
Desolate Descent

A college student in his mid twenties struggles to make a living as he had just been fired from his job, with thoughts on his past and present plaguing his mind, he doesn't pay attention to the massive truck coming straight for him. He has been transmigrated into a different world But wait, what's this? No op system? No Wishes? Nothing? Find out how Kael will survive in this new world where death and war is a common occurrence, he will have many fateful encounters and meet many new people in this vast expanse. The question is if he is up for the challenge. ! Warning ! This novel contains depressing topics that include: Self-Harm Dark Thoughts Suicide Rape and many more If you'd like to support me, Patreon is the best way! https://patreon.com/Ace_Inferno Ps, I'm relatively new to writing so please tell me your thoughts on my novel if you can!

Ace_Inferno · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


The journey continued in silence, the weight of their recent experiences and the loss of their companions hanging heavily over Kael and Elara.

Kael's mind was a turbulent sea of emotions and questions. He couldn't help but replay the events of the previous day over and over. The guilt he felt for leaving their comrades behind still gnawed at him, but he knew, deep down, that there was no other choice. He had to protect Elara, the one person who had shown him kindness and compassion when he needed it the most.

But Elara, on the other hand, wrestled with her own doubts. She had chosen to stay with Kael, understanding the trauma that haunted him. But was it the right decision? Could she trust a man who had abandoned his comrades in their darkest hour? The uncertainty weighed heavily on her.

As the miles passed beneath their feet, the landscape shifted around them. The dense forest gave way to rolling hills, and the air grew cooler with the approach of evening. Despite the tension between them, the shared experience of the previous day had forged a connection a fragile bond that neither of them fully understood.

Finally, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, Kael broke the silence. His voice was hesitant, filled with the weight of unspoken words. 'Elara, I... I want to thank you for staying with me. I know what you must think of me, for leaving the others behind. But I couldn't bear to lose you too.'

Elara turned to him, her eyes searching his for sincerity. 'Kael, we all have our demons to face. I can't pretend to know the pain and fear that haunts you, but I believe in redemption. We can't change the past, but we can choose how we move forward. And right now, I choose to believe in you.'

Kael's eyes glistened with gratitude, and he managed a faint smile. 'Thank you, Elara. I'll do everything in my power to protect you and make amends.'

Their journey continued into the night, the stars overhead offering a glimmer of hope in the darkness. As they walked together, side by side, the weight of their shared burdens felt just a little lighter, and the path ahead seemed a bit less daunting.




The town they approached seemed to be shrouded in an eerie atmosphere. The dilapidated buildings loomed overhead, their walls adorned with faded symbols and strange markings. The villagers moved about with hurried steps, their faces etched with fear and anxiety.

Kael's unease grew as they entered the town's perimeter, the feeling in the pit of his stomach intensifying. He couldn't shake the sensation that something was terribly wrong here, and his mind, still haunted by the presence of that other entity within him, couldn't find peace.

Elara, too, sensed the tension in the air and instinctively moved closer to Kael. She whispered, 'This place feels... off. We should be cautious.'

Kael nodded, his hand subconsciously drifting to the hilt of his modified war spear. They continued to walk through the town, their senses on high alert. It didn't take long for them to overhear hushed conversations among the villagers, snippets of phrases like 'the curse' and 'the darkness.'

Approaching a weathered inn, Kael and Elara decided it might be wise to gather some information. The inn's wooden door creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior. The patrons within cast wary glances at the newcomers, their hushed conversations falling silent as Kael and Elara entered.

Kael cleared his throat, his voice firm yet tinged with caution. 'Excuse me, we're travelers passing through. Can anyone tell us what's happening in this town?'

An elderly man at the bar slowly turned to face them, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resignation. He spoke in a trembling voice,

'Begone! our problem doesn't concern you outsiders!' Kael crosses his arms at the old man and doesn't budge, seemingly not content with his answer. The old man then rolls his eyes before explaining

'This town is cursed, travelers. For generations, we've lived under the shadow of something dark and malevolent. It comes at night, taking our loved ones and leaving behind only whispers and despair.'

Despite the chilling stories from the villagers, Kael and Elara knew that they needed a place to rest for the night. Sleeping in the forest had taken its toll on them, and the town, cursed or not, offered some semblance of shelter.

With cautious steps, they approached the innkeeper, a weary looking woman with tired eyes that held the weight of the town's troubles. She regarded them silently for a moment before reluctantly nodding, accepting their coin in exchange for a room. As she handed them a key, her voice quivered slightly.

'Room seven, upstairs on the left. Stay safe and keep your doors locked,' she warned, her fear evident.

