
Desires (fanfic)

A doctor who has devoted herself to healing others encounters a cold-blooded killer with a wounded past . What happens when the woman who saves lives is captured by the man who takes them?

_Infinityza_ · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 4

"I'll marry you, just please leave my family alone", I plea. What will I do know? What will Spencer say about this? And Ezra? Oh no I had completely forgotten about him, what will he say about this. I can't just randomly say to him that I'm getting married it will break him.

"Come on, walk!", He yells, pushing me in front of him. Hasn't he had enough, I mean his locked me in a stable for a day, forced me to operate on a man without the proper equipment and in the end he killed him anyway. Why is he doing this to me? What have I done? I haven't even met him before but his treating me as if I've been his enemy for years.

He pulls me in the mansion down the stairs to what I think is the dining room. "Zayn what is going? I have asked you before who this woman is and I got now response, now tell me who is this woman?", The old woman asks.

"Elle meet you're daughter-in-law Jean".


"Daughter-in-law? Are you serious? My son are you really getting married, this is wonderful new?," Maybe for you but this is no wonderful news for me. How will I get out of this one?

Mr Zayn grabs me by the elbow pulling all the way into the bedroom he threw me in earlier on."I can believe my son is getting married to. I have never met one of his girlfriends before and to find out is getting married is fantastic", Mrs Elle says.

"Please ypu have to help me. You're his mother you have to understand I don't want to marry you're son. Please you have to help me", I plea.

"Zayn has never loved anyone before. You're so beautiful, you'll be the perfect bride", Can't she hear me. I said I need help what about that does she not understand.

"Ma'am you're not listening please help me I need!", I scream. Mr Zayn walks into the room staring at his mother and I. "Mom come on she needs her time to be alone", I don't need to be alone I need to get out of here. He locks the door behind his mother.

Is there no cellphone in here I need to call for help. Why hasn't my brother come to find me yet? Where is he? I can't help but burst into tears. I lay on the floor crying my sorrows away. I get up and try to open the balcony door but it won't budge. He's really smarter than I thought. I should of never climbed into that ambulance and gone to that farm. You're so stupid Jean, so stupid. What have you done?

No come on now stop blaming yourself. You need to calm down, we're going to get out of this. I hear the lock of the door turn and suddenly my stomach begins to turn. "Come on", He says. "Where are we going?". "You're dear mother-in-law suggested that you and her should go shopping for dresses", He smirks.

"Shopping? I'm not going anywhere. And she's not my mother-in-law".

"Not yet. Look stop being stubborn and come on I'm not in the mood to fight".

"Neither am I, if you want to get married so badly then come let's get it done with but I'm not wearing a dress", I bite back.

"Well it's not up to you, when the queen speaks you have to follow orders",He steps closer. I'm sick of arguing about this I walk out of the room and he follows me of course. I walk all the way outside to the car park where his mother is standing with a smile on her face.

"Jean I've been waiting for you. How do you feel about dress shopping?", I get into the car without answering the woman.

Silence enters the car as we drive to the most expensive wedding dress store. I'm really not in the mood for shopping this is going to be awhile. Mrs Elle enters the store first and the lady working there greets us with a sweet smile on her face. "Good afternoon I would like to see you're finest wedding gowns please". The lady then comes with a bunch of gown in her arm. "Jean what do you think, would you like to try them on?" Mrs Elle ask.

"Don't you have anything in black it would match my mood at the moment", I sarcastically say.

"Don't be silly love, go on now and try them on", I really hope he never calls me that again.

I walk into the dressing room with a wedding gown in my arm. I fit it on and it seems to fit perfectly. What am I doing? This is so stupid. I see a window that looks big enough for me to fit through. Should I really do this? Oh of course I should. I slowly open the window and without thinking twice I jump out hoping I won't make a noise.

I peak past the wall to see if there are any guards on look out luckily for me there are. I run the other way down the street. I call for a taxi and immediately jump in "Just drive I'll show you the way".


Writer's note

Hey everyone I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry for that but I'm here now yay! I'm starting my third term exams soon so I don't think I'll be updating in a while. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to tell me what are your theories for the next chapter. Do you think Jean is going to get away or not.

Don't forget to vote!

