
Demon Slayer - The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Reincarnated... Wait, What?! Kendo champion, physics enthusiast, and hardcore otaku Akio is living his best life until a sudden twist of fate throws him headfirst into the world of Demon Slayer. Now stuck in the body of a young boy with a tragic past, Akio's got to figure out how to survive in a world filled with flesh-eating demons. Armed with his past life's knowledge, a Demon Slayer Mark, and a "Walmart Byakugan," Akio's ready to face this new challenge with his signature blend of humor, wit, and surprisingly effective kendo skills. Join him as he navigates this demon-infested world, one hilarious mishap at a time, all while trying to figure out if Tanjiro's crow is yellow or black. Copyright Notice: I do not own Demon Slayer or any of its characters. All rights belong to Koyoharu Gotouge and their respective publishers. (Seriously, guys, come up with better names for your abilities. "Transparent World"? C'mon, that's so basic. I mean, I'd call it something cooler, like... "Superhuman X-Ray Vision" or "The All-Seeing Eye of Awesomeness." But hey, what do I know? I'm just a lowly reincarnated kendo nerd trying to survive in a demon-infested world.) Published by: Over9000words (Note to self: Find a better pen name. This one's starting to feel a bit... cringe. Maybe something like "The Reincarnated Otaku" or "The Kendo Kid with X-Ray Vision." I'll workshop it.) Book