
demon slayer, the will of the blade

this a fanfic keep in mind, different upper and lower moons, fanmade breathing styles and the lot

mob_mobbers · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

the concerns of the higher ups

Sanda Ubuyashiki came back to the manner "evening Iide." "hello Sanda, nice to see you've come back." the left side of Sanda's head and eye looked sickly he was blind in his left eye but that didn't stop him at all. "I'm glad I came back too, sadly those things had no information on the whereabouts of Muzan." Iide is saddened "I'm sorry to hear that, but have I got news for you." "I know Iide, we have a man who has a demon arm, your crow told me." Sanda then starts to cough "master!" Sanda then falls to his knees covering his mouth, Iide comes to his aid "*cough, cough!* I'm fine *cough* I think..." Iide helps Sanda stand up and then brings him to his room "please master rest, you've worked too much today so we'll handle the rest." Sanda falls asleep, blood covering his soft smooth lips.

Iide walks up to Akira "Akira, masters here." Akira stops sitting with the others and rushes up to Iide "where is he?" he asked frantically as he rushes along the hallway opening every door he can find until he finds him "shh he's sleeping." Iide said quietly "is he okay?" Akira asked looking at Sanda's sickly body "you tell me, idiot." Sanda turns his head at the two "oh thank goodness, you two are okay was there any trouble?" he asked in a caring tone, one that a mother would have "yes we're fine, we just wanted to make sure you're okay." Iide said slowly leaving the room with Akira being dragged along "Akira I need to ask you something, something very important." Iide said sternly "when are we going to execute that hybrid of a slayer?" Iide stopped walking and looked at Akira "but... the man isn't hurting any-" "that thing is not a man! he is a man working with a demon, a demon I failed to kill." he hangs his head in shame but then an idea comes to his head "I'll kill him myself." Iide leans his hand towards the handle of his blade, he is then stopped by Akira who has a stern expression on his face "Iide I demand you leave him alone, or so be it I'll kill you before you can even draw your blade." Akira loosens his grip on Iide's arm "tch, calm down." Iide walks away in shame from Akira.

Dai watched as Iide furiously walks out of the hallway "Mr iide is master Sanda okay?" Iide looks down on Dai "he's... doing fine." Iide said with a wobbling smile on his face which hides behind his mask "good to hear, can't believe he still fights when he's like that, it's truly admirable." Dai said with glee and admiration, Iide looks at the night sky, stars shining brightly "alright it's getting late, I think you and the others should head to sleep now." he pats Dai on the head and walks away to his room.

