

LinkLost · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Crafted By Vulcan


Vulcan stared at the Mithril case as drops of sweat continued to trickle down his forehead.

"As always, that brat Apollo's requests are..."

Turning the case to its side, he pulled a golden hammer out of thin air and raised it over his head. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he swung his hammer downwards, aiming for the thin crack formed on the case.


The hammer struck the case, splitting it into two parts.

"A failure?"

He took his creation out of the mold. It was a sword.

"The color should be golden..."

The grey sword in his hand was far from his best creation. Apollo will not be pleased.

He clicked his tongue.

"Waste of resources."

Vulcan held the blade in his palm.



A voice rang inside his head.

"Pluto? Is that you?"

Vulcan recognized his voice, but still felt the need to ask.


The outcast of gods, Pluto. Confining himself to the depths of his territory, the Orcus, he seldom made contact with the other Gods.

"I can't seem to catch a break today. A request from Apollo, A useless sword, and now you."

Pluto chuckled.

'Glad to see that you are as cheerful as always.'

"Get to the point. What do you want?"

Vulcan didn't want to stretch this conversation for too long. Him and Pluto weren't close, and there was no point in idling over useless chatter.

'That blade.'

Catching a hint, Pluto went forward with his request. Vulcan furrowed his brows.

"Are you planning to..."

'The terms of exile end today. I can finally bless a lesser being to carry out my duties in the middle realm.'

His voice seemed a little giddy as he said that.

Vulcan looked at the sword in his hand.

"Even if it is a failure, this sword was originally intended for a god. No mortal could bind his soul to it without suffering the apt consequences."

'You don't have to worry about that.'

Pluto wasn't worried about that. Vulcan shrugged his shoulders.

"Fine. Take it."

The blade disappeared from his palm.

'What do I owe you?'

"Nothing. I was going to break it anyway."

Due to the terms of exile, Pluto's influence over the council had weakened. Vulcan didn't want to hustle him into giving up more of his divinity.

'Thank you.'

Pluto wasn't one to accept pity, but Vulcan's thoughts mirrored his. Losing more divinity was the last thing that he wanted to happen.

"I'll see you at the next council meeting..."

Vulcan closed his mind, forcing Pluto out.
