
Depersonalization (BL)

Aziel , a young albino has lived his life filled with abuse ,neglect and anger . Broken and shattered was his mind into thousand pieces causing him to lose all hope . He gives life a new start by transferring into another high school . The feeling of nostalgia , the warmth in the coldness. New human emotions buried deep within him started springing into life on meeting Marcellus his new desk mate . Just as his old wounds were healing a series of murder of Aziel's bullies led to all the suspicion towards him. Lazarus with whom Aziel had an unusual relationship came to his school offering help in catching the real murderer. However they did not know the demon who roamed in this school's corridors. They were unaware of the danger that lied within . I do not own the cover . It is from another BL manhwa

SARANG · สยองขวัญ
17 Chs


The dorm on the sixth floor was truly remarkable. It had wooden floor and nicely painted walls that were illuminated by yellow clouded lamps on either side of the corridor. I thought that there were only six students who live in the dorms but there were altheas twenty big doors leading to each room. Some were currently occupied while others were locked.

'Many students are not present right now and they mainly have maids waiting on them.' Marcellus said. It seems that people using the school dorms were only elites.

'Do you share your room with other people?' I asked him.

'No. Each of us have separate rooms.'

'Quite unlike dorm systems.' I spoke.

'Hey Marcellus! Huh? Who is he?' A boy in school uniform, with hair neatly combed came to us. He was wearing braces and had glasses on.

'Robert. This is Aziel, he will be staying the night today.' Marcellus introduced me naturally.

'Oh! The new transfer student? You are quite unusual looking, an albino perhaps?' Robert said contemplatively making me extremely nervous. These were the same words that started my misery in my old school. Shivers run down my spine on hearing these words.

'Yeah, so what? Get going Robert.' Marcellus sternly said.

'Ok…Ok, it is the first time I am seeing an albino so I was a little curious that is all. Bye Aziel.' Robert said was he left us standing in the corridor.


'No problem. Hurry let us go to the kitchen.'


'I am going to make omelettes!' Marcellus smiled, fidgeting with excitement.

'Sure!' I said

The kitchen was just on the rear end of the corridor. It was small and just like an apartment kitchen giving off a feeling that nobody ever uses it.

'Do you not eat food in your dorms?' I asked.

'There are many people from different nationalities so they usual don't like the dorm food. The best way out of such a situation was to have a kitchen with fully stocked fridge. They have many maids and chefs to cook their food which suit their taste.'

'So, you also have people waiting on you?' I asked.

'No, my folks don't like such richy rich behaviour. Robert is the one that takes care of my food. He and I are close since our parents are friends.'

I felt my chest hurting on hearing that. Suddenly my mood became gloomy and wilted. I was unsure of the feeling but I inwardly decided to make the best food for Marcellus so that he could only seek out my food whenever he is hungry.

'Hey I am going to make something too.' I said with determination. I huffed and puffed as I pumped myself to make the best dish.

'So how do you make omelettes?' I asked.

'Oh, omelettes are really simple.' Marcellus wore an apron and rolled up his sleeves, getting ready to make the best dish.

'I will heat up the pan then' I said.

'Sure, so let me cut these onions.' Marcellus took out two big onions and starting cutting them dextrously.

'Huh? I thought you will be brawling your eyes out when cutting onions.' I laughed.

'Hye did I not tell you? Omelettes are my speciality there is no way I would cry while cutting an onion.' He smirked.

'Pfft…look at you getting so prideful just because of an onion.'

It was peaceful with a lingering smell on eggs and butter. Marcellus cutting the onions on plastic dashboard was the only sound resonating in the kitchen. It felt nostalgic and calming, making me imagine an impossible future with Marcellus. It would be fun to wake up in the same bed as him at the strike of the dawn, eat our lunches together made by us on alternate days. water the plants and raise a black tabby cat. On rainy days we would listen to music and drink hot coffee. Helping each other study in the morning and at night we would lie awake kissing each other till our lips get swollen and red. Talking about various things, our life and our aspirations when we are unable to sleep on our single bed with two pillows. Once in a while we would go out to see the gloomy city vibrant with life. Sneaking away from all the eyes, going to a secret place with our hands in hands. Some nights we lie in each other's arms listlessly breathing the other's smell. It was a pity that Marcellus felt was nothing and only saw me as a friend while I saw our whole future together in such a short while.

