
Destination unknown; finding the crystal of cold heart.

******************** “Imagine the thrill of finally achieving your heart's deepest desire, only to discover the unpredictable consequences that follows it.” This is the question that drives Jonas, a renowned researcher and archaeologist, to embark on a dangerous journey into a formidable forest, called, “The Ramazon.” He seeks the fabled Crystal rumored to grant wishes and hold ancient secrets. Initially, his son; jerry was skeptical of such fantastical tales, but as they uncover evidence of the crystal's existence, Jerry joins the quest. Jerry alongside with his friends, embark on an adventure reminiscent of cinematic blockbusters. However, their excitement turns to dread when they realize their information concerning the myth was wrong, and they where not the only ones searching for the same crystal. The pressing question now is: does the mythology surrounding this mystical crystal hold truth? If so, what will happen when they face the consequences of their actions, armed with incorrect information? Join Jerry and his team on a heart-pounding adventure into a world of magic and mystery, as they search for the elusive Crystal called “The Crystal of Cold Heart.”

Williams_ · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

I have found the route.

Jerry's mind was racing as he listened to the tales his father told.

"I want to show you something," his father said, his voice filled with thrill as he reached for a large map that was laid out on the table, he was finally showing proves or something more convincing.

"This is a map of the world, although, it has significant errors that my parents never noticed."

He pointed to the top of the map, where the northern regions were depicted as much smaller than they should be.

"Alright, take a look at this place, the northern latitudes are much larger than shown here, and here also, the landscape is more complicated unlike the one on the map which the former age researchers and my ancestors thought to be true. Like here, there are more hills and valleys and here is like a maze, you enter and you won't be able to find your way…"

Before he could complete his statement, he was interrupted by Jerry's heavy pretentious exhale.

"Yeah…yeah …. 'you'd be going back and forth in the same place', I know these shit dad." Jerry paraphrased him.

He actually didn't give a dime on all the explanations, what he wants to see was probably a picture of the crystal or something more realistic concerning their ideal topic..

"They were already thought in school no need to explain all those geography..., you know what, just…just skip that part, Okay?" Jerry tried not to be too harsh especially after seeing how hard the old man was trying to convince him.

"Yeah, sure" Jonas, said, as he scrapped it off not looking upset at all. His fingers rolled around the globe in the desk.

Jonas pointed to the equator, tracing his tips along the line. He continued, his passion for the subject was evident in his every word.

"Not only are the lands not accurately depicted, but the distances between the continents are off as well. The true distances are much greater than shown here. These errors are due to a lack of understanding of the Earth's form and intricate."

His father pulled out another sheet of paper, this one with a more accurate depiction of the Earth's continents.

"Alright, this map is much closer to the truth," he said. "It was created using a more advanced understanding of the Earth's geography.

"Look, my research had led me to believe that there are vast areas of unexplored territory on our planet concerning this region over here," his father explained as he pointed at a particular place in the map.

"These regions have yet to be fully explored by modern science, and who knows, they may hold secrets that we have yet to uncover. For example, I have reason to believe due to my research concerning the crystal thing, that there may be undiscovered civilizations in the ramazon forest, hidden from view by the dense vegetation."

His son's eyes grew even wider, his mind racing with possibilities, as his father just made mentioned of one of the most largest forest on earth–The Ramazon forest– implying that there could be hidden civilization.

It seemed unreal but if there really be an undiscovered civilizations in the Ramazon forest, what could that mean?

Does that mean, that they're actually people out there that aren't aware of the new age technology? or will it anyway, probably explore humans civilization?

'Or just imagine we are going to be the first people to discover it!

It seemed impossible; like really impossible, yet dad tone made it seem as if, it was a very real possiblity.'

Jerry was awoken from his thoughts, as his dad brought out another theory to prove his point..

"The most compelling evidence for the existence of the crystal comes from an ancient text, dating back to the 16th century," his father explained.

"This text, known as the Mapa Azul, or Blue Map, describes a crystal with immense power, capable of granting knowledge or wishes. Some scholars believe that this crystal may be located somewhere in the ramazon rainforest, protected by the dense vegetation and hidden from view."

Fact was, Jerry was not the type to consider anything that was not backed with evidence but he was also not the type to miss out an on adventure; not plus when there where traceable evidence that their expenditure was real.

As he heard his father display his evidence; they were not too solid enough to him though, which was of course expected of him, at least, the little his dad had provided was able to build a trusted conviction on him.

And also, it was something and he was beginning to feel the excitement too.

'What if this crystal that dad is talking about actually exist? What could it mean for the world?' he pounder as he gaze at the map, that his father was explaining.

"You see, the original Mapa Azul was based on an even older map, the Carta Marina," his father said.

"The Carta Marina was drawn by a cartographer named Olaus Magnus, who made a number of mistakes when he created it. These mistakes were then repeated in the Mapa Azul, leading subsequent researchers to search for the crystal in the wrong places."

His son, hanging on his father's every word and surprisingly eager to hear more, subconsciously asked. "So the crystal may not be where the Mapa Azul indicated, right?"

"You're absolutely right," his father exclaimed. "The Mapa Azul was indicating that the crystal was located on an island in the Caribbean, but this was due to a misreading of the Carta Marina. In reality, the crystal was located in the Ramazon rainforest, along a completely different route. The mistake was made because the Carta Marina incorrectly depicted the equator."

His son's eyes widened, the pieces of the puzzle clicking into place was just getting amazing.

"So the crystal had never been found because everyone had been searching for it in the wrong place?" he asked, his mind racing.

"Precisely," his father said, a smile of satisfaction on his face, as he had finally got him to understand the whole puzzle.

"But I believe I've decoded the clues and figured out where the crystal is truly located. The Mapa Azul contains a series of ciphers and symbols that, when interpreted correctly, point to a specific location in the Ramazon rainforest. This location may seem a little out of place but its where the treasure is, am certain it's there."