
A Walking Ghost

After a few minutes of stretching, I jumped to my feet. “Ready?” I stared down at James as he lay flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He hadn’t stretched at all.

“You know I’m gonna totally kick your butt, right? You’re not even trying.”

“Princess, I learned several beatings ago that with you there’s no point in trying. You’re gonna kick my ass no matter what I do.”

I stared. Not blinking. Not smiling.

Then I let my biggest smile take over my face. “True!”

James shook his head in that aw-she’s-so-silly kind of way, and walked to the wall of weapons. “So what form of torture will it be today?” He surveyed the array of nun chucks, staffs, short sticks, sais, kamas, swords and short blades.

“Do you even have to ask?” I strode over to the staffs and pulled a shiny graphite one out of the tall clay pot they stood in.

“Aw you’re feeling sentimental, are you?”

“I’m feeling ready to whoop you, whitey.”