

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Dead end

<p>In the middle of the night, three horses could be seen running with full speed, but looking past them, you could see it wasn't just three horses running as multitude of horses could be seen chasing after them.<br/><br/>This chase has been going for the past three hours now with no side giving up. Owen, Beatrice and Bethany wasn't planning on giving up as they knew their life depends on it and so was the guards as they were determined to catch them so they won't lose their life.<br/><br/>Their little game of buying time for one another seems not to be working anymore as the numbers of guards would make anyone feel scare to turn back, so moving forward and praying to outrun them was a better choice.<br/><br/>Looking back as he was the one in front, he could see that the guards were almost close to his sister and mom which made him turned his horse to face the guards while letting his sister and mom go forward.<br/><br/>Being females and not too familiar with horse riding was currently putting them in a disadvantage as they were always falling behind, making Owen to turn back so as to buy them time to go forward.<br/><br/>Unsheathing his sword, he straightened himself on top of the horse as he was ready to fight making the guards slow their motion so as to fight back.<br/><br/>The moment Owen saw the motion of the guards horse dropping down, he quickly turn his horse and start running while making the guards fall some distance behind.<br/><br/>'No way I'm going to fight those number of people all on my own, live to fight another day' said Owen inwardly as he kick on his horse to go faster.<br/><br/>Turning to look at the guards, he could see they weren't too far behind as they have pick up speed.<br/><br/>Seeing as his sister and mother pass a route which was surrounded by tall mountains, he followed them as he doesn't want to be separated from them.<br/><br/>'Wait!, isn't this the same place I saw the orange light illuminating from?' Asked Owen to himself.<br/><br/>Seeing his sister and mother not too far from him, he was surprise to see that they stop their horse and was now turning to face him.<br/><br/>'No, come on don't tell me you intend to slow them down by shooting another arrow, they are just too much to slow down' said Owen inwardly as he look back to see the guard getting close to them.<br/><br/>"Don't stop, keep on running" shouted Owen as he doesn't want them to risk their life.<br/><br/>"It's a dead end, there's no other path" replied Beatrice as she could see Owen approaching them.<br/><br/>Looking pass them, he could see that it really was a dead end as a big mountain could be seen behind them.<br/><br/>Turning his horse in front of them, he could see that the guards has already block the other path and they wouldn't be able to reach there in time.<br/><br/>Seeing the situation they were in, they have no other choice than to fight for their life.<br/><br/>"Use arrows to kill them before they get close to us" said Owen as he quickly sheath his sword and drop it beside the horse before taking out his bow and arrow.<br/><br/>Attaching his arrow to the bow, he fire it off and so did his sister and mother, removing three from the numbers of guards.<br/><br/>They kept on firing arrows one after another until they could see that the guards were already close to them before changing to swords.<br/><br/>"I promise to protect you guys no matter what, stay behind and kill anyone that get pass me" said Owen as he unsheathed his sword and rush forward.<br/><br/>Moving his head back, he dodge an attack from one of the guard before slashing at his chest while dodging another attack.<br/><br/>Hearing the sound of sword slashing from his other side and some guards screaming not too far from him, he raise his head so as to look what was causing the commotion.<br/><br/>Looking at his right, he could see that his mom has gotten into action as she was slashing at the guards one by one while dodging their attack.<br/><br/>Jumping over a guard sword, he picked one of the sword from the ground before slashing at the neck of the guard.<br/><br/>Holding two sword in his hand, he swung them lightly before sprinting into action. Using one of the sword to block, he would cut down his enemies with the other.<br/><br/>Remembering his fight with Ronnie in the tournament and how effective his two swords was against him, he decided to do the same as it will make his fighting easier.<br/><br/>Beatrice being at the back of Owen and her mom, she kept on using her arrow as she wasn't that confident in sword and doesn't want to get cut.<br/><br/>Shooting arrow one after the other, she was reducing the enemies, making it easier for Owen and her mom to continue fighting.<br/><br/>Killing one of the guards in front of him, he was a little bit late to react as the two swords was an hindrance to his movement, causing one of the guards to slash at his back making him scream in pain before turning to kill him.<br/><br/>Bethany hearing the scream of her son, she quickly sprinted towards him while killing those in her path.<br/><br/>Even with the injury on his back, he didn't move back as he continue to kill the guards surrounding him.<br/><br/>Beatrice having run out of arrow and hearing the scream of her brother, she quickly unsheathe her sword and run towards him while killing those around him.<br/><br/>With Bethany taking care of those attacking her, she quickly sprinted to join Beatrice in protecting Owen and killing those surrounding him.<br/><br/>With his sister and mother now being by his side fighting his enemies, the pressure on him became lessen as he move back a little.<br/><br/>Slashing and killing the rest of the guards, Bethany and Beatrice both quickly turned to support Owen before he could fall.<br/><br/>*******<br/><br/>Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.<br/>This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️</p>

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