
Destination of Love

This is the story of 21-year-old Inaya Waqar who belongs to a middle-class family. Fair complexion, black long hair, hazel Green eyes, and natural pink lips. She was undoubtedly very beautiful. What made her even more beautiful was her innocence and modesty. She was a dept at attracting anyone easily. 28-year-old Irtiza Meer Alam is aggressive, arrogant, and has the finest personality. Fair complexion, dark black eyes, was 6 feet tall height, and had black hair which he kept on the one side of the forehead. The seriousness of his face made him more attractive. She is water. He is Fire. She is his Sunshine. He's hers, old man. What will happen when someone doesn't listen to anyone? Seeing a little innocent girl, his stone heart soften.

Silent_Echoes4 · สมัยใหม่
1 Chs

Chapter 1: First Meeting

On a hot afternoon in July, she was standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus. Looking at the watch on her hand, she was saying salutations to the bus driver in her heart.  One, it was already so hot and the bus from above was also late.

After waiting for half an hour more, she had enough. She decided to walk.

After a while, "Inaya Waqar" regretted her own decision. Her legs began to hurt.

Her eyes rested on a restaurant on the left. She felt hungry and his stomach also supported it.

Inaya started going inside the restaurant when she heard someone's scream. When she looked back, a middle-aged woman had fallen on the side of the road.

Inaya ran to her and supported her with her arms.

"Are you okay?"

She asked worriedly.

"I am fine thank you.."

Maham smiled and looked at her. 

Wearing jeans pants with a light pink color long frock, hair tied in a half bun. She wasn't very pretty..but her hazel green eyes were the most unique.

Inaya took out a bottle of water from the bag and handed it to Maham.

Taking the bottle in her hand, she staggered once again, but Inaya caught her in time.

"You are not well. Your BP is getting low. You come in with me."

Holding her hand, she went towards the restaurant.

Inaya made them sit on a chair and sat on the other chair placed in front of her. She pointed to the boy standing in front of her.

"Yes, ma'am, tell me what you want."

The boy took out a small notepad and pen from his pocket and waited for Inaya to speak.

"Bring me a Singaporean rice. A shashlik. Pasta. Russian salad. Double cheese pizza. Four spring rolls. And cheesecake for dessert and Brownies. Just bring it now." 

"If I need anything later, I will tell you."

The boy raised his head in shock, his eyes wide in surprise.  Perhaps he had misheard. At least that's what he thought.

Maham who was drinking water. In Inaya's words, she felt bad and coughed and her face turned red.

While Inaya Madam was leaning on the chair and looking at both of them with a cheeky smile.

"Ma'am, all these things are not available here."

The boy told him in Pathans language.

"When you asked, it was as if food from all over the world was found at your restaurant."

Inaya gritted her teeth and spoke.

"I asked you what you will eat."

He said controlling his anger.

"So I haven't named any poison yet."

Seeing them arguing, Maham held her head before he said anything, she spoke up.

"You do one thing, bring us some tea, that's all."

She spoke politely.

"I'll bring it."

Putting the notepad back in his pocket, he started to go, the corners of his mouth were twisted while looking at Inaya.

"You didn't tell your name."

She spoke softly with a smile on her face.

"You didn't ask."

She laughed by herself while saying her words. Maham also laughed at her.

"Now I asked, now tell me."

The smile remained on the face.

"Inaya Waqar."

"Mashallah. It's such a cute name."

Maham looked at him carefully and smiled.

After a while, they both were enjoying their tea. There was a good conversation between the two in which Inaya spoke more and Maham listened. Both introduced themselves fully. Maham liked this little girl very much. Most of all, her innocence.

"Aunt, how will you go?"

When Maham got up, she also stood up in respect to her.

"I called my son. I don't know why he hasn't come yet."

She said looking for her mobile in the bag.

"You call again and see."

"Oh, my mobile is off, maybe the charging is over."

Maham looked at the mobile phone and spoke worriedly.

"Take this and call your son from my mobile phone."  

She took out his mobile from the bag and gave it to Maham.

Maham answered the call by taking the mobile from his hand. After two or three rings, the call was picked up. Now she was telling the address of this restaurant to the opponent.

After a while, a Land Cruiser stopped a little away from the restaurant. Maham recognized the car at first sight. After getting out of the car, he walked towards them both.

Wearing a black three-piece suit with sunglasses on his eyes, his hair was neatly set with gel and swept to one side on the forehead.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Reaching Maham, he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine son."

Patting his shoulder, she reassured him.

Inaya was busy on her mobile phone

when Maham called her.

"This is my son Irtiza. And this is Inaya. She was the one who helped me."

Maham introduced both of them.

"Assalam o alaikum.."

Inaya greeted politely.

He didn't even bother to look at Inaya.

"Mom, let's go. I'm getting late."

Inaya was very angry at his rejection. 

"How dare he ignore Inaya Waqar."

Inaya stared at him angrily.

"I'm going, Aunt. I'm getting late too."

Emphasizing the phrase, she looked at Irtiza and said. Putting the bag on her shoulder, she walked straight on the road.

"What kind of gesture was this, Irtiza, she greeted you. You should have replied. What must she be thinking?"

Maham did not like his behavior at all.

"Mom, you've barely spent an hour with this girl and I haven't committed a single sin."

Irtiza was very shocked to see his mother supporting Inaya.

"We have spent not one but two hours together."

Making Victory with fingers in front of him, she felt it necessary to tell him.

Irtiza just shook his head without saying anything, he knew that he could never win an argument with his mother.


So here's the first episode of "Destination of Love". Let me know if you enjoy and like it in the comment section.

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