
Desolate Descent

A college student in his mid twenties struggles to make a living as he had just been fired from his job, with thoughts on his past and present plaguing his mind, he doesn't pay attention to the massive truck coming straight for him. He has been transmigrated into a different world But wait, what's this? No op system? No Wishes? Nothing? Find out how Kael will survive in this new world where death and war is a common occurrence, he will have many fateful encounters and meet many new people in this vast expanse. The question is if he is up for the challenge. ! Warning ! This novel contains depressing topics that include: Self-Harm Dark Thoughts Suicide Rape and many more If you'd like to support me, Patreon is the best way! https://patreon.com/Ace_Inferno Ps, I'm relatively new to writing so please tell me your thoughts on my novel if you can!

Ace_Inferno · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Much Needed Rest

The morning sun painted the world with soft hues of gold as Kael emerged from his tent, feeling the crisp air against his skin. The events of the previous day lingered in his mind, a reminder of the bonds he had formed with this group of adventurers.

The path to the lake was a quiet one, the tranquility of the forest punctuated only by the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. The scent of earth and water intermingled, a reminder of the simple pleasures that still existed. And then, as he reached the edge of the lake, he was greeted by a sight that caught him off guard.

Elara stood by the water's edge, her presence a stark contrast to the serene backdrop. Kael's heart quickened, and he quickly averted his gaze, a rush of embarrassment washing over him. He hadn't expected to encounter anyone at the lake, let alone one of his companions.

The sun's gentle rays illuminated the scene, casting a soft glow on Elara's figure as she undressed. Kael felt a sudden warmth creep into his cheeks as he struggled to maintain his composure. He knew he should look away out of respect for her privacy, but he couldn't help the involuntary thought that crossed his mind that she was undeniably beautiful.

With a quiet sigh of relief, Kael turned his gaze towards the water, focusing on the ripples that danced across its surface. He couldn't deny the pull of curiosity, but he reminded himself that respecting Elara's privacy was paramount.

As he stood there, attempting to distract himself, he couldn't help but sense a change in the atmosphere. A soft splash followed by the sensation of someone else in the water alerted him to Elara's presence. He turned his gaze slightly, his eyes widening as he took in the sight before him.

Elara was in the lake, her form partially submerged in the water. She had noticed Kael's presence and her cheeks had flushed with a delicate shade of pink. Her gaze met his, her expression a mix of surprise and mild embarrassment.

'Ah, Kael,' Elara's voice carried across the water, a hint of awkwardness in her tone. 'I didn't expect to find you here.'

Kael cleared his throat, his cheeks still tinged with color. 'Likewise,' he replied, his gaze politely averted.

They exchanged small talk, the conversation flowing in fits and starts. Kael's gaze occasionally flickered towards Elara, his eyes tracing the lines of her figure with an unconscious curiosity. He chastised himself internally for his momentary lapse in etiquette, reminding himself of the respect she deserved.

Elara's own glances weren't lost on him either. He caught her gaze drifting towards him at times, her eyes widening with what seemed like disbelief. He couldn't quite decipher the emotions that flickered across her features surprise, curiosity, and perhaps something more.

Eventually, as the conversation continued and the sun climbed higher in the sky, the initial awkwardness seemed to fade. Kael found himself sharing stories from his past, revealing bits of his experiences that he hadn't spoken about before. Elara, too, opened up, sharing tales of her studies and her own trials.

As the conversation neared its natural conclusion, Kael's heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. The weight of his past experiences seemed to ease in the presence of someone who understood, someone with whom he could share his thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment.

The decision to wash up and return to the camp came naturally, and as they looked at each other, a subtle agreement seemed to pass between them. The realization of their current state both having been in the water for a time brought a moment of surprise, as if the bonds they had formed had momentarily obscured the practicalities of their situation.

Kael's cheeks flushed slightly as he glanced at Elara, a hint of sheepishness in his expression. 'Ah, it seems we've been a bit forgetful,' he admitted, his voice carrying a gentle chuckle. 'We should probably head back to camp soon.'

Elara's own smile mirrored his, a mix of amusement and a touch of self-consciousness. 'Yes, you're right,' she agreed, her tone carrying a lightness that mirrored the camaraderie they had built. 'But it appears we're not exactly prepared for that at the moment.'

Kael's cheeks grew warmer at her observation, his gaze flickering towards the water's edge. He understood what she had meant.

'I'll give you some privacy,' he offered, his voice sincere. 'I'll wait here until you're finished changing.'

Elara's expression softened, a hint of gratitude in her eyes. 'Thank you, Kael,' she replied, her voice warm. 'I'll be quick.'

With that, Elara moved away, her form disappearing behind a cluster of trees. Kael's gaze lingered for a moment before he turned his attention back to the water. He waded deeper into the lake, the coolness of the water a welcome contrast to the warmth that still tingled in his cheeks.

Minutes later, Elara reappeared, now dressed in fresh clothes and armor. Her smile was soft as she approached him, a silent acknowledgment of their shared understanding.

Returning to the camp, the warm light of the campfire flickered, casting a cozy glow over their makeshift home. Kael and Elara's presence was greeted with nods and friendly smiles from the rest of the party who were busy attending to various tasks.

