
Desires (fanfic)

A doctor who has devoted herself to healing others encounters a cold-blooded killer with a wounded past . What happens when the woman who saves lives is captured by the man who takes them?

_Infinityza_ · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 9

Slowly we walk to the table. She holds onto her stomach walking in pain. I feel so sorry for her, who ever got her pregnant and just left her should really rot in hell. Poor girl.

"May are you okay? What you have eaten has it affected you dear?", Elle stands up from her seat.

"I'm fine mom", She walks up to her mother.

"If we're all satisfied, I have a lot of work to do, let's get up. Let's not hurt each other now. Everyone should see how strong and happy our family is", Mr Cedric stands up from his seat.

We reach the exit and we become crowded by paparazzi, standing with there cameras screaming at us. Camille calms them and tells them to take a step back before we answer any questions.

The first question is asked by a tall man with a navy suit. "How did you two meet?". Zayn looks at me.

"Hello. We met in France a few years ago. Sure, then we fell apart, unfortunately. But somehow we found each other again.

"Excuse me, I can't take it anymore", Diana walks away.

"Is Mrs Diana not okay with the marriage", an interviewer asks. "No, no that's not true", Cedric answers the question.

I continue the story I've been telling for more than I can remember. "We found each other again and we got married guys. Now we're happy", Are we? I'm more of exhausted.

"The bride got excited she's not use to being in front of the press. She is embarrassed just to say 'I am in love'. Come on honey say it proudly", Cedric chuckles.

"So why did the police raid your wedding?"

"The police of course did not raid the wedding. They attended the wedding as a guest. Well I think you guys do not know this but the bride, Jean's brother is the captain of the police force", Camille answers for me.

"Since you got married, are you going to continue to work Mrs Jean?", An interviewer asks.

Falsely I speak"Of course, there wouldn't be a woman who does not work in such a beautiful family. Yes, I will continue to work. Mr Cedric and I have done many great things together before. We will continue to do so from now on. Is that so Mr Cedric?", I give him a sly look. "Especially Joey Rose, I'm sure you know. I hope to give her and her family the good news in a short while", I look to Zayn who is holding me around my waist.

Camille kindly thanks the news reporters and tells them that it's time for us to go. I'm so glad we're done with that, that was a lot of pressure for me. We all walk back into the hotel to get safely away from the cameras.

"Girl, I didn't get a chance to ask. How do you feel?", Elle stops me.

"As a human being who is a captive but trying to look happy. How do I look, what do you think?", I raise my chin.

"You'll get used to it. Even love him. I was forced to marry a man that I never loved one day. But people are getting used to it. And it was someone that I've never seen and had no idea how he was like. I found myself in the same bed as him. Like I said people are getting used to it. Wherever fate will take you, you will go because there is something for you. Maybe it's a punishment but you will have it so that you can take your reward".

To be honest even though I don't know this woman her words really has moved me. What if fate has brought me here? To a punishment I just have to find a way to retrieve my award.

"How was your night honey", She strokes my hair.

"Ah, if we still had the old traditions, would it remain unfulfilled? Everything would have been proven. But now the old traditions are gone so did the old girls. Our girl has a crowded past", Diana chimes in. I don't know what she was implying but I don't like it.

"These traditions are history sister, just like you", Elle speaks.

"I cannot stand this bullshit anymore", I walk back to the entrance of the hotel but then Camille calls me back to take a photo with Elle and Diana so that they can put it in the news tomorrow.


"Look son, you do not know you're in very serious trouble", I follow my uncle back into the hotels restaurant.

"Take it easy. Trouble is not a stranger to us it's every night in our bosom".

"Your wife does not listen to you though. Look son, some horses can not be tamed restrained. You have to get on top of it, you have to hurt it first. Without pity. I told you but you were so stubborn you did not listen. I know this girl. She's not like the girls you sleep with. She's not your type. You won't be able you shape her. A man's power is not strong enough for everything, Zayn. Especially for willpower. At the point where you can not change a person destiny gets reversed. Write this down. That girl will change you!", He slams his hand on a table and I stab a knife just between is index and middle finger.

He is so infuriating.

"I did not suffer that much just to change like that. Do you understand? You killed the innocent child in me long time ago, uncle. I'm not a kid who just wanders around like that. Mind your own business!".

I walk out of the hotel to my car where she's standing.

"My aunt's son just as you'd expect huh", Louis walks over to me. "Will forgot about the pain in his broken hand and everything right away. He just appeared next to Liam. We did not say anything, we just got the address and came here".


