
chp one

In a coffee shop in London, two worker's were working profusely, and all of a sudden their phones did a "ping", they both giggled ,then one of them spoke

"hey,i think we got the messages, let's do it like this, we'll raise both our phones to each other's faces and count one to three, and then open our eyes to check if we got in"

as the girl spoke,the other one just nodded and they both did as said, they both counted


then they opened their eyes

"you got in"

They both said and laughed, and after working they both said their goodbyes after closing the shop.

Lilith granger (the main character) walked home excitedly, she had finally gotten into the high school of her dreams, OSMODEUS HIGH SCHOOL, she got home, dropped her bags and greeted her mom,as she entered the kitchen,she inhaled,

"mmhn, smells good mom"

she tried to take a piece of pork meat but her mom hit her hand,

"these are for the customers, I'll bring yours later"

Her mother, Irene granger, ran an online cooking delivery, because she was not ready for a restaurant

"aww mom,ok,uhm, should i help you with anything"

"no, honey I'm almost done ok, go to the dining and wait ok"


Lilith headed towards the dining and was greeted with the sight of her father, reading a newspaper, she walked towards him and pecked his cheek

"Good evening dad"

"evening honeycomb"

"how are you feeling"

"I'm doing good and you"

"I'm great"

She sat down and started playing games on her phone, then instinctively she looked at her father and smiled. Her father, Alexander granger, is a manager of a small firm, and he loved his family alot.

Her mother entered the dining with their food and after setting it

"what are you waiting for?,a royal invitation?, dig in!!"

"waah , mom you'll never stop with that catch phrase from secret societies"

"that's how your mother is"

"but you love me"

"of course honey i do"

Lilith watched as her parents flirted and felt like throwing up

"Dad, mom get a room"

"shut it , young lady"

"yes ma'am, I've got good news for you guys,i got into the high school"

Both adults looked up and smiled at each other,then her father spoke

"I knew you would, I'll go and register you tomorrow and then you'll start on Monday"

"thanks dad"

"you're welcome honeycomb"

They ate and drank cheerfully and when they were done, they did the dishes together and headed to their separate rooms.

Upon getting to her room Lilith showered and is currently in her bed and it didn't take long before she fell into a dreamless sleep with a smile plastered on her face


Lilith is currently Walking to school in her uniform, her dad had registered her and bought her uniform, she skipped happily and upon getting to the school she gasped

"I'm finally here, I'll make sure to work hard and make friends that benefit me"

But as soon as she stepped into the corridor of the school, a boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes walked towards her and winked, she scoffed and tried to Walk away, but the boy grabbed her and pulled her closer, before whispering into her ear

"hey beautiful, how can you walk out on this handsome creature"

she frowned yet again.

Lilith is a very beautiful girl with red hair and almond green eyes that made her Stand out amongst her peers, but the one thing she hated were boys like this one that is holding her hand, normally she'd beat up boys like this but because she just started schooling...

"will you move away, you're an eyesore and let go of my hand before someone gets hurt"

" Even your voice is beautiful, sorry to say but i think I've fallen for you

"ok that's it"

Lilith,hit her head on the boy's head making him stumble back before turning 360° as she kicked him making him land on his butt,she dusted the invisible speck of dirt on her hands and uniform before walking away

"i won't let any boy destroy my stay in this school, anyone that tries it will be beaten to a pulp"....

Author:p.s Lilith is fifteen