
Demon slayer: start as an immortal Vampire

*warning* Gallows humor ------- The MC is someone who was reincarnated 100 years before the main story and got a wampire king system. But unfortunately, he was caught by the demon slayers as a result of a misunderstanding before he could improve himself. No matter how hard the demon slayers try, they couldn't find a way to kill this man, so they locked him up. Fortunately, MC is freed again at the beginning of the story for some reason and becomes the first demon to join the demon slayers... There will be many tragicomic events related to the MC's strange personality. The main character is not overly greedy or overly clever, but an ordinary person with an artistic soul and with a love for death... But not a very faithful lover... Main tags--> comedy, action, vampire system --------- suport me and join us --> patreon/OLD_storage (We have cookies and 1 week early access)

OLD_storage · Anime & Comics
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terrible meeting

After looking at his profile tab on his system for a while, Yuto noticed something at the bottom of his profile tab.

[ The amount of blood you need to drink to obtain a new ketsujutsu spell (blood art) is 99.996% complete ]

The blood he had just drunk helped him make almost one percent more progress in a single shot.

When Yuto first came to this world, he believed he had traveled back in time, and he had a vampire king system.

Before he was reincarnated, he was only a 15-year-old boy. When he traveled to this world, he found himself in the body of a boy about 5 or 6 years old. And this child was a weak orphan who was bullied by everyone.

As an ordinary person living in the modern age, after being given power, he decided to take quick revenge on the people who bullied him. Of course, it was still obvious that he had never murdered in his previous life.

In a rage, he drank the blood of everyone in the village until they passed out. And soon he reached a higher level than any human being could ever reach.

Or so he thought. But a man holding a sword appeared and beat him mercilessly for many hours. He tried many different ways to kill him, but in the end he couldn't kill him and decided to take him with him.

Yuto could not be killed in any way because he was a vampire king, but there was a problem: a ball of blood in the center of his heart was the center of his regenerative ability. The swordsman who went to capture him realized this and was able to hold him as a prisoner easily.

For a while many demon hunters tried to kill him but none of them succeeded and finally they decided to lock him up under the house of the oldest demon hunting family.


Yuto waited for a while, and seeing that the others still hadn't returned, he decided to play around with something. When his hand changed shape into a small bloody knife, he cut his hair, which was almost touching the ground, into a much shorter length. Of course, he still hadn't cut his hair completely. In his opinion, long and messy hair was a physical characteristic of a true poet.

After a long time, when he saw that he could use blood art again, he wanted to do something more, so he spilled some blood from his body and made a chair out of it and sat on it. Then he wanted to make a table, a piece of paper and a pen, but before he could complete the table, both the chair underneath him and the half-finished table turned back into blood and spilled on the floor, and the warning of a system appeared in front of him

[Please drink blood to be more able to use your blood shaping ketsujutsu. It will be dangerous to let too much blood out of your body.]

Yuto ignored the system's warning and reactivated his blood art, not caring that his body was starting to turn old again. And he got the table and chair that he wanted.

Then, with a darker crimson pen on the red paper in front of him, he began to write the poems he had created over the past years. Unfortunately, the system was quite correct and while he was excitedly writing his poems, he suddenly felt dizzy and lost control of his blood art.

In the old house upstairs, Kagaya told one of the demon slayers who was in charge of serving him to move the floorboards. When the demon slayer moved the wood, a man and 5 girls who looked very similar to each other went down the stairs together and walked towards the dungeon where Yuto was.

When Kagaya and his kids arrived in front of the cellar, they were greeted by a horrible scene.

The floor of the dungeon was covered in a huge amount of blood, and a man with messy hair, who looked as if he had been suffering from torture for a long time, was lying on the floor in the blood. The man heard footsteps and raised his head from the bloody floor to see who was coming.

When Kagaya's children saw the man's blood covered body and blood covered face, they ran in fear and hide behind their father.

Yuto, remembering the deal he had just made with Kagaya, realized how badly his current situation contradicted it and didn't hesitate for a second before begging the man who was his last hope of escape.

"Please forgive my mistake, karama-sama! I will never disappoint you like this again, please forgive me just this once"

*bam* *bam* *bam* *bam*

When the little girls saw this bloodied man lying on the ground, his head hitting the bloody ground hard, crying for mercy to their father. Looking at their father with eyes filled with fear, they removed their hands from his kimono and took a step away from him.

Kagaya knew he had a weak heart, so he closed his eyes, trying to hold back his anger as best he could, and after a while he opened his mouth in his usual calming voice.

Meanwhile, as soon as the little girls heard the first sound from their father's mouth, they started running up the cellar stairs again, screaming like they had reached their limit. They were too scared to even listen to what their father was saying.

What they didn't know was that Yuto was the most terrified person in the room because of their actions. Yuto, not being an fool, recognized the series of coincidences that had just happened and looked at Kagaya, who was biting his own lip to calm himself down.