"What shall we do, should our guy wait?".

"I will handle it", I tap him on the shoulder.

"Okay, bro-".

"Are we not going?", She shouts from the car.

"We're going".

"I would make you regret that trick but I don't have time for this", We get in the car.

"What would you do, beat me? My soul became gangrenous, not even talking about my flesh. Why don't we go to that house? To their house?".

"Because it's not my house", I mutter.

"Do you call where you live home? You call that desolate, deserted place a home?".

"What happened, are you afraid of me?", I start the car and drive away from the hotel.

Meanwhile in the mansion

I through my bag onto my bed. I should continue the crochet I was making for the baby. As I hold the needle and thread in my hand mom comes into the room.

"What is this girl?".


"Don't get me started. Give me that. God damn it, you girl. There's a bear chasing me and you're just sitting here knitting socks huh? Take your socks, god damn you! You romantic sucker, take it! Girl, are you starring at your own mother like that? If you want to look at something take a look at that once think about what you have done!", She grabs my head and faces me to the mirror tugging at me hair. "Come on quickly prepare your suitcase and stuff".

"Where to mom?"


"I have told you before I am not going to Mullingar!".

"I said we're leaving, girl it's over! Look, I rented a place there. A place far from these people's eyes. You will give birth to that shit there. Then we're gonna hand it to someone and get rid of it".

"No mommy no! You can not separate me from my child. I will not allow this!", She slaps me across the face leaving tears falling from my face. Mom walks out of the room, within seconds she walks back in slowly and sits on my bed.

"Girl, you fooled you? May you're my one and only now. It would be better if you left this house in a proper wedding dress as a bride. What do you say? Float in the air like a pheasant. I wish you told me about it before. I would of fond a solution. Come on, do not do that girl. Come on, honey, my beautiful girl. Come on tell your mother. There's nothing to do. It will be born, but you tell me. Who is the father? Look, is there something wrong about him? Is he married?",

"What the hell mom! You'll find out soon".

"When, honey? You're about to give birth. When will I learn? That Jean knows about this. Well she's a doctor".

"I don't know"

"You don't know. Okay May, you have not left me any other way. If so I will do what needs to be done. This humanity in me I'm leaving it right here. You are responsible for what is about to happen", She walk out the room and I begin to cry even harder. Harry you promised we'd be out of this hell hole already.


We finally stop at the apartment. I've been starving all day.

"Get out"

"Copy that", I reply.

"You haven't eaten all day are you not hungry?".

"I have no appetite".

"I will send you something".

"No need", I slam the door and walk back into the apartment as he drives away.


I drive down a steep road as the GPS leads me to my destination. I park the car and calmly exit the vehicle. I walk down the road and watch to see the men follow me at this moment. I walk up the stairs of an old rusted building and as I look to my left I spot my target. He runs away and that means that I get my workout in today. I run after him as he locks the door behind him that leads to the roof. I run to find another entrance, knocking the door over with my foot I run to the roof. I search and search for him, but his nowhere to be seen. I find him on the other end of the roof. I run after him, I get close enough to kick him in the back. He continues to run. I jump on him causing me to fall on top of him. I beat him up.

"Tell me rooftop bird, who did you take the tablet from? Don't make me say it twice. Who picked up the tablet?", I kick him in the face.

"Who is your boss? Talk. Talk! Whose hound are you huh, tell me whose?", I pick him up from the ground.

"Gorgon, the mayor Gorgon!", He shouts in fear.

"Who told you about the tablet? Who's helping you from inside, huh? Say it!".

As I threaten him a bullet goes across his chest. I look behind me and see nobody. I drop the guy and run after who ever shout him. I lose track of them. Who shout him and why did they steal the tablet?


"No way Joey! I'll do the surgery, no. As I promised you after that we will get on that flying balloon okay?", I give her a little bit of hope.

"But they said Jean got married and you won't come back. You quit your job, your husband is very rich", She speaks on the phone with me from the hospital room.

"Aa! Who told you that? No way, Joey! I got married but I'll continue to work. I'm going to do your surgery it's just a short holiday'.

"When will you come?".

"Look honey, we'll get your results in a few days and I will arrange it at the nearest time, okay? Look, do not forget that nothing can stop me from doing your surgery. Do not forget this, do not take it our of your mind, all right, honey? I love you so much Joey. Say hello to the kids on the floor, okay", I speak over the phone.