Amidst the bustling activity, Freya, the archer, caught Elara's attention with a subtle gesture, prompting her to move aside for a moment. Curious, Elara followed Freya's lead, walking a short distance away from the main group.

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Freya leaned in, her voice a hushed whisper. 'So, Elara, care to explain your little disappearing act with Kael earlier?'

Elara's cheeks flushed at the unexpected question, her surprise evident in her expression. 'Disappearing act? What do you mean?'

Freya's laughter danced through the air, a mixture of amusement and playful teasing. 'Oh, don't play coy with me,' she said, her tone conspiratorial. 'You and Kael vanished for a while, and now you're back together, looking all fresh and rejuvenated. It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.'

Elara's eyes widened as she realized the implication behind Freya's words. She shook her head quickly, her cheeks now a deeper shade of pink. 'No, it's not like that at all! We were just by the lake, talking and washing up.'

Freya's eyebrows raised suggestively. 'Oh, I see. Just talking and washing up, huh? Well, you two did come back at the same time, looking all...cozy.'

Elara's attempts to explain herself only seemed to feed Freya's playful banter. As they continued their whispered exchange, Elara noticed the archer's subtle glances towards Kael, who was busy sharpening his weapon nearby. A feeling of embarrassment mixed with amusement settled within her, as she realized that Freya's teasing had likely created some misunderstandings.

'No, really, it's not what you think,' Elara insisted, her voice tinged with exasperation and humor.

Freya chuckled, her teasing demeanor softening into a warm smile. 'Relax, Elara. I'm just having a little fun with you. You deserve a break from what we've all been through.'

Elara's lips curved into a smile, a mixture of relief and amusement in her expression. 'Thank you, Freya. And for the record, Kael and I were just having a normal conversation by the lake.'

Freya winked playfully. 'Of course, of course. Just a normal conversation by the lake that happened to take a bit longer than expected.'

Their playful exchange was interrupted by Kael's approach, his presence a welcome distraction from the lighthearted banter. Elara glanced at him, her cheeks still faintly flushed from their conversation. Kael seemed to sense that something was amiss, a quizzical look on his face.

'Everything alright?' he inquired, his gaze shifting between Elara and Freya.

Elara shared a knowing glance with Freya before turning to Kael. 'Just some friendly teasing,' she replied, her tone light.

Kael raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his expression. 'Teasing? About what?'

Freya's laughter bubbled forth, and Elara couldn't help but join in. As the archer walked away with a wave and a wink, Elara turned back to Kael, a playful glint in her eyes. 'Oh, you know, just normal camp banter.'




As the day progressed, the camp was a hive of activity. Each member of the party engaged in their tasks whether it was gathering firewood, tending to equipment, or simply taking a moment of respite. Kael's thoughts turned to the practical needs of the group, particularly their need for sustenance.

With a determined expression, Kael ventured into the forest, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of game. He had a feeling that today's meal could be a bit more substantial than usual. As he navigated through the underbrush, his senses honed in on the presence of a deer, its size noticeable even from a distance.

The deer's presence held promise, its larger-than-normal stature a sign that it might yield a bountiful supply of meat. Kael's stomach rumbled slightly, the prospect of a hearty meal for the group spurring him on. He crouched low, his movements careful and deliberate as he began to stalk the animal.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as Kael moved with the patience of a predator. He was cautious not to startle the deer, his eyes locked onto its every movement. And then, as the perfect opportunity presented itself, he sprung into action.

A surge of power coursed through him, a gift from the contract he had formed with the demonic entity. His arms elongated and thickened, becoming almost like sinewy tendrils. With a swift and fluid motion, he unleashed a strike that was as precise as it was deadly. In a single, seamless motion, the deer's head was severed from its body.

Kael's breath caught in his throat as he stood amidst the aftermath of his successful hunt. He had never ceased to be amazed by the changes his body had undergone since that fateful encounter with the demon. The power he had gained was undeniable, a tool that could be wielded for both survival and protection.

Gathering the deer's body in his arms, Kael made his way back to the camp. The weight of the kill was a reminder of how he needed to be in this world. Upon his return, he set about the task of cleaning and preparing the meat, his hands deft and efficient.

The flickering campfire illuminated his efforts as he worked, the scent of roasting meat mingling with the evening air. The group had gathered around, their expressions a mix of hunger and anticipation. Kael's heart swelled with a sense of accomplishment as he carved the meat into manageable portions, each slice a testament to his skills and the power he had gained.

As the aroma of the cooking meat filled the air, the sense of camaraderie among the group was palpable. Their shared efforts in hunting, gathering, and surviving were a reminder that despite the challenges they faced, they were not alone. The flickering flames cast shadows that danced in rhythm with the laughter and conversation that flowed among them.

As they sat down to share the meal, Kael couldn't help but feel a bit happy. As they feasted on the fruits of Kael's successful hunt.

Wrapping up their meal, they all cleaned the camp up and put out the fire, all of them retreated into their own tents and wished each other good night, As Kael lie inside of the warm tent, he let sweet and blissful sleep take over him.