
Demonic Tribrid System

In a world where the supernatural reigns and chaos rules, Viole Shivani, a young tribrid with four distinct souls, is an anomaly that threatens the very fabric of this precarious existence. His journey is a tumultuous odyssey of self-discovery, survival, and power. At the heart of this gripping tale is Viole's quest to understand and harness his four personalities, each harboring unique abilities and temperaments. The dominant lion-like traits of Viole Shivani grant him the power to cultivate, cast spells, and transform. With dedication and meditation, he strengthens this core self, but the other three personalities are ever-present, waiting for their moments to seize control. Aamon Valentine, the ancient Vampire King, longs to regain his throne, and his age-old ambition drives Viole to seek power through blood. Desmond Fester, the playful Mimic Demon, finds joy in mischief and is fiercely protective of his newfound family. Clark Maxwell, the sadistic Arachne, seeks to create a web of spies across the world. As Viole grapples with his inner turmoil, external threats loom large. The Royal Blood Faction, a sinister organization, sees Viole's existence as a threat to their vampire dominion. They pursue him relentlessly, seeking to harness his unique abilities for their gain. Throughout his journey, Viole encounters formidable enemies and allies, each with their own supernatural abilities. Each confrontation unlocks a new facet of his potential. When a personality is in control, their unique ability becomes the driving force, and it multiplies in strength. But it comes at a cost: the other personalities are temporarily dormant. As Viole and his four personalities embark on a perilous odyssey, they unravel secrets about the world's origins, form unlikely alliances, and confront ancient prophecies. The narrative unfolds with a series of interconnected subplots, each introducing stronger enemies and revealing more about Viole's enigmatic existence. From the vampire-ruled cities to the mystical landscapes of the Orc territories and the treacherous Goblin realms, Viole is in a constant state of flux, always on the run, fighting for his life, and inching closer to mastering the intricate dance of his four identities.

VisionaryWorld · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

1: Prologue - The Forbidden Ritual

The Astral Convergence was a celestial dance orchestrated by ancient forces, choreographed across the ink-black canvas of the night sky. It was a convergence of stars, planets, and cosmic energies, unseen by mortal eyes for millennia.

As the crimson moon hung low on the horizon, its eerie glow cast an ominous hue over the proceedings. The night air was thick with anticipation, carrying whispers of long-forgotten incantations and the resonance of ancient power. Above, a tapestry of constellations began to align, forming intricate patterns that hadn't been witnessed in countless generations.

Arcane symbols, etched in shimmering blue flames, appeared on the ground in a precise and intricate pattern. They glowed with a malevolent hunger, yearning for the forbidden purpose they were about to serve. Each symbol represented a key to the abyss, a gateway through which the denizens of darkness would be beckoned.

The cloaked figures, their faces obscured by shadowy hoods, chanted in a language as ancient as time itself. Their voices rose and fell in an eerie cadence, the words resonating with power that seemed to flow from the very heart of the earth. The incantations were a siren's call to the infernal realms, a summoning that transcended the boundaries of the mortal world.

As the ritual unfolded, the stars above began to shift and spiral, forming a cosmic whirlpool that seemed to draw energy from the very cosmos. The crimson moon's glow intensified, casting an unsettling radiance that bathed the ritualists in an unholy light.

This Astral Convergence was a sight that defied the laws of nature, a dance of celestial forces and arcane energies that hadn't been witnessed for generations. It was a glimpse into a world beyond mortal comprehension, a testament to the ancient and forbidden knowledge that lingered in the shadows.

In this moment, the mystical and otherworldly aspects of the ritual were palpable. It was a reminder that the supernatural world existed in the periphery of mortal vision, hidden but ever-present, and that the consequences of this ritual would ripple through both realms, setting the stage for a unique and perilous journey that awaited Viole Shivani.

Amidst the arcane circle, there lingered an eerie presence. Shadowy figures, concealed in the depths of night's cloak, observed the proceedings from the fringes of the circle. They were but whispers in the darkness, ethereal and elusive, their forms barely discernible in the eerie light.

These shadowed witnesses were like phantoms, their silhouettes vague and indistinct. Cloaked in obscurity, they watched with an intensity that bordered on reverence, their eyes gleaming with a spectral luminescence. They neither interfered nor made their presence known, content to remain enigmatic observers of the unfolding ritual.

Their motives, their origins, their allegiance—all remained shrouded in secrecy. No words passed their unseen lips, no gestures betrayed their intentions. Their mere presence carried an aura of intrigue, a sense that they held knowledge of mysteries far beyond mortal comprehension.

