

In the enchanting kingdom of Elysium, a ceaseless battle wages between the malevolent demon tribe and the realm's wise rulers. To protect the kingdom, a council forms a group of seven elite warriors, destined to bring lasting peace. However, this elite warriors soon became corrupted by power and blinded from their main goal making matters worst. But everything changes when a boy "Kazuto kurogane" gets summoned by the gods, Chosen to stop the corrupt Heroes and hopefully bring peace back to Elysium once again.

Okunola_Champion · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Demon x Heroes volume 1 chapter 7

"It's been 2 weeks since we stayed in this small town, and a lot has happened.

The goddess taught me how to use the various Ethereal flux skills that I possessed, and within these few days, I was able to master each and every one of them.

I also began to adjust to the lifestyle of this new world. Besides, this life is a thousand times better than my initial one, and I'm really glad I was chosen. If not, I wouldn't be able to experience what I have in these past weeks.

Oh, and there's Lyra. The goddess also helped me train her to be able to make use of the immense Ethereal flux she had built inside, and within this past week, she's begun to show great promise in her skills.

To be honest, I'm really proud of her.

I gotta say, I've really gotten myself a nice comrade.

Right now, I decided to go for a stroll around the town with Lyra in search of a decent weapon for both of us.

Considering what we have to do, a weapon is really gonna be needed.

"Um... master... what weapon do you think would be suitable for me?" Lyra asked me as we headed in search of a weapon.

"That's not something you should be asking me, Lyra. Only you can know what type of weapon suits you best." I replied.

She gave a light nod, indicating that she understood.

As for me, I think I'd go for a dagger. It's cool and plus, it's easy for me to handle.

Well, the reason why there haven't been any complaints from the town folks about me walking openly with a Demi-human without a slave collar was simply that she's using an ethereal flux skill the goddess taught her: [Shifting Veil].

This is an ethereal flux skill that allows the user to conceal their appearance from others. By tapping into the mystical energies of the ethereal realm, the user can cloak themselves in a shimmering aura, rendering them invisible to the naked eye and any magical detection.

The user can activate [Shifting Veil] at will, and while under its effect, they can move silently and seamlessly through their surroundings without leaving any traces. The skill is especially useful for espionage, infiltration, or avoiding unwanted attention.

She's currently using this skill to hide her ears and tails, features which show she's a Demi-human.

As we were walking, I could see a large crowd gathering down our pathway. I and Lyra approached them to see what was happening. As we got there, I could see a carriage coming towards us with two white horses beside the carriage with what seems to be royal Knights riding on them.

"Hey goddess, who's that..." I called out to the goddess who was with us the whole time but concealed herself in the necklace I'm wearing.

Ah, yes, that person is none other than the 2nd princess of Elysium. But beware, for she is no ordinary princess; she holds a coveted position among the council's seven elite warriors, sworn to combat the sinister demon tribe that threatens our very existence.

Yet, my dear, there lies a dark and tragic tale beneath her majestic facade. The princess, once heralded as a beacon of hope, has succumbed to the alluring whispers of corruption. Power, like a venomous serpent, has twisted her noble heart, leading her astray from her sacred duty. Instead of championing justice for all, she has turned a blind eye to the plight of the commoners, forsaking their well-being to satiate her insatiable thirst for supremacy.

Her reign has veiled the kingdom in a shroud of inequality, where the privileged few flourish while the masses suffer beneath the weight of oppression. The cries of the downtrodden echo through the streets, pleading for a fairer existence, but their pleas fall on deaf ears within the princess's palace.

Alas, the irony of her situation is a tragic sight to behold. Once sworn to protect the realm from the demon tribe's darkness, she herself has become a purveyor of darkness, casting shadows upon the very land she vowed to safeguard.

As a goddess, I weep for the lost potential of this princess, her path deviating so far from the noble destiny she was destined to fulfill."

That's one hell of a background check.

So she's the second princess of Elysium and also one of the seven elites, huh? I guess I'd have to take her down or something.

As I was thinking to myself, I was snapped back to reality when I saw a kid who was staring at the carriage with a death glare.

I wondered if he was alright, but then he suddenly brought out a dagger from his pocket and started walking toward the carriage slowly.

"That boy's not gonna do what I think he's gonna do, is he?"

As soon as the carriage was in front of him, he charged at full speed, holding his dagger out. But before anyone could notice what he was about to attempt, I already grabbed him and used my hand to cover his mouth.

Despite his struggling, I didn't let him break free from my grip, and after the carriage was out of our line of sight, I quickly released him.

"What is your problem!!!" He immediately shouted at me in annoyance.

"I'd like to ask you the same thing, kid - you were planning on attacking the princess, weren't you?"

The boy quickly shut up after he found out that I knew what he was planning.

"Mind telling me why?"

"Why should I?"

I quickly glared at him, making him tell me his intentions.

"Well, you see, my parents were kind and devoted servants in the princess's royal court. They loved and served her with all their hearts. But one dreadful day, she accused them of a crime they didn't commit. It was all a plot to silence them, for they had uncovered her corrupt deeds.

The princess had them executed publicly, leaving me orphaned and devastated. I couldn't understand why she would do such a terrible thing to innocent people who had served her faithfully. My heart was filled with anger and grief, and I vowed to seek revenge.

So when I heard that the princess was passing through town, I saw it as an opportunity to confront her, to make her pay for what she had done to my family. I knew that my own life would be at risk, but the pain and rage inside me were too powerful to ignore."

I see... so he's a victim of this princess's cruelty, huh?

"Hey kid, what's your name?"

"Eldric... Eldric Stormborne."

"Well, Eldric, you shouldn't try to take revenge, okay? I know you've been hurt, but you don't need to take revenge."

"B... but..."

"I'm sure your parents wouldn't want that either. Think of how they'd feel."

"Y... you're right... I apologize, kind sir!"

I smiled at him before ruffling his head.

He shouldn't take revenge... besides, I'm the one that's gonna help you bring down this princess.