

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


Judging from the way the whole place was now quiet, either the guards have flew for their life or they have all been killed, making Bethany, Owen and Beatrice the only people currently alive in the clan apart from the enemies.

Owen knowing that the most dangerous person within the enemies was the Archer, he didn't waste time as he fire his arrow, aiming straight for his head, but before it could get to him, one of the enemies use himself as a human shield as they run towards them.

Quickly dodging an arrow from the Archer in time, Owen quickly picked an arrow from his quiver and attached it to his bow.

Seeing as the enemies with swords were already separated from the Archer, he quickly let go of his arrow as he knew that no one would be able to block it before it pierce him.

The moment he let go of the arrow, it fly with a great speed because of the force that has been use to draw the string. Hitting the Archer on his forehead, it killed him on the spot as he fall to the ground.

"Go Owen, listen to me for once, let me buy time so you guys can escape, we can't all escape at the same time, I would be right behind you" said Bethany as she turn to slash the person that have gotten close to her.

Seeing as they have almost gotten close to them, she quickly rushed forward to attack so as to buy time for Owen and Beatrice to leave the clan.

"Owen, what do we do, we can't possibly leave mom to fight all of them on her own, what do we do?" asked Beatrice while panicking as she saw their mom get slash on her hand as she wasn't able to dodge in time.

Looking at the panic face of his sister and the figure of their mother fighting, Owen clenched his fist as he quickly make up his mind.

"Then we fight, if we survive then we survive together and if we were to die then we die together. Don't hesitate Beatrice, make sure to kill any one in your path" said Owen as he rush with his sword in hand and quickly slash the neck of the person that have slash their mother.

Ever since the fight, Owen has been keeping an eyes out on the person that have inflated pain on their mother, making him the first person he was determine to kill before the others.

There was no sign of hesitation on his face as he slash at anyone getting close to him and their mom, he was dodging their attack while delivering one of his own.

Beatrice seeing as Owen as jumped into action, she quickly picked the bow and arrow Owen was using not too long ago, and started firing arrows after arrows towards the enemies.

Even though she wasn't as good as Owen in archery, but when it comes to a close range shooting, she was an expert and that's what she's doing right now as she continue shooting the arrows.

Bethany and Owen were doing a great job as they were holding them off from getting too close to Beatrice who was shooting the arrows.

Seeing as there was no arrow left in the quiver, she quickly unsheathed her sword and join them in the fight.

After killing all the enemies, they were all out of breathe and was breathing heavily while trying to take a lot of air.

"Owen why!!, why didn't you listen to me, you guys could have been killed" said Bethany as she hurt them while bursting out in tears.

Seeing as their mother who has always been a strong woman now shedding tears in front of them, was making their heart cry out in pain.

"Mom, I can't say I'm sorry for not listening to you because I'm not, I can't live with myself knowing that I desert you and leave you to die" said Owen as he hug her back.

"Mom you're bleeding" said Beatrice as she felt a warm liquid pouring down her back when she hug her back.

She didn't hesitate as she quickly tear a part of her cloth she was wearing to press on the wound.

"I'm okay, we have to leave, we can't stay here anymore" replied Bethany, not caring about the injuries she has received from the fight.

"No mom, we can't leave now when you're in this state, we will leave in the morning" said Owen as he support her from falling.

"No Owen, we are leaving now, they might come back to attack tonight" said Bethany as she try to walk.

"Mom just stop and listen to me for once, we can't leave this night, there might be others waiting to attack us the moment we step out, we should stay here till the morning" said Owen as he hold her in place. "Let's go upstairs and rest there, I will keep watch".

On reasoning the words of her son, she stop as he knew what he said was correct, there might really be those waiting for them outside as this possibly can't be the only people.

"Okay" replied Bethany as she allowed Owen and Beatrice to support her so they could go upstairs. The injuries she received wasn't just the one in her hand as a big one could be seen on her shoulder.

On getting to the top of the tower, Owen gently place her down before going down to carry a portable bed for Bethany and Beatrice to sleep on.

Going to carry the bed downstairs seems to be a war as Bethany was against the idea of him going, but after minutes of persuading her was he able to go and bring the bed.

Just as he said, he kept watch without falling asleep throughout the night. Although Bethany do propose after sometime to stay watch but he refused as he tell her to continue sleeping.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️