
Descent of the Space Monarch

Lu Feng is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old boy with the same face as his. The the Lu Feng he transmigrated to had been a fool who suffered under his family. Now Lu Feng plans to hide his time and scheme against all of them for his revenge! He will build himself up to heights no one would expect! This will have bl in it (boys love). Do not read if you're not fan of bls

Lovemore_Wyatt · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Store Clerk

The town was enormous, but Lu Feng had expected it to be so; after all, the land mass of this world was vastly greater than that of Earth. What onEarth would be considered a village would be the size of a city, what would be considered the size of a city would be the size of 2, 3 or even 4 here. Only then Lu Feng had realised that the Lu Feng residence being so close to the centre was not by coincidence, they were one of the wealthier and influential families-of course they had a good geographical residence. He decided to put his plan into action and headed to a clothes shop to do something about his appearance firstly. As Lu Feng ventured around, differences between the wealthy and poor. He had come to understand that power was everything in this world. Those who had access to resources to thrive were powerful, and those who needed cultivate power could only do so by ascertaining resources. In this world it left a vicious cycle that Lu Feng as a once gentle soul had not yet become accustomed to. Nevertheless Lu Feng was determined not to be left behind by the powerful in this life, he would not become cannon fodder. The weak here could only use their tongue to lick mud off the shoes of the wealthy.

Quickly he found one displaying high quality fabrics, for his plan to work he knew he needed the best garments he could find. As soon as he stepped in, one store clerk stopped him immediately. Lu Feng had already a. month in this life to think of a grand plan that went beyond after his revenge on the Lu family and today would be the first step he would take to plant the seeds of his future. It MUST be a prosperous one.

"What do you want here, brat? Come to steal?" he asked, looking down at Lu Feng's 5'0" stature Lu Feng knew that the clerk would never believe that he was here to buy himself clothes in his rags, even the Lu family servants looked much better than he did. "Ah Mr store Clerk, I have only come under my master's orders to purchase some garments from this shop, please my master will punish me severely if I do not," Lu Feng said back. It was only then Lu Feng realised it was the first time he'd spoken aloud in this new world. The store clerk was about to rebuttal when he noticed some customers waiting to be escorted into the shop, with this, he completely ignored Lu Feng's existence and went to tend diligently to them.

Lu Feng took this opportunity to walk in. For his plan he needed very elegant clothes, he saw many dazzling clothes samples as he walked through the store, but he decided some of them were far too much. While for now, he had good funds, he would not be careless as his plans needed great enormous funds and until he had a source or two of income, he would spend wisely. He believe elegance was simple. He found a style of the robe that he liked and decided that a few of this colour would do well, he went about his way to look for more things and found rather simple, not high quality in material and thought then he should buy this too so when he comes to town he could be a little bit presentable so he won't have the problem of store clerks not letting him in.

Lu Feng went to grab one store clerk's attention who immediately scrunched up his nose at the smell of Lu Feng. Lu Feng then realised he might have become nose blind to his own smell, with such a visceral reaction he must not be smelling good. He remembered then that he had not washed this body since he got it and worse, he had been running up and down the mountain and cave, producing sweat. Lu Feng truly then realised himself and pardoned the store clerks. " I would like to buy some for my master and he said I should also make myself presentable, as you can see, I am quite shaggy"

The store clerk opened his mouth only to close it to see that Lu Feng had already said what he was thinking. "With your appearance can your master afford the things in this store brat?" The store clerk sighed and stepped back to seek refuge in the fresh air as Lu Feng's stench had declared war only on anything that could be described as a nostril. Even his eyes started. to water a bit. Lu Feng decided to ignore the comment.

"I would like to purchase these black garments for my young master, it should be one with blue, then another just like it with one with a gold trimming, and one more of that style but this time the trimmings must be red," Lu Feng responded. The clerk looked at him and frowned, "Those together would be three gold coins, can your entire household even have much money the whole month brat" asked the store Clerk, but it was not a question as it seemed he had come to answer by himself already. Lu Feng suppressed his pride and said "it should be my size, my young masters' frame is the same size as me" the store clerk stared at Lu Feng and saw the seriousness on his face. " We may have the sizes of those patterns in the back let me check" the store clerk reluctantly away and was back in a few minutes with them.

Lu Feng looked at them and decided they were good while the store Clerk prepared himself to scold the boy once he announced he would not be able to pay. Lu Feng had taken his pouch out before getting here and had left five gold coins in it so no one would see him use his space ring here and not too much in case someone would steal from him. Lu Feng was anxious about the time as he now only had twenty mins or so to find the other shop he wanted today. The quicker he could set up the foundations for his future, the better off he would be, " and my master said some of those simple ones for me, two please"

The store clerk looked at Lu Feng for a moment before grabbing two beige good quality robes that hung on display just to the left of him, luckily the lower-quality ones were Lu Feng sizes so the store clerk did not have to go to the back to find them.

"If your master can really give you three gold coins I'll make these ones free, and add in a pouch of scent cleansing powder," said the store clerk now squinting his eyes at Lu Feng to really see if he would produce the money. Just as Lu was grabbing money from his pouch a very fat man well dressed came in.Actually the store had not done this out of kindness, firstly if Lu Feng really was going to pay the money then it would be beneficial to form a good relationship for the stores business and the scent cleansing pouch he had added in as he couldn't bare the assault on his nose.

"Store manager, this store clerk greets you" The fat man only nodded before looking at the appearance of Lu Feng, he saw the high-quality clothes on the transaction table and was about to chase out Lu Feng as a beggar and scold this store clerk for letting in beggars into his esteemed establishment when he saw three gold coins come out of Lu Feng's pouch. Three gold coins!! The store manager couldn't keep in his excitement at the sight of this wealthy customer. His excited noise startled the other store clerk who had tried to obstruct Lu Feng's entry.

"Brat, how did you get in" He stormed towards Lu Feng and grabbed him by the shoulder. The manager immediately grabbed the clerk's hand and ripped it away from Lu Feng's shoulder "What do you want to do you, do you hate fortune, how dare you grab our esteemed guest" he reprimanded. "But, but manager, this beggar.." he began. "Shut up, can't you see our guest is about to purchase three of our most expensive garments" he responded, the clerk who had turned Lu Feng away at the door looked at the three gold coins in Lu Feng's hand, he held double his monthly salary in his hand, his eyes widened in shock.

The manager turned towards Lu Feng and stuttered "Please esteemed guest I hope you didn't find offence in the clerks' actions, I must correct his actions later, please do not stop the purchase" he pleaded.Lu Feng gave the three coins to the manager and grabbed the five items he'd bought and softly said "My young master commissioned me to purchase these so I must not fail him, no hard feelings manager, please what is the name of this mannered one so that he can serve me under my young masters' orders when I return?". He pointed to the store Clerk behind the till.

The store Clerk smiled brightly and now his attitude to Lu Feng had done a complete 180. What fortune he thought, he had managed to catch the attention of a wealthy customer who said they would be returning, surely his prestige in the store would now rise, maybe even his pay. Unknown to Lu Feng this store Clerk had been bullied for weeks by the one who had obstructed Lu Feng at the door all due to his better family background and this was just the thing he would need to set him on par or above his rival!

"Well introduce yourself boy, or have you gone mute in front of our esteemed guest?"The store manager said harshly as he knew if they were to offend the rich customer anymore they would lose this opportunity. However, unlike the young masters raised in this world, Lu Feng was much more patient and had a better temper especially after having faced such heinous abuse in his life/evs. "My name is Jin Lao" he hurriedly said catching onto the manager's fears.