As the incantations reached a crescendo and the celestial alignment peaked, the shadowy figures seemed to blur and merge with the very shadows themselves. It was as if they were a part of the night, a manifestation of the supernatural forces at play.

The ritualists, focused on their task, remained oblivious to these enigmatic observers, their presence concealed by the veil of the arcane. Yet, their lingering gaze left an indelible mark on the proceedings—a sense that there was a hidden world, a shadow realm, where supernatural beings moved in the periphery of mortal awareness.

The shadowed witnesses added an element of intrigue to the ritual, a layer of mystery that hinted at a larger, hidden world of supernatural beings. They were silent guardians of secrets, and their presence served as a reminder that the boundaries between the mundane and the supernatural were fluid and ever-shifting.

In the shadowed corners of a world marred by chaos, where supernatural beings and humans coexisted in uneasy tension, there existed a secret. A dark and forbidden secret that bound the threads of fate in an intricate tapestry of power, destiny, and sacrifice.

It was on one fateful night, beneath the pale, eerie glow of a blood-red moon, that the ritual took place. A ritual whispered of only in hushed tones, one that beckoned forth demons from the depths of oblivion. The air was charged with an unnatural energy, as cloaked figures chanted incantations long forgotten, etching arcane symbols into the very fabric of reality.

In the heart of the ritual, a child was born.

Viole Shivani, his name whispered by the night winds, entered the world amidst the eerie dance of flames and the haunting echoes of otherworldly voices. His birth, however, was no ordinary occurrence. It was the culmination of a ritual that was meant to summon and bind demons to a mortal vessel, a ritual carried out in desperation and darkness.

Yet, as fate would have it, something went awry that night. The ritual, intended to imprison malevolent entities within a hapless sacrifice, took an unexpected turn. The demons, rather than claiming their intended host, found themselves drawn inexorably toward the newborn Viole.

In that moment of cosmic convergence, a melding of souls occurred. Four distinct souls, each with its own essence, desires, and power, were woven into the very fabric of Viole's being. A lion-blooded spirit of strength and courage. A timeless vampire king with an unquenchable thirst for power. A mischievous mimic demon, ever playful and curious. A wise and patient arachnid, weaving webs of cunning and strategy.

These souls, bound together inextricably, granted Viole immense potential. Yet, they locked away their powers, safeguarding their abilities for a future unknown. Viole, unknowingly, became a vessel of unparalleled potential, a convergence of four distinct worlds within a single mortal form.

As the ritual concluded, and the cloaked figures dispersed into the night, they left behind a world forever altered. The stage was set, the curtains drawn, and Viole Shivani, with four souls bound within him, embarked on a unique and perilous journey. A journey where the balance between light and darkness would hang in the balance, where the destinies of mortals and supernatural beings would intertwine, and where the forbidden ritual would cast its long and haunting shadow over his path.

Viole Shivani was born, not as a sacrifice, but as a convergence of souls, a human, and tribrid unlike any other, and his journey had only just begun.

In the hush of the night, beyond the veil of the mortal realm, shadows stirred with a purpose known only to them. They gathered at the edges of a dense forest, where ancient trees loomed like sentinels of forgotten wisdom. The moonlight barely touched the undergrowth, shrouding everything in a silvery luminescence.

These shadows, formless and inscrutable, watched intently as a lone traveler navigated the labyrinthine paths of the forest. Her name was Seraphina, a wanderer of realms unseen, and she moved with an air of mystery that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the night.

As Seraphina ventured deeper into the woods, the shadows mirrored her every step, their presence barely discernible but undeniably purposeful. They shifted and swayed like sentient entities, their movements synchronized with hers, as if they were guardians of secrets long kept.

Seraphina halted at a moonlit clearing, her presence imbued with an otherworldly grace. The shadows, in a silent communion, gathered around her, forming a ghostly circle. They seemed to listen to her whispers, their ephemeral forms leaning closer as if absorbing her words.

She spoke in a language older thank time, words that resonated with the very heartbeats of the earth. The shadows, in response, undulated like a sea of obsidian, their presence both ethereal and profound.

Without warning, Seraphina extended a hand toward the heavens, her fingers tracing a constellation that bore an uncanny resemblance to the one witnessed during the forbidden ritual. The shadows, in eerie synchrony, reached upward as if touching the stars themselves.

With a final, enigmatic gesture, Seraphina turned and continued her journey through the forest, the shadows slowly receding into the depths of the night. They left no trace of their presence, only a lingering sense that they were bound by a purpose yet unknown.

These shadows, like echoes of an ancient melody, had observed Seraphina's path, their role in her story known to them alone.