

In the enchanting kingdom of Elysium, a ceaseless battle wages between the malevolent demon tribe and the realm's wise rulers. To protect the kingdom, a council forms a group of seven elite warriors, destined to bring lasting peace. However, this elite warriors soon became corrupted by power and blinded from their main goal making matters worst. But everything changes when a boy "Kazuto kurogane" gets summoned by the gods, Chosen to stop the corrupt Heroes and hopefully bring peace back to Elysium once again.

Okunola_Champion · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Demon x Heroes volume 1 Chapter 2 A twist of faith

The rain poured relentlessly, drenching Kazuto Kurogane as he stood atop the skyscraper's rooftop. The chill in the air cut through him, yet he felt numb, both physically and emotionally. He had been betrayed by his once true love and left broken, leading him to contemplate ending his life. But something inside him still hesitated, as tears mixed with raindrops on his cheeks.

As he looked down at the city below, contemplating his decision, a whisper in the wind caught his attention. "Is it such a bad thing if I had a normal life?" he screamed in frustration, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Just as he was about to take that fateful step, a mysterious voice spoke from behind him. "Oh?...why not let me give you a head start, Kazuto-kun?" Startled, he turned, but before he could see who it was, a sudden force pushed him off the edge.

The world seemed to slow down as he plummeted towards his apparent end. Yet, just as he had resigned himself to fate, a bizarre turn of events occurred. He felt a sharp impact on his head, and time seemed to freeze around him. Everything turned monochrome, and a peculiar girl with a Loli-like figure and captivating crimson eyes appeared floating next to him. Her black hair framed her face in curls, and a vibrant purple aura surrounded her.

"Geez! It's rude to ignore someone, you know?! Even if you are about to die!" the girl scolded him, her annoyance evident.

Confused and still processing the situation, Kazuto managed to utter, "Who...who are you?"

With a huff, the girl replied, "Hmph! Alright, I'll get straight to the point." She poked him on the nose, causing him to blink in surprise. "Kazuto Kurogane, you have been chosen by the gods to be the hero who would save a world from destructive forces of evil!"

Kazuto was taken aback by the revelation. "Eh? Save the world? What do you mean?"

The girl rolled her eyes playfully. "I mean exactly what I said! You've got a big role to play, and I won't let you waste it by jumping off a building. Come on, hero, we've got work to do!"

As the shock settled in, Kazuto's heart began to race not from fear of falling but from the excitement of the unknown destiny that lay ahead.

he thought, still trying to grasp the fantastical reality unfolding before him. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of a thrilling adventure that would change the course of his life forever.

[Author's Note: If you thought this was surprising, just wait until you see what's next! The story of Demon x Heroes is about to take some exhilarating twists and turns as Kazuto embraces his newfound destiny.]