

Caru_ · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Seoul was a bustling city, known for its vibrant culture, food, and fashion.

But one day, the city was invaded by demons. They came through portals that appeared suddenly, tearing through the fabric of reality. The demons were vicious creatures, with razor-sharp claws, teeth that dripped with venom, and a hunger for destruction. The people screamed as they watch other people being killed and eaten by the demons.

The government tried to fight back, but their weapons and technology were no match for the supernatural powers of the demons. It seemed like all hope was lost, until a group of individuals with special abilities emerged.

The same time the demons emerged, some people had also awaken their supernatural abilities. They possessed extraordinary powers that allowed them to control the elements, read minds, move objects with their thoughts, and even manipulate time. Some even have monstrous strength that can stand up against demonic beings.

They banded together, as they knew that their country is in danger, forming a group of defenders who called themselves the "Guardians". They used their powers to fight back against the demons, protecting the city and its people from destruction. They were led by a man named Chun Sung-Ho, who had the power of Umbrakinesis, the power to physically generate and manipulate darkness and shadow.

The Seoul Guardians faced many challenges in their fight against the demons. They encountered fierce battles, with the demons using their powers to create devastating storms and earthquakes. The Guardians used their abilities to create shields and barriers, protecting themselves and others from harm. They also used their powers to launch counterattacks, hurling fireballs and bolts of lightning at their enemies.

As time passed, the portals grew bigger and bigger, and demons began to show up more frequently.

As the Seoul Guardians continued to fight the demons, a normal office guy named Kim Yong-Sook suddenly found himself wielding supernatural abilities. He had always been an ordinary person, but he discovered that he had the power to defeat the demons. How would he use his abilities? What would he do with it? Will he be a "Guardian"?