"Okay I will I believe in you".

We blow our final kisses as I turn of the call. I really hope I'm able to do the surgery I don't want to of given her hope and then I'm not the one doing the surgery as I promised. Poor girl, she's only eight years old and she suffers from brain cancer.


I close the door behind me of my uncles office.

"Wow uncle", I walk up to him with the tablet in my hand.

"Your mother really gave birth to a gift, Zayn", I hand him the tablet and he unzips the cover. "Did you open it?".

"It's your right uncle", I smirk.

"That's my boy. You've literally saved my life son. So could we figure out who Mick's boss is? Who betrayed us like this?".

"Mayor Gorgon".

"Dishonourable. He thinks he will keep me at bay with this. I'll get your seat in the elections then you'll see", Uncle blabbers on.

"Don't give up uncle. You know me I can't take it", I walk up next to him.

"Okay, boy. I know you don't like it that much but today is a happy day thanks to you. Thanks, kid. You honoured me again", He puts both his hands on my shoulders and I shove it gently off.

"Okay, cut it out uncle. Cool thanks", I walk out the office.


As I slice my sandwich in half the apartment telephone rings.


"Jean, we need to see each other immediately", Ezra's voice comes through the receiver.

"Ezra. Why did you come?".

"What do you mean you have to give me an explanation".

"You know what it is so why do I have to explain", Zayn's going to kill me.

"Come then tell it to my face", He shouts.

"Go away. Please go", I mutter.

"Look Jean, if you do not come here right away I swear I will kick up a fuss. I swear, I'm waiting", He hangs up.

Shit. Shit. Shit what am I going to do now. I can't send him up either then we'll both be dead. Ugh Jean, why do you always get yourself in the deepest shit.


I walk out of the elevator and see Ezra standing by the entrance.

"Ezra", I call.

"Jean, why? How could you do that to me?".

"Ezra please calm down, let's go outside", I lead him to the small garden outside and we take a seat by a table.

"Yeah, could you tell me what I missed? Did you not tell me you were going to introduce me to your brother? I don't get it!".

"You're totally right Ezra-"

"I do not want to be right or anything! I just want to know the facts. D you like this guy? Was he there when I was there? Will you tell me?", I begin to cry.

"Why are you crying? Jean, tell me everything".

"I can not tell you Ezra. I apologise. I would, If I could. I'm so sorry for doing these thing to you".

"Tell me please I want to help you. Please Jean".

Why can't he just understand that's it's not that easy. I want to tell him everything so badly but I just can't.

"What the hell are you doing?".

"Zayn?", He walks up to me grabbing my elbow and pulling me up from my seat.

"We're talking would you excuse us?", Ezra shouts.

"Did I let you", He looks at me.

"Don't", I say.

"Is this Zayn", Ezra grabs Zayn on the shoulder and Zayn pushes him off.

"Don't to this Ezra, what's going on?", I shout.

Ezra tries to punch Zayn in the face but he dodges, instead Zayn punches Ezra and knocks him to the ground.

"Don't, please stop, please!", I cry.

"You loser! I'll kill you, do you hear me?".

Zayn turns away from Ezra and grabs my elbow again taking me into the apartment.

"Ezra, someone call an ambulance!", I shout.

I scream and shout and hit him as he pulls me into the room.

"No more going out of the house. After that, after that my breath will be on you. Did you hear me? You will not even breathe again without asking me! You will not even talk without asking. No more talking without permission! You hear me, let's talk, if you can come on say something", He speaks with rage. His really angry this time.

"Speak to me! No more thinking until I tell you otherwise okay?", He taps hard on my head with his finger. "I will think instead of you, I will".

"Are you a maniac, you're telling me to die when I'm alive?", I yell.

"You have my last name!", He throughs me on the bed.

"Do you hear me, you have my last name, my last name! If you're a married woman now I won't let that happen even if it's fake. No one can speak about my life. Do you understand? Do you understand! You are my wife", I nod my head.

I slowly reach under his pillow and grab the knife I put under it earlier on. He presses his hand on my face and I look him dead in the eyes as I stab him in his side.

Every person has both black and white. How white you are closer you are to black. You think you'd never even hurt an ant but it's so easy to just do it. And it's a choice to be good or bad.


Hello my lovely readers It feels so good to be back. Sorry to keep you all waiting I've been super busy like some of you heard and I hope you all love this chaper as much as I do. Thank you so much for reading.

See you soon!

Bye Bye