as they all rest peacefully except for Sora who had Kichi talking to him all night long "Kichi, for the love of God shut the fuck up!" Sora demanded but Kichi kept talking "Sora can I ask do you love Kei?" "she is a great friend of mine, but she can not replace my late wife Mei, she was everything to me." Kichi smiles at Sora "oh I know she was." Sora's eyes widen as he looks to the left of his room that leads outside and he saw lower rank 2 Kaori, smiling at him, his smile terrified Sora "she was also a real beauty." he said as he scraped his axe along the floorboards, annoying Sora "and hey didn't she say happy birthday before she died, what a bummer, wife dying on your special day." Sora began to grow angry at Kaori, ready to fight hand to hand even if that means he dies. "don't you dare insult her." he demanded furiously "s-s-stop, I'm shaking in my boots." Kaori said in a mocking tone, testing Sora's patience, Kaori stands up, his frail body showing his ribs "what are you gonna do to me?" he asked as he was right in front of Sora's face, their eyes locking "this!!" he quickly stabs his arm that housed Kichi, his long nails piercing through Kaori's skin "Kichi now!" Kichi sends his long tendril-like veins into Kaori's body, like a puppeteer he makes the demon move his that held his axe to his neck "Kichi why are you not going through with it!?" Kaori starts to laugh maniacally "its... not working, is it?" Kaori smiles at Sora "you didn't even get passed my skin," he grabs Kichi and tears him out, his smile looking more manic by the second "how weak do you have to be?" Sora smirked in a villainous way as if Kaori had gone along with his plan "Kichi do it!" veins drill out of the arm and wrap around Kaori's neck "well shit, glad to see someone thought of a good plan." Kaori said with a serious look on their face, Sora looks around his room and noticed his katana, he reaches for the sword and then aims it at Kaori "Woah calm down, no need to bring out the sword." Kaori said before quickly slicing the tendrils off "thought you could kill me ay?" Kaori swings his axe at Sora's neck but Sora blocks it with his sword, Sora starts to breathe slowly which startled Kaori (flame breathing, 1st form: unknowing fire!) He then pushed the axe away and then quickly swings it in one swift motion, his blade chipped into Kaori's neck "Sora I'm gonna be asleep for a bit, take care of this guy!" Kichi mutters before sleeping, Sora jumped out of his bed and then moves outside, grabbing his cloak and clothes. Kaori smirked as he slowly walked out onto the gravel, (flame breathing, 6th form: burning ash!) Sora runs at Kaori, his sword glistening in the moonlight, Sora swings his sword but he misses "ha you idiot!" Kaori mocks him but then Sora drags his sword through the gravel and then slices off Kaori's hand in one quick movement (flame breathing, 7th form: flame serpent) Sora quickly swings his sword from left to right, cutting at Kaori's torso with cuts that look to be snake bites, "I'll behead you once and for all!!" Sora kept repeating the same motion at Kaori (flame breathing, 8th form: rising Phoenix!) Sora then ducks in response to Kaori swinging his axe down, trying to split Sora's head in two, but as he ducks, he points his sword and then jumps up and slices both of Kaori's arms off in a motion that looked as if a burning Phoenix was spreading its wings.

Sora gets ready to finally kill Kaori, Kaori splashes blood into Sora, landing on his chest and arms "blood demon art: rusting doll!" the blood on Sora starts to turn brown and Sora falls to the floor, weak "pathetic cretin!" Kaori shouts as he regenerates his lost arms and brings his hands down onto Sora's neck, but Sora smiles as he drops his sword which confused Kaori "accepting fate ay?" he says before Sora punched him right in the jaw, Kaori rubbed his jaw "really a sucker punch is your last act?" Sora lifts his rust ridden arm and points over to his room and so Kaori looks over to it and sees Dai, dual swords at the ready, his breathing becomes steady (dawn breathing, 1st form: genesis) Dai jumps up appearing like the sun shining down and then he slashes vertically and cuts Kaori's lower body off "fuck off you bastard!!" Kaori yells before he sends his blood out, splattering his blood onto Dai but he misses "blood demon art: shooting nails!!" metal spikes jet up from the ground and as Dai goes to cleave them in two, *clank!* one his sword breaks in two as it clashes with the steal "huh?" Dai and Sora are confused and then Dai freezes up (we're gonna die right here aren't we? no don't think so negative Dai, maybe Sora will come up with a plan to get us out of this! he's smart right?) Dai keeps talking to himself to try and calm himself down but as he looks at Sora he noticed Sora was tired and breathing heavily "blood demon art: metallic hell." Kaori said calmly and maniacally.

before Sora and Dai are finished off they hear what sounds like thunder striking the ground (thunder breathing, 1st form: thunderclap and flash!) Kei dashes in suddenly, like lightning in the sky but then she disappears right in front of Kaori's eyes "hey! show yourself, you bastard!" Kaori yells and then he looks up to see her floating like she's in zero gravity "I've got you now!" Kei dashes down onto him like lightning striking the ground but Kaori defends himself "blood demon art: iron maiden!" he then has iron bars sprout from his skin and covers him in a shell "Sora! Dai! stop lying around and help!" Kei's sword turns red as she grows closer to Kaori's shell, "she's right, come on Dai stand up and grab your blade!" Sora grabs his sword and Dai grabs his last sword with two hands (flame breathing, 3rd form: blazing universe!) he jumps forward and brings his sword down on the hard shell with the only results being sparks flying (I've gotta try harder, for Dai, for Kei and mei!!) Sora keeps swinging his sword frantically at the shell "keep fighting!" and then Dai swung his sword with all his might (dawn breathing, 1st form: genesis!) he then swings his sword sideways and then upwards just to bring it back down onto the shell, he looked like sunrays as he pushed his sword down (thunder breathing, 3rd form: thunder swarm) Kei then released slashed all sides of the shell, hoping to weaken it.

