
Chapter 32

From this point on, everything will be in third POV. You'll see things like so and so POV, but it won't be first POV.

I just don't want to write (Third POV: Kyoshi) or anything like that. It looks disgusting.


"Come on in, close the door behind you." He said enthusiastically.

"A-alright!!" Yui said as she closed the door and ran over towards the table and sat down.

She took a look around the room and saw many pictures of two boys. A few of whole families and then group pictures.

He had a lot of katana's on his walls as well along with sets of armor.

"So, why've you come her?" He asked her with a smile.

"Oh, I came here to investigate actually." Yui answered as she glanced at a picture on the wall.

"Ah I never fully introduced myself. I'm Kenji Kisanagi. I've been in this village for over a decade." He said with a smile on his face.

Yui suddenly froze as her mouth dropped.

"B-but the massacre and none left alive!! How is that possible?! Are you lying?!" She asked as she leaned on the table.

"Nope." He answered with a wide smile.


Kenji sighed as he gained a sad look in his eyes before clearing his throat.

"As you know this started three years ago, on the night of the attack. It was getting close to midnight so other than the lanterns that shined, it was a dark and silent night.

Two kids, who I cared so much about and saw them as my own had just ran hime. They both were named Kyoshi Fuji and Seikichi Hazushima.

Those boys were both an energetic handful. They often came by to help with my garden and the cherry blossom trees that I was growing. I was close friends to their parents.

Kyoshi's especially since I knew his mothers mother. Ah right, as I was saying the two boys were just heading home. That night I decided to go on my late night run.

After all I can't let myself just wither away. I grabbed my sword, tossed on my gear and ran out of the village and went to the next village over in the west.

It wasn't too far. Well for me anyway. I stayed there for quite some time and spent the night there since an acquaintance of mine was there.

Come the next morning when I had finished my exercises and a little spar, I began to run back and what I came to was a destroyed village. It was completely gone.

Everyone and everything had been destroyed. After consulting some of my friends from other villages they all decided to come together and help me rebuild it.

You get it right? Prior to the incident, I'd lived there for 7 years. There was no way I could just leave it. All of my bonds, my years of experience and joy was all laying there before me in piles of rubble.

I know it's very selfish and seriously foolish to try to rebuke this village, but it was something my heart was set on and something I wanted to get done before I die."

Yui felt the emotion in his words and they absolutely moved her heart. She was saddened hearing not only about the fate of Kyoshi's family, but of the whole village.

Even Seikichi's experience surprised her.

Compared to what they experienced and how they handled it, she couldn't comprehend how she'd act in that situation.

As she sat there in her stunned state, she felt a tap on her shoulders and looked up to Kenji standing up with a sad smile. He pointed towards the sliding walls of the room they were in and she looked to her right.

He walked over with soft steps and spread the doors apart.

A gust of wind entered as cherry blossoms flowed into the room. The rustling of the leaves and the flowers surrounding the trees were absolutely magnificent, but the thing that caught and held her attention the most was the huge Wisteria tree.

He signaled for her to follow him as he walked outside and she wiped her eyes as she followed him.

"You see this tree? Do you know why I grew it?" He asked her with a warm smile.

Yui shook her head as she touched the tree and looked at it in a daze.

"The attributes of a wisteria tree are that they're strong, tall, and are used to ward away those evil demons. I grew this tree as a representation of the bonds I've made in this village.

All those years of joy and utter untainted happiness I experienced in this village was all put into this tree as ling as this tree is standing strong and tall, so will I."

They both looked at the tree with smiles as they seemed to enter their own world.

"Oh, I forgot. There was something you wanted to investigate right? What can I do for you?" He asked.

"Oh, right. I…I wanted to come and visit this place since I've never been here. Instead of an investigation, it's more like exploring." She answered with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, I see. Well then, feel free to roam the village. The people are nice and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Ah, that reminds me…"

Kenji went back into the room and Yui followed him as he went to his wall and pulled a sheathed tanto from one of the blade holders.

"Ah, I already heave one." Yui said as she saw him stretch his hand towards her.

"I think this will be more use to you rather than me." He said with a sly laugh as he grabbed her hand and out the tanto onto her palm.

She looked at it and saw on the side of the sheath it read "Fuji".

Her eyes widened and she failed to even utter a word from shock.

"It's fine. I found it by a tree under a bit of mud out in the forest close to the farm a few villages over. I'm sure it was put to good use in your hands." He said with a sly smile.

