

In the enchanting kingdom of Elysium, a ceaseless battle wages between the malevolent demon tribe and the realm's wise rulers. To protect the kingdom, a council forms a group of seven elite warriors, destined to bring lasting peace. However, this elite warriors soon became corrupted by power and blinded from their main goal making matters worst. But everything changes when a boy "Kazuto kurogane" gets summoned by the gods, Chosen to stop the corrupt Heroes and hopefully bring peace back to Elysium once again.

Okunola_Champion · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Demon x Heroes volume 1 chapter 5

The goddess rushed to my side, concern etched on her face as she helped me up from the ground.

"Are you alright, Kazuto? I apologize; I should have warned you about the intensity of your newfound abilities," she said, her voice tinged with remorse.

"I-I'm fine," I stammered, still in awe of the power I had just unleashed. "But...what was that? I only wanted to hit that one tree, but everything around it got destroyed!"

She nodded, a hint of pride in her eyes. "Your affinity for Ethereal Flux is exceptionally strong, Kazuto. It allowed you to channel the energy far beyond your intended target. You possess the potential to become a formidable force in this world."

As I absorbed her words, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Having such power was thrilling, but it also came with great responsibility.

"I'll need to learn to control it," I said, determination settling in. "I can't afford to be careless and cause more destruction."

"Indeed, learning to control your abilities is crucial," the goddess affirmed. "It will take time and practice, but I have faith in your potential."

She went on to explain that my affinity for Ethereal Flux would allow me to learn various skills known as "Ethereal Techniques." These techniques harnessed the energy of the Flux to perform extraordinary feats. However, mastering them required both understanding and discipline.

"I see...so that's how it is"

I then looked at the destruction caused by my attack and I thought to myself that i have been truly gifted with unbelievable abilities. I guess taking down the heroes with this is gonna be nothing but a piece of cake.

"Don't get to ahead of yourself, Having this abilities doesn't guarantee you having a winning chance against the heroes. They aren't the elite warriors for nothing you know!"

she said that seeming like she read my thoughts. But I guess it wasn't going to be that easy.



"sorry that was my... stomach!"

my stomach started to demand for food. well of course seeing as I didn't eat anything since I got bear up by those guys.

"Alright why don't we get something to eat. There's a small town not to far from here so they must have an inn were we could eat and rest"

"oh that sounds great!"

that does sound great but... I'm to hungry to walk. should I tell her? she'll probably just get pissed again so maybe not.

"hold still!"


she suddenly approached me and placed her right hand on my shoulder and then a bright glowing circle appeared from below is and it immediately engulfed us.

I closed my eyes in panic but when I opened them again I was standing in front of the entrance of a wooden constructed building.

"wait what?"

"I used teleportation. you're welcome!"

oh we teleported here. that's kinda amazing. but how does she know I didn't wanna walk here?.. can she actually read minds? I wondered.

i then scanned the remaining surrounding and it turns out we were in a town. everything looks so fantasy like.

"Alright let's go in!"


I hesitately followed her in.

The inn was lively, filled with locals and travelers alike.

We settled down at a table.

"wow! this place is really something Goddess everyone seems to be enjoying themselves"

"Well that's not my problem. Besides this is no place fitting for a goddess such as myself. We'll rest here but we'll be gone as soon it's morning "

I guess this way beneath her.

"Alright I'll order the food. Excu-"



As she was about to call out to one of the waiters to take our order, the atmosphere shifted as rough-looking man barged in, dragging a chained Demi-human behind them.

The inn's patrons whispered among themselves, casting disdainful glances at the unfortunate Demi-human.

"goddess that's a Demi human correct?"

"correct! though Demi humans can also use the ethereal flux! they are hated by humans and mostly used as slaves"

"oh I see..."

So that's how people look at Demi humans huh? kinda like me in my previous life. I feel bad for that Demi human girl.

"you said they could also use ethereal flux right? is there a way to check out how much she posses?"

"that's right! it's a skill called [Ethereal Perception]"

I see...then let's see. Activate skill [ Ethereal Perception]!"

when I focused this skill on the Demi human. I sense an overwhelming amount of flux energy radiating from her.

"Goddess do you-"

"I sense it to! that child posses an overwhelming amount of flux. but it's a shame she can't unlock her abilities seeing as she is a slave"

"in that case!... I'll try to bring here to my side"

I whispered to the goddess, my determination unwavering.

"oh I see..."

She nodded, sharing my sentiment. "Agreed. Let's find a way to help her."

Just as we were contemplating our course of action, the slave trader noticed our attention on the Demi-human and approached us with a sneer. "Interested in this slave, are ya? She's not for sale."

that was quick.

"I beg to differ," I said calmly "We can see the potential in her. What would it take to buy her?"

The trader laughed, sensing an opportunity to make a profit. "You're wasting your time. I have no interest in selling."

Undeterred, I continued, "Name your price, and I'll pay double."

The trader looked at me like he was about to snap


"How about if I offered you this"

"wait those are...no way!"

I offered him two crystals popular know in this world as Ethereal Crystals.

These rare crystals are infused with abundant Ethereal Flux, making them sought-after by merchants and adventurers. They possess the ability to amplify and stabilize magical properties, making them valuable for enchantments and enhancing weapons and armor. The quest to find these crystals is perilous, as they are guarded by powerful beings in dangerous locations. Their discovery could become a pivotal point in the protagonist's journey, attracting various factions and adversaries who seek its power for their own .

The goddess made them for me in secret so I could convince this trader.

she's really impressive.

He just stood there with his mouth wide open.

"so do we have a deal?"


he said without hesitation and collected the crystals from my hand.

He then gave me the chains and approached the demi human and ripped off her shirt.

what the hell is he doing?!

but after her shirt got ripped what i saw was a round tattoo that kinda looked like a magical circle.

he said some light chants which dispelled the circle and told me to lend him my hand.

I did it without question he then used a pin to poke my finger and with that a drop of blood dripped onto her chest causing a new magic circle to be formed.

[ A slave Crest]

"There she's all yours... have fun kiddo"

He smirked and left the inn.

The goddess then approached me and commended me for actually pulling off the deal.

I then turned my attention to back to the Demi-human who looked bewildered as she was unchained and placed before me.

Her eyes brimmed with tears, fear and uncertainty evident in her expression.

I could feel her trembling, thinking that I would be just like any other cruel master she had encountered.

However, I decided to take a different approach.

I smiled gently and embraced her in a hug.

"There, there," I said soothingly. "You don't have to be afraid anymore. I'm not like them. I'll treat you with kindness and respect. You're no longer a slave; you're a valued comrade."

Her tears flowed freely, but this time they were tears of relief and hope. The warmth of my embrace and the sincerity in my words had touched her heart.

"Y-You promise?" she whispered, looking up at me with teary eyes.

"I promise," I said, a hint of manipulation in my tone, reassuring her that I would be a good master.

The goddess smiled at me, acknowledging the shrewdness of my actions. "You have a way with words, Kazuto. But remember, true companionship is built on trust and mutual respect."

"I know," I replied, my determination unwavering. "I will earn her trust, and together, we will defy the prejudices of this world."

Besides I think she'd be very useful in helping us with our goals.

But I wonder.... what if she didn't posses this much power would I still have saved her? or maybe I only did that because I found her useful.