Kael and Elara thanked her and headed upstairs to their room. It was a small, dimly lit space, but it offered a bed and a roof over their heads. They could still feel the oppressive atmosphere of the town even within the inn, as if the very walls were tainted by the curse.

As they settled into their room, Kael couldn't help but be a little bit uncomfortable as he can feel his literal soul being torn apart piece by piece and as one can imagine, it doesn't feel very good.

Elara, sensing Kael's inner turmoil, placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. 'We'll figure this out, Kael,' she reassured him softly. 'And we'll help these people too.'

Kael then hesitated for a moment, torn between the chivalrous notion of not sharing a bed with Elara and the practicality of the situation. After a moment's contemplation, he decided to accept her offer with a grateful nod.

'Thank you, Elara,' he said softly as he climbed into the bed, leaving a respectful distance between them. The mattress was worn, but it was a welcome relief compared to the hard ground they had grown accustomed to.

Elara smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting the gratitude she felt for Kael's decision. 'No need to thank me, Just try and get some good sleep tonight.'

As they settled into their shared sleeping space, the dim room cast in eerie shadows from the flickering candlelight, their thoughts drifted back to the town and the mystery that shrouded it.




Kael then suddenly finds himself at that place again, his Soul Space. He looks around before meeting eyes with that 'Other Kael' Kael frowns and rubs his head in frustration

'Why was it trying so hard to take over my body?'

And before he could even ask it that, the 'Other Kael' already knew what he was thinking and responded with a malicious grin.

'Oh, my dear host, you underestimate the potential of a soul corrupted like yours. When I take control, the amount of things I can do is limitless, We could rule this world like kings, have plenty of woman, gold, anything you could possibly dream of, all you have to do is let loose.'

Kael recoiled, horrified by the twisted ambitions of his other self. 'I really can't believe that you originated from me, You must be very thick skinned if you think I'd believe such a convenient lie.'

The malevolent presence laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the emptiness of their soul space. 'Host, you are so amusing, you can believe that I'm lying to you or whatnot, but I'm actively trying to help the both of us here."

Kael clenched his fists, determined not to succumb to this darkness. 'I won't let you lie to me any longer.'

The 'Other Kael' merely chuckled, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. 'Host, you'll see one day, chaos is the only way.'

The 'Other Kael' began to fade away into the darkness but on the contrary, Kael stayed, deciding to explore a bit.

As Kael wandered through his soul space, he couldn't help but be captivated by the memories that swirled around him. Each one was like a shard of his past, a piece of the puzzle that had made him who he was. Some memories were happy, filled with laughter and warmth. Others were shrouded in sorrow and regret, the moments he wished he could erase from his mind.

He touched one of the dull, grey memories, and it sprang to life, playing out before him like a vivid dream. It was a scene from his childhood, a time when he had been carefree and innocent. His parents were there, smiling and proud of their young son. The memory was so real that he could almost smell his mother's cooking and hear his father's encouraging words.

But then, the scene shifted, and Kael found himself reliving the trauma of losing his parents, the day they were taken from him in a tragic accident. The pain was as fresh as it had been back then, and he felt tears welling up in his eyes.

As he continued to explore, Kael realized that these memories were not just a reflection of his past but a part of his very soul. They had shaped him, molded him into the person he had become. And among the darkness and pain, there were glimmers of hope, moments of happiness that he had almost forgotten.

Kael knew that he couldn't let the 'Other Kael' take control and use his power for darkness and destruction, There was too much at stake here.

As he exits his mind, away from his soul space, he finds himself in a very awkward position with Elara.

Elara's body was sprawled out onto him, and as he tried to shift her arms and legs away, she unconsciously grabbed ahold of him and muttered softly, 'Don't go...'

Kael hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, and a part of him felt strangely comforted by her presence. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he couldn't bring himself to disturb her peaceful sleep.

With a resigned sigh, Kael decided to let things be. He gently wrapped his arm around the back of her head, allowing her to grip onto it as if it were a makeshift pillow. In this strange and unexpected embrace, Kael eventually drifted off to sleep.

As Kael and Elara slept peacefully in their room, unaware of the lurking danger, a strange and shadowy figure loomed outside. Its eyes, a haunting shade of red, narrowed as it peered through the window at the sleeping pair. Its breathing quickened, as if it had found new prey to stalk.

The figure's grotesque, chained wrists jingled softly, adding to the eerie atmosphere that surrounded it. With a disturbingly quiet cackle, it extended a trembling, bloodied finger and pressed it against the door of the room, leaving behind a crimson mark that seemed to pulse with malevolence.

Silently, the figure shuffled away into the darkness, leaving only the faint sound of chains clinking in its wake. The room remained still, Kael and Elara sleeping on, blissfully unaware of the sinister presence that had momentarily invaded.