He wasn't a fool. He obviously saw her taking glances at pictures with Kyoshi in them and even if it seemed impossible or foolish, he liked to believe Kyoshi was out there somewhere.

After all, why would the families tanto be outside in some random forest.

Yui pulled it from the sheath and saw that it was chipped.

"What happened to it?" She asked.

"Who knows?" Kenji said as he walked back to the doors and slid them shut. He then grabbed a fan from under his table and put on a green haori.

"Well then, I'll be seeing you. Enjoy your stay in the village and tonight we're having a festival which'll be celebrating the third consecutive year of warding off demon attacks."


As it would turn out. She had nothing that could be worn to something of such importance. She had a few night gowns in her bag and a few changes of clothes, but nothing formal, like a yukata.

Following that realization, she spent her time shopping for clothes to wear to the festival

She rly couldn't fathom how such a heartwarming village like this could only be knows from the massacre that took place.

The thought of how Kyoshi would react if he cane back to this town crossed her mind before she sighed.

(Kyoshi's POV)

Over the past few days that Kyoshi and Ren have been traveling, Ren has progressively been getting used to her new body as a demon with Kyoshi's teachings.

He already told her about her natural powers and she was indeed strong. After all she received quite a bit of his blood. Currently, he can compare her strength to maybe Lower Moon Rank 4: Rokuro.

At the moment, they had just made it to Tokyo and it were walking around the place with a wondrous expression written on their faces although they had to close off their nose from the smell of human food.

There were a lot of humans walking around since it's Tokyo and nighttime, but that also met food stalls and shops were opened along with bars and other feeding establishments.

The aroma from the food that was being cooked was stronger and vast. Hell they could smell it, a few miles away from the city.

Anyways, this is where they'd start their search. Well, this is where Kyoshi will start his search, while Ren tagged along.

"Sensei, why's this place so big and crowded." Ren asked with some annoyance in her voice.

"Well…I don't know. I've only been to a city like this once and that was far back in my childhood, when I was picked up by gramps." Kyoshi answered as he looked around.

"Mm, I still can't believe a demon as powerful as Muzan would take in a kid. The way you describe him and the way the DSC describes him are way to different." She said with a heavy sigh.

"Well…I was told that gramps used to be a really bad person and all that, but meh. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get the results you're looking for. I'm sure humans know that more than anyone really." Kyoshi said.

"Let's say there was a incurable hereditary disease that was discovered. Humans will come up with some thoughts and try those out on animals before humans.

Can you tell me why they do that?" Kyoshi asked.

"Because they're animals?"

"Nope." He exclaimed before bonking her on the head.

"They do it because moat if not all humans either consciously or subconsciously have a superiority complex over all other species.

They have all rights to do so actually and their not wrong. Humans have undoubtedly beat all other species of animals weather it be birds, fish, wild cats, wild dogs, all of it.

They have earned that title and they can rightfully have that opinion, but then enters a species that treats them the same why they treat other species.

A species that outclasses them in both primitive nature and hell, human nature. A species that takes that all superior ideology from them and do them like they did so many other animals.

You can guess how they felt right? It's not right, that species needs to be destroyed, they're monsters, dangerous disgusting things and all that nonsense.

From my understanding, I feel like if humans took a look at themselves from a different perspective, they'd realize that us demons are basically them, but better.

We're basically the ultimate humans and just like humans would look for the cure to that disease and experiment with as many things as it takes, so will grandpa Muzan."

Kyoshi glanced to his right and saw Rens' eyes basically shining as she looked at him in wonder.

"I think I get it Sensei. You don't really hate the humans right?" She asked.

"Of course not. I never have and most likely never will. How could I hate people that're just trying to survive like everyone else. The only thing I hate is how hypocritical they are in their think. Especially the DSC."

"Ohh, I see. When I was human I never actually thought of it like that at all. I was just told that demons are this, this and that along with humans having a duty to brung them down." Ren said.

"Mm, it's just brainwashing. Well to be specific there's three things I hate about humans. They're self-righteous, hypocritical, and from what I know; very narrow minded." Kyoshi said.

"Hahahahahaha, I see. Kid, that's exactly what I think about humans. How's about we have a drink together."

Kyoshi and Ren felt chills run down their back as they both jumped away and looked back. They saw a pale man, with messy, but silky and glossy hair standing there in the uniform of the Japanese Imperial Army. He had quite the grin on his face as he looked at them as well.

'I couldn't even hear his footsteps…'Kyoshi thought.