they all kept striking the tough shell with all their might, swords starting to chip from the shell's toughness, they all jumped back as Kaori busted out of his shell, he swung his axe left and right "you fucking pathetic bitches!!" Kaori shouts before he focuses on Sora "fuck it! I'll make you see your wife again!" he rushes towards him "Dai now." Kei commands Dai as the two move in on Kaori, Kaori brings down his axe on the two "blood demon art: prison of rust!" the wounds start to rust over "AAAHHHHH!!!" Kaori kept running at Sora but then Sora gets into a stance, he sheathed his blade back into its scabbard, parted his legs and then concentrated on his breathing (flame breathing, 9th form: illuminating heaven!) he then pulls his sword out from his scabbard, like a bonfire being lit, he runs up with seemingly flames lightning up behind him and a nine tailed fox appears beside him, its fiery tails flowing through the wind, then Sora is face to face with Kaori until he collided with Kaori.

Sora then swings his sword with the last of his strength, the sword hits Kaori's neck, but Kaori holds onto the sword, trying to push it out of his neck (I can't die here, not in this place) Kaori told himself, trying to motivate himself to live but Sora kept digging his sword deeper into his neck. Sora looked Kaori dead in the eyes, his look could send chills through your entire body, his face stern and serious, then he whispered something from his lips "rot in the deepest pits of hell...." Kaori grew terrified, he never felt this way last time when he met Sora, he only saw Sora as a stray animal looking for food "HISA!!" Hisa seemingly spawned on the roof "oh Kaori, always needing your friend's help." Hisa jumps down and lifts his leg, trying to hit Sora but Sora was too focused on defeating Kaori (flame breathing, 2nd form: rising scorching sun!) Sora pulls his sword out of Kaori's neck, which left Kaori with some time to heal and then Sora slices off Hisa's leg diagonally like a sunrise. (somethings wrong with this man, his aura doesn't feel normal at all, all I feel is a burning sensation mixed with hatred) Hisa looks over at Dai and Kei, he then jumps over to them and gets ready to kick their heads off with one swift strike but then Sora is left with a choice, either kill the monster that killed his wife or save his friends.

Sora looks over to the healing Kaori, then to Kei and Dai, his thoughts were clashing, to kill his wife's murderer or to save his friends, Sora grabbed his blade firmly holding it with both hands, concentrating on his breathing (total concentration) Sora charges at Hisa but he's met with a kick to the stomach causing Sora to spit out blood "know your place." Hisa looks back at the two rusted slayers but then he and Kaori feel an overwhelming presence, as Hisa looks left he saw a young woman who looked to be in his 20s, she had a scar on her right cheek, a strong psyche, blue eyes like the ocean, long white hair with hints of blue in it, a cape that had smoke stitchings throughout it, muscular looking thighs and a naginata for her blade, the blades colouring was mint green with purple spots. She smirked at the demon "s-shit..." Hisa mutters under his breath which became faster and faster (smoke breathing, 3rd form: calming vapour) she moves closer towards Hisa, swaying as she moved until she seemingly disappeared and then as Hisa began to calm down he looks at his arm which was sliced off without him noticing "Kaori we need to go!" Hisa looked at Kaori and he saw he already left and so like that he ran as fast as he could and then

the lady went over to Sora, Kei and Dai. she dragged them along to the medical room.

fun fact about Hisa, the reason he uses his legs is because when he was human he was a kickboxer as a human, he also rarely uses his demon art because he thinks people should have a fair fight against him

mob_mobberscreators' thoughts