher and archaeologist, to embark on a dangerous journey into a formidable forest, called, “The Ramazon.” He seeks the fabled Crystal rumored to grant wishes and hold ancient secrets. Initially, his son; jerry was skeptical of such fantastical tales, but as they uncover evidence of the crystal's existence, Jerry joins the quest. Jerry alongside with his friends, embark on an adventure reminiscent of cinematic blockbusters. However, their excitement turns to dread when they realize their information concerning the myth was wrong, and they where not the only ones searching for the same crystal. The pressing question now is: does the mythology surrounding this mystical crystal hold truth? If so, what will happen when they face the consequences of their actions, armed with incorrect information? Join Jerry and his team on a heart-pounding adventure into a world of magic and mystery, as they search for the elusive Crystal called “The Crystal of Cold Heart.”

Williams_ · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


As the oak trees on the road side flashed through his eyes and the little sign posts made remarks of closer proximity to home, Jerry felt his heart beat a little faster as the reality of finally arriving at his long anticipated destination, swirled around his mind.

The chartered taxi had begun to drive slower as it sought a place to park. It was as if the pace of the car was announcing to Jerry–'Your Home'.

He rolled his eyes out to the left window; the familiar sight of the front gate sent a rush of memories flooding back. He couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the days spent running through the fields and exploring the nearby woods with his father.

His dad had sent a letter earlier to him, the letter had been cryptic, mentioning something important that his father needed to discuss with him.

Dad hardly ever reaches out so when the letter came, Jerry found himself on the next flight home.

Now seated in this taxi, he wondered what was the reason for the letter, his thoughts completely immersed in this that he didn't notice the driver halt until he honked his horn.

Jerry hopped out of the vehicle. He brought out his wallet from his side pocket, dipped his hand into it and counted some money ready to pay for his fare.

As he handed the money to the driver, he couldn't resist making a light compliment to brighten the mood; his mood actually.

"You know," he said with a warm grin."I've always admired this profession. Plying the road day and night, I don't know about others but I have nothing but respect for you, Sir."

The driver chuckled, as he appreciated Jerry's comment before bidding him farewell.

Jerry turned towards the passage leading into the house. He took a deep breath, stilling himself for what lay ahead. He curled up a smile.

No matter what the issue maybe, a frown was not a good way to meet the man that had not cast eyes on him since he left for college.

Amidst that thought, someone appeared from Inside the house. Jerry's eyes widened with delight as he spotted his dad standing by the doorway.

His dad dark hair slicked back neatly, he looked like he was still in his early 30's. His eyes, clear and focused, reflecting his years of dedication, probably on his research work.

That should probably be his hobby or even more, since he was so obsessed with it. But at least, it was the only thing about his work Jerry liked, for now. Although, apart from getting himself involved. He dislike it.

His father's face lit up with a beaming smile, and he spread his arms wide open, ready for a long-awaited embrace.

Jerry's heart swelled with warmth as he hurried towards his father, feeling a rush of love and familiarity wash over him immediately he slipped into his father embrace.

In that moment, all worries and uncertainties melted away, replaced by the comfort of being back in his old man arms.

The peace eroding them both even as they did disengaged for the hug and made slow steps into the house. A conversation lit up between them.

"You look so skinny, don't tell me school is that bad." Jerry's dad touched his son's thin arms, a playful twinkle in his eyes as he sized the boy's muscles to show what he meant.

Jerry let out an exaggerated sigh, his shoulders rising and slumping like he had been through the worst.

"Oh, Dad don't even get me started. I've been neck-deep in those hardware computer things, trying to wrap my head around all those circuits and codes, then there is the assignments, Man. It's been one hell of a year. Lately, I haven't had time to place my head anywhere and…"

he wanted to continue whining but he remembered something funny and switched to talking about that instead.

"There is this kid that won't leave me alone…" He chuckled as he played his experience in his mind before he then continued.

"His name is Jared, he won't let me breath. After I solved this equation that no one could, he is being everywhere. I know am super smart and all…"

Jerry's dad smiled at his son's smug statement.

"But I need my space you know, and he doesn't know when to stop. One time I was like 'Dude, do some of them yourself for a change' but he is deaf too. I have. "Jerry continued to complain about the boy.

But he stopped when he felt a hand tap his shoulder. He turned to see his dad wearing a reassuring smile.

"Calm down young man. Anyways, you are home now, the pressure isn't here, you can cool down and look back at those computer hardware stuff you were talking of.

"You got a knack for this, it will sink in, you will see and as for the kid; He just really likes you and your capability. He needs to know his boundaries though but other than that, he is pretty cool."

Jerry smiled, dad was right, was there ever a time he wasn't.

His father was chuckling now, Jerry couldn't help but to join the cheer, the two men forgetting briefly that they were still standing at the door way.

The humor died out after a while and then they began to enter the villa.

That space of time it took them to get to the sitting room reminded Jerry that he was still curious about why his dad requested that he come back from school so urgently.

Their little chatter continued but Jerry's wonder had gotten the best of him. Dad was not talking about the reason for the letter. Actually he wanted his dad to be the one to start but his impatience got the best of him.

"Hey, Dad," he said after being lip sealed for a while, "I saw the letter you sent. You mentioned something important you wanted to discuss. What's that?"