
chapter 4

"You little brat!" the currently crippled little woman screamed. Her eyes were indeed glowing a red hue. Fascinating! I wasn't sure why I found it to be that way, but I did. She raised her hand and a ball of pure energy formed. It looked so very tasty! I couldn't resist the urge to taste it, so I did. I devoured her ball and groaned in pleasure. It tasted like bacon! I had no idea what that was but I wanted more of it! She squawked in what appeared to be both shock and fear while Lizzy darted forward yelling out 'Papa is the best!'

I realized a moment after I finished my little foodgasm that I should probably stop them from continuing their fight and actually figure out what the tiny woman actually wanted. She was my Dungeon Assistant, I believed. It was a logical assumption and it made me feel embarrassed? A strange emotion. Regardless I didn't want my cute little Lizzy killing someone that could help me figure out more about my situation.

At this point Lizzy had already tackled the shocked little woman again and was dripping her acidic saliva onto her face. I needed to stop this as quickly as possible. I gathered my mana and yelled out in as commanding a voice as I could. "Stop that right now Elisabetta! You will be a good girl!" She froze, jumping off the little woman before her tiny fists could strike her in the head and looked up at my body. Those great big eyes started getting shinier, tears beginning to form. I saw her scale covered mouth start to quiver, I wasn't really sure how a lizard could start quivering her lips like that. Regardless, I was suddenly feeling trepidation over her actions. A loud waaaah! Echoed out a moment later and tears as large as her adorable eyes started to fall toward the ground while she blubbered out incoherent words.

'Papa....mean...Papa h-h-h-hates meeeee! P-p-papa...hussy.' It quickly became fully incoherent as she took these great big wracking sobs that seemed far louder than her tiny little body should have allowed her to make. I was about to try and comfort her when she zipped away, behind the monitoring stations, a small crevice allowing her to hide there. I still heard her crying but when I tried to move my presence toward her she started screaming at me while crying. It startled me enough I just backed off and left her alone. A bit at a loss for words about the entire situation I decided to ignore it for now and focused on the injured little woman who was muttering something while trying to straighten her crippled wing. Judging by the amount of cursing and her winces it hurt a lot.

"What are you?" I asked, ignoring her plight for now. She looked at where my mental presence was and humphed, before crying out a bit in pain and focused on her wing. She had a glowing orb in her hands again and I moved in to eat it, I wanted that bacon taste again.

"No! If you do that I can't heal!" Her voice was panicked and I felt the energy increase as she seemed to be rushing the process. I did resist, if only barely, from eating it. I made a promise to myself that she would make more energy though. Licking my figurative lips at the idea of more bacon flavored stuff I allowed her to finish her healing before I asked her again. "What are you?"

She gave me a long level look. It felt like she was questioning my intelligence for a moment. She still answered me though.

"I am not a 'what,' I and a 'who.' My name is Cecilia and I am of the Butterfly-Fairy race. I am also your Dungeon Assistance as rewarded by the Dungeon Gods System of rewards."

She didn't have to be so hateful when answering me. It wasn't my fault my little baby decided to attack her. At least my guess had been correct. She was my Dungeon Assistant. I had no idea what the fuck a Butterfly-Fairy was though. It sounded weird and different. Something to do with her patterned wings and bug antenna? Not that it really mattered in the end. "Ok, what do you do, exactly? The...Tutorial thing wasn't exactly clear on anything."

She rolled her eyes and after a testing flap of her wings lifted herself into the air. She was also ignoring the sobbing Lizzy, as I was. "I assist you in all matters related to your Dungeon, Minions, and Mana Usage. I am allowed in-depth access to the Dungeon Gods System through our connection and can allow more in depth data screens for your use. That is, of course, only after we bond. This should be basic knowledge for a new Core. Why don't you know it?"

The last was asked more as a muttered afterthought and she seemed to be confused about the matter. That made two of us.

"I don't? Know that is. The Tutorial didn't explain a whole lot and when I woke up I had no memories. I get spurts here and there, but if I chase after them it hurts."

She let out a little hmmm sound before shrugging. "Alright, I'll know more when you bind me to you anyway. I'm going to assume you're not able to do that with your lack of knowledge. You need to slowly infuse me with your Mana. The more you infuse me with, the stronger our bond and the more information I can access. You should still be a level one Dungeon and your Mana shouldn't exceed one-thousand, based on my own knowledge and memories. Even if you got lucky with your rewards it should still top out at about two-thousand."

She paused, and I was tempted to correct her. I didn't, mostly because I was blaming her for Lizzy running from me. I wanted my cute little baby back. It was irrational, and stupid. I knew it, yet I still felt that way. Instead of actually answering her I went ahead and slowly moved my Mana, errrr, myself toward her and began trying to fill her up. I admit that was a bit of a trial and error moment. Was I supposed to slip it into an opening in her body? Through her skin? In the end I decided to surround her little body in my Mana and just seep it in through every possible opening. The fact I actually had five-thousand Mana that wouldn't deplete no matter how much I used it was something she could learn for herself. Smiling a bit, I poured more and more mana into her.

I felt the connection after about fifteen minutes. It felt strong and I could see her pull up something that looked like my status window. I saw her eyes widen further, an impressive feet, and then she looked at me, my core, in shock when she realized I was still pouring the Mana into her. She started struggling then. Random gasps and high pitched yelps started coming from her after an hour of me infusing her with more and more Mana.

Another hour into the infusion she started secreting an odd liquid from between her legs that I absorbed when it left her body, I didn't anything touching my freshly cleaned floors. It tasted like flowers. After an additional hour she started panting harder, letting out ear piercing screams while her little body shuddered over and over, droll falling from her lips and more of that liquid pouring out from between her legs. Her body was also starting to spasm uncontrollable and I heard her whispering "no more, no more, too much."

She said other things but after I just continued going. Revenge for making my adorable Lizzy cry! It was all her fault. That was my story and I was sticking to it! It took another three hours, a total of six hours before her eyes rolled back into her head and she let out one final, massive scream and her body went utterly limp, her head lolling to the side with her mouth open. Her body still spasmed uncontrollably but she was completely out at this point. I grinned, feeling I had taken my revenge at last! I'd made her cry like she'd made my Lizzy cry. The fact the word 'erotic' continued to float around in my mind was an interesting concept but I chose to ignore it as a whole for now.

I slowly lowered her onto the ground, absorbing all the flowery tasting liquid so it didn't stain my floors and then chose to look at my status once more. I wanted to see if I had obtained any changes after binding the little woman.

Name: None

Title: Unbound One

Level: 2

Race: Dungeon Core

Mana: 10,000/10,000

DA: Cecilia

Races: Lizards

Boss M: Elizabeta

Minions: 2

Traps: 1

Environment: Derelict Ship (fighter model)

Perks: Eternal Mana, Humanoid, Night Strike, Limiter, Unbound

I blinked, looking at my Mana pool in confusion. It had doubled? I had also leveled and I had a title now. I knew what the fairy, Cicilia, had said about one-thousand being the norm for a new Dungeon. Did this mean I had something unique to me alone causing that insane increase in Mana? I was also wondering how and why I even leveled. A lot of questions I needed answered, yet the one who could answer was currently conked out while muttering in her sleep about chains for some reason. I tried moving toward Lizzy again, hoping she had calmed down. Judging by the lack of crying I assumed she had.

Moving myself over to her little hiding spot I saw her on the other side, entirely focused on the unconscious fairy. What she said caused a figurative shudder to go down my figurative spine. 'Not fair...Papa hasn't even filled me up yet.'