
Desires (fanfic)

A doctor who has devoted herself to healing others encounters a cold-blooded killer with a wounded past . What happens when the woman who saves lives is captured by the man who takes them?

_Infinityza_ · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 5

The taxi driver stops the car in front of my house. Thank God I got out of there alive, I don't know what I would of done if I spent another moment in that house with that cruel man.

"Thank you so much how much will it be?", I ask the driver. His phone rings and as he answers the call he passes the phone to me.

"It's for you", The man says.

"For me?", I take the phone from him putting it against my ear. "Hello?", I say.

"So you think you can just run away from me. I told you not to run. Now I have a deal for you, if you get out of the taxi I will shoot your dear brother and your friend right there on the balcony they are standing", I look across the window to see Spencer and Fay standing on the balcony chatting. I look around to see if I can Mr Zayn anywhere but there's no sight of him. "Don't bother looking around for me you won't find me anyway", Damn his good at this. "Now tell the driver to drive all the way back here, unless you want to suffer for the rest of your life".

"I'm already suffering", I say to the speaker.

"Smart mouth I see. 1...2...".

"Fine, can you take me back please", I say before ending the call. I was so close, so close. I just want to scream to do something to get away from all of this. "What type of people are you, ha? Why would you do this to somebody's life? Don't you have any shame?", I say to the driver.


The taxi stops in front of the huge gate of the mansion. Mr Zayn is standing by his car with Liam the security guard who never speaks. I could of got away. How did he know I was going to run away? How did he know I was going to get into that taxi? or even a taxi? "I hate you", I say while walking past him. He grabs my arm turning me to face him just like he did before.

"And I'm in love with you", He says while putting my hair behind my ear. He looks into my eyes putting a strong grip on me.

"Let go of me", I force my way out of his grip. I walk into the mansion while he follows me from behind. Why did he say that? He just met me how can he be in love with me?

"Jean, where have you been? I was so worried that something bad might have happened to you. Did you get cold feet, huh? Don't worry it happens to every bride", I turn to Mr Zayn as his mother utters thoughs words. I'm about to be a bride and none of my family or friends even know about it. I walk back upstairs into the room Mr Zayn locked me in before, he follows me into the room closing the door. "What is this I really don't understand? Mr Zayn please tell me. How can you be so heartless. Why do you want to marry me, don't you want to marry someone you love, someone you care about. How can I just become you're bride and you don't even know anything about me, in fact I don't even know anything about you", I shout. I look across the room to see a huge stand covered with a sheet. "What is this?", I say. Mr Zayn pulls the sheet off of the stand revelling a white wedding gown. "I'm not wearing that", I mutter.

"You're dear mother-in-law choose it since you ruined the other one, I still had to pay for that you know", He points at the wedding dress I ran away in. "You better get ready the wedding starts in four hours, and stop calling me 'Mr' we're getting married for Gods sake, oh and don't worry Doctor, know one will ever love me because I'm too heartless", He says to my face before slamming the door while leaving.

Uh, I hate this, I absolutely hate this. I knock the wedding dress over, screaming at the top of my lungs. I run to the dressing table to see if I can find a pair of scissors , I grab the scissors run back to the dress and begin to cut holes in it. I lay on the in a pool of my tears.

Four hours later I have the dress on and he opens the door to fetch me. "Don't you knock", I say. His wearing a full on black suit with no tie.

"Ooo You're mother-in-law is not going to like this", He smirks while looking at the torn dress I'm wearing.

"Do I look like I care. Let's just get this over with", I walk out the room, down the stairs to the living room. Everyone is standing in the room, and by everyone I mean no one that I know.

"Jean what happened!", Ms Elle says and I just ignore her. I walk to the table where the priest is sitting.

"Jean. May I have a word please?', Zayn's uncle calls. I remember him being on the news every morning he was such an inspiration for me, little did I know his a mafia boss.

"Yes Mr Cedric", I walk towards him. "Please Cedric is fine. I know that you saw everything at the farm. I know this is a huge shock for you but I just want you to know I didn't want this for you either. If it wasn't for Zayn we would of been burying you by now. And please, if you try to spread any new about what you see around here I won't let my nephew stop me next time", He speaks. What uncultured man he is. Honestly I didn't need to hear any of this, that was absolutely unnecessary.

"Jean love", Zayn calls. I take one last look at Cedric before taking a seat at the table.

The priest joins us at the table. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Zayn and Jean", I don't know what kind of celebration this is. "Where are the witnesses?", The priest asks. "Liam, Louis", Zayn says while shaking his head for them to take a seat at the table. "Zayn do you take Jean Anderson to be you're wife?", The priest asks. I look over to Zayn and he looks back at me and says, "I do". "Jean do you take Zayn Malik to be you're husband?", For some reason I have a loss of words. I feel as if I could just run out of the room but my feet won't let me. "Jean, love?", Zayn grabs my hand.

"Freeze, nobody move!", A group of policeman enter the room.

"Jean! Where is my sister? Jean!", He calls.

"Spencer", I run towards him. "How did you find me?", I ask. He hugs me as tight as he can.

"Come on let's go", He takes my arm.

"No wait. Let's talk in a other room first". "Jean what do you mean?". "Come on let's go talk inside", I pull him to the kitchen. "Jean please tell me what's going on , I've worried for days. I tried calling you but you didn't answer".

"I know, I know. Everything just happened so quickly. I don't even know where to begin", I stutter.

"Start by where you got this dress, huh, what's going on are you really going to marry him? Into this family?", Oh shit what do I do now. I can't tell Spencer the truth Zayn will kill him if he finds out about everything.

"I know what it looks like, but I really am in love with him, brother", I lie.

"In love with him? You're telling me you're in love with him. And what about Ezra? Didn't you say you wanted me to meet him. Well I waited whole night for you, turns out you were to busy planning a wedding", ouch.

I don't know what I should say next the only thing that comes to mind is the words Zayn told me to say. "Look Zayn and I have met a while back. You remember the time I had to go to that hospital in France because they needed my help with a operation. I spent months in France. At the time Zayn was there to I met him at a café and we talked a little, I fell in love with him, but then I had to come back to LA and now we have finally met again, I knew we had to get married it just felt right".

"Then why hide this all from me?", To much questions to little answers.

"It was just an affair at the time", I say.

"I understand. As long as you are happy I don't want you to get stuck into a relationship that is not worth it", He kisses me on the forehead. We hear a knock on the door and Zayn walks in side. "Sorry to interrupt but I think we have something to finish", He looks at me.

Spencer looks at Zayn and I know for a fact his about to say something we're both going to regret."I know you don't love my sister. Whatever game you're playing you should stop because if you even try to hurt her for a second. I will kill even if I'm in the police force", Spencer spits.

"Calm down don't worry, no one is hurting nobody. You're sister was the one you wanted to get married. I suggest you go inside and enjoy the show while I chat to you're dear sister for a moment", Spencer looks back at me before leaving the room.

"Don't worry I didn't tell him anything", I already know he was going to ask me that. "I know you didn't otherwise your brother wouldn't of acted like he did". "I still don't get why I have to do this, I already told you I wouldn't tell anyone". "As long as you're with me you'll be safe", He says.

We walk back to the table and the priest looks very impatient. "Let's try this again. Jean do you take Zayn Malik to be you're husband?", At least my brother is here to see this now.

"I do".


Writer's note

Hello everyone! This probably one of my longest chapters I've ever written so, yes this did take a while. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and tell me what you think about Jean getting married to Zayn in this manner? Please let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to vote!

And follow me on Twitter to get more information on the book https://twitter.com/infinityzanovel?s=09

Bye for now!