

Hundreds of years ago, Planet Aurora evolved and during the weakend time of the planetary barrier an unknown energy sneaked into the planet giving birth to demonic beast and dungeons. With the population of the earth reduced to 30% of what it used to be,As always the adaptation of humans came into play with the supposed gods giving humans particular celestial spirits to fight the demonic beasts. But not all people were destined to awaken their celestials the people who didn't were called the "cursed" who were scorned. Alex,an orphan and a victim of the scorn of the society was filled with hatred towards the society cause he was a cursed or was he?

Drunk_god1 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2:The Ceremony

Today is the day Alex and other children of fifteen years of age were to awaken as this was the ceremony from years ago

Talking about the ceremony, it all started two hundred years ago,races from the cosmos invaded Planet Aurora,The invasion was well not treated well by humans

Humans aimed to eliminate them without trying to find out what they wanted and yeah it didn't go well as humans had their ass handed to them

The weapons which brought about pride to humans couldn't even scratch their skin

Some peaceful oriented race still tried to communicate with humans which later ended successfully (Humans:Tch that's was because we had no choice)

The cooperation between humans and some of the invading race,splitted the invaders into two factions {The aggressive and the peaceful factions}

With the cooperation the ruling force of humanity changed with the Newly Created Race Federation taking over,With the help of the advanced aliens humans evolved in the branch of technology

Creating weapons only thought existed in a sci-fi movie, But it came with a cost with the death-roll reaching millions with their first clash with the aggressive dudes [aliens]

But finally with the help of the new and evolved techs, humanity finally stood a chance , Finally coming to a standstill with both parties finally signing a peace treaty

Though humanity didn't face the threat of extinction, Thirty percent of humanity were lost in that war, The allies race suffered casualty but it wasn't up to the level of humans

That war was themed as the 'Great War'(Dramatic beat), Years went by and humans evolved together with their new comers,discovered new things, achieving humanity dream of intergalactic travel,New techs,Even built a floating city

What a wonderful sci-fi ending it was until a new threat arisen, A threat that threatened all living things and even the world itself

Fifty years after the Great War . A scientist discovered a new energy was permeating the atmosphere was it bad or good ? They got their answer when the docile beasts they cared for suddenly went berserk and went on a killing spree

Humanity worst nightmare started with the first appearance of a demonic gate,The animals evolved in a demonic way ,like a dog growing another head or a cat with bat wings

The appearance of the demonic gate brought humanity the feeling of helplessness they once felt fifty years ago because with the appearance of the gate brought the first demon breakout to the world

The new tech of humanity did nothing to them, Performing acts humans never thought existed but with their unity and togetherness they.....Had their ass handed to them...Again

The energy was later known as 'Demon Ether',The energy was poisonous to man and non demonic races but evolved any animal it came in contact with so yeah around the whole world all animals demonised

The Race Federation tried to fight back with more advanced tech but it was all for naught as more powerful demons appeared with strange marks on their foreheads came out from more of the demonic gates which later appeared

And for the entire Aurora faced the hanging guillotine of extinction, some race went extinct, some into hiding and some kept fighting

Humans were reduced to a measly 30 percent of what they used to be ,Up till now no one knows how or where the energy,demons and the occasional appearing gates came from

As humans faced the huge threa before them without knowing what to do,gods of unknown origins appeared in their astral projection to humans and races

With their joint powers they forcefully evolved Aurora bringing with it an energy human could cultivate with, the gods selected some to give their blessings to as humans and the other races were wary of them

The ones choosen had partners called 'Celestials' and also strange marks on their foreheads

Then the choosen first clash with the demons after they got their powerup came and it ended with the demons defeat

This war finally opened the wary kind eyes to believe in the gods ,Finally all humans get their respective power ups and kept pushing the demons back, selected few went into the demon gates and tried to defeat the demons there

Though they succeeded but not without deaths, the demons were pushed back and humans regained some of their lost lands

The energy gifted unto them they called 'ETHER',That time was known as the dark age by the latter generations

In the following years up till now small clashes still happen between demons and the joint force of the aliens and humans

Aurora expanded than what it was before and was splitted it into five continents, The Northern,Western,Eastern,Southern,Demon continents

The Race Federation maintained their position as the ruling power of Aurora

Humans once again evolved with the new energy along with their technology, As for the gods,Patheons were created to bless and choose their respective candidates to recieve their blessings

It became a ceremony, At the age of fifteen the children head to the gods tower in their respective cities to awaken their Patheon marks {A/N:The mark on their foreheads} and their Celestials and today was such a day


"Today is a perfect day for havoc don't you think Kendal" A man covered in a dark cloak spoke to the man kneeling behind him while basking in the warm rays of the sun