'Here and done!' Marcellus smiled.

'I am also done with the custard breads' I said.


'It smells really nice Aziel!'

'Sure, it does! Eat it well' I smiled; my eyes filled with melancholy. Soon these days would be over and the love I crave would leave me.

We headed towards the small dining room which was carpeted. It looked like a hotel's restaurant. I was amazed to see how much money was invested in making this school. There was no doubt that Marcellus' parents were really very rich.

'Yummy!!!' Marcellus gobbled up the golden-brown custard breads with a delighted face. I was eating the fluffy omelettes.

'Somehow it reminds me of someone' I whispered to myself as I nibbled the omelette.


It seemed I spoke a little too loud.

'I don't exactly remember but.'

'Hey you guys! Did you cook it by yourself!' Robert shouted as he came towards us.

My face darkened on seeing him which even surprised me. I would have made something extravagant for Marcellus if there were extra materials but all I could make were measly custard breads. So, this is what jealousy feels like?

'All the students are returning to their dorm room now. You should wind up to.' He said as he seated himself on a chair near Marcellus uninvited. He was really getting on my nerves now!

'But it is only nine. Is curfew so early here?' I have lived in the dorms too so I had a fair idea of the curfew hours which started usually from ten or eleven.

'Hey what is this! Give me one too!' Robert said ignoring me.

'Hmph! Aziel made these custard breads for me I am not giving it to you.' Marcellus said in an irritated tone.

'Pfft…I am sorry Aziel I could not answer your question. I am a big gourmet and love eating various dishes. It is my first-time seeing custard bread. Did you make it.'

'Ah yes I did!'

'I wish I could eat it then!' Robert said. It did not look like he was prejudiced against me. He seemed really friendly too but for some reason still I did not like him.

'About the curfew hours. In this school there is a rumour that there is a demon in the library downstairs. It is vengeful and had killed many staff members. So, the people have made these curfews early.'

'What kind of demon?' I asked inquisitively. It was my first-time hearing about such a story. Many schools have their own stories or creepy pastas. I was really shocked that an elite school also had school mysteries

'Hey don't. It is just a rumour Aziel.' Marcellus said with a serious face.

'No don't stop I want to hear more.' I was really interested.

'So, the story goes that a demon was summoned by a roaming spirit for a favour here. The demon complied but for the payment he not only wanted to take the spirit but all the souls of the people that came to the library where he was summoned. The spirit has a role to play as a marionette of the demon so it has taken the shape of a student to it. But the scary part is that nobody has ever found out who the spirit is. Sometimes they would find extra name on the list or there would be shortage of things.'

'That is enough!' Marcellus interjected.

'It has only been five years since the school was made but a hundred people, including the workers and students have already disappeared. The news is kept under wraps due to the Thomas family but the scary part is that one day out of nowhere these people appear as if nothing happened to them. Uwaah! So scary.' Robert shivered.

'I think that the spirit plays the role of a lurer. He guides the people to come to the library so that the students get their souls devoured. Then again it can just be a baseless rumour.'

'But how would you explain the disappearance and appearance of so many people. And weird smells that come in the dorms once in a while?'

'What kind of smell' I said excitedly, it was surely connected to the smell of lavenders.

'I don't know but sometimes there…'

'Enough let's go Aziel!' Marcellus banged the table as he stood up. He took my hand roughly as he urged me to stand up. He looked angry and the aura around him changed. I felt a little agitated at his behaviour.

'Bye. Bye Aziel!' Robert waved us flashing the same cheerful smile however it looked more playful.

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