

Caru_ · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

2 Blood

As he made his way down the quiet hospital hallway towards Room 125, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The air seemed heavy and thick, like it was filled with an unspoken darkness that threatened to consume him if he let his guard down for even a moment.

Reaching the door, he paused for a moment before cautiously pushing it open just a crack. Inside, the room was dimly lit and Yong-Sook lay in the hospital bed, still as a statue and completely unconscious. Despite the dimness of the room, he could see the severity of Yong-Sook's injuries.

His whole body was covered in deep, gaping cuts and scratches that looked like they could have only been caused by something sharp and deadly. Bruises in varying shades of black and blue were visible on his arms, legs, and torso, testifying to the struggle and pain that he had endured.

Feeling a sense of sadness and pity wash over him, he decided to take a closer look at Yong-Sook's injuries. He knew that what he was about to see would be gruesome, but he felt compelled to understand the severity of the wounds that had brought Yong-Sook to this hospital bed.

As he examined the injuries, his heart sank. The puncture wounds on Yong-Sook's chest were enough to make even the strongest stomach turn. The severity of his wounds made him question how he could have survived the ordeal that led him here in the first place.

He then noticed a tag around Yong-Sook's wrist and searched his body for an ID. Finding it tucked away in the breast pocket of his hospital gown.

"Kim Yong-Sook... It's a miracle that he's still alive," the guy muttered to himself.

As he stood there, lost in thought, he realized that the only way to uncover the truth was to talk to Yong-Sook himself. He knew that it would not be easy, but he also knew that he was determined to help the man lying before him in any way that he could.

Suddenly, the Yong-Sook started to whimper and opened his eyes. He looked around, confused as to where he was.

"Hey, you're awake," the guy said softly, trying not to startle the Yong-Sook.

Yong-Sook was startled at first, not expecting anyone to be in his room. "Who are you?" he asked weakly.

"I'm a member of the Demon Hunter Association. I was the one who found you at the grocery store," he explained. "My Name is Yu Seung-Hyeon, nice to meet you."

Yong-Sook looked at him, slowly recognizing his face. "Ah, you're the guy who saved me from that demon, My name's Kim Yong-Sook" he said.

The guy nodded, "That's right. You were really brave back there. Though i didn't really save you, you are the one who killed it."

Yong-Sook smiled weakly, "It's nothing. I didn't want to die without a fight."

The guy chuckled, "Well, you certainly put up a good fight. But I have to ask you, how did you get that much blood out of you? The doctor said it was almost triple the usual amount."

Yong-Sook looked down, "I don't know. I just suddenly felt this power coursing through my veins, and then I was able to control my blood somehow. I used it subconsciously to defend myself against the demon. I don't really remember it fully how i was able to control it though."

Sung-Hyeon raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "That's interesting. I've never heard of anything like that."

Yong-Sook shrugged, "Neither have I."

Sung-Hyeon nodded, "Well, we'll have to look into that once you're fully recovered. We can't have demons running around causing chaos in our city."

Yong-Sook nodded, "Yeah, I'll do whatever it takes to help."

For the next few days, Seung-Hyeon visited Yong-Sook every day in the hospital to check on him and to ask more questions about his blood powers. Yong-Sook was receptive, eager to learn more about himself and his abilities.

"Well, having abilities these days is not really that unusual. But having to control blood is something I've never heard of." Seung-Hyeon said.

During one visit, Seung-Hyeon received a call from his fellow demon hunter. They found something interesting on the CCTV footage from the grocery store.

"Hey, we just reviewed the CCTV footage from the grocery store," the voice on the phone said. "We found something interesting. It looks like the demon was targeting someone specific."

Seung-Hyeon raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well, there was a split second where the demon's eyes changed from red to blue, and it looked like it was following someone. And we managed to enhance the footage, and we saw that the person the demon was following was...the guy who killed it."

Seung-Hyeon felt a chill run down his spine, "Are you saying that the demon was after him specifically? Why?"

"We don't know yet. But we're investigating it. We just thought you should know."

Seung-Hyeon ended the call, deep in thought. He wondered why the demon was after Yong-Sook in particular. Was it because of his blood powers? Or was there something else he didn't know yet?

He turned to Yong-Sook, who was watching him curiously. "Hey, Can I ask you something?"

Yong-Sook nodded, "Sure, what is it?"

"The demon that attacked you at the grocery store...do you have any idea why it would be after you specifically?"

Yong-Sook looked down, "I don't know. I've never seen a demon before, let alone provoke one."

Seung-Hyeon nodded, "I see. Well, we're investigating it as we speak. We'll get to the bottom of this."

"By the way" Seung-Hyeon added, "Here is my number, you can call me anytime if you have gotten any information about your abilities."

"Okay, thank you." Yong-Sook replied.

Days turned into weeks, and Yong-Sook eventually made a full recovery. He returned home and thought about his abilities. Who would've thought that he can have an unusual ability, an ability no one ever gained before.

As he reflected on his newfound powers, Yong-Sook wondered what would become of him. He had never felt so alive, so empowered in his life. Yong-Sook knew he had a long journey ahead of him, with many challenges and battles yet to come.

Despite the newfound confidence he felt, Yong-Sook still had doubts. He wondered if he was truly ready for the journey ahead. He also couldn't shake the anxiety he felt about falling into the clutches of the dark powers that threatened him and the world.

As Yong-Sook went to bed, his mind was racing with thoughts about his abilities. He lay there, staring up at the ceiling as he tried to make sense of all the new powers he possessed.

For years, he had felt powerless and helpless, unable to protect those he loved from harm. But then, everything changed. This is just his beginning to a story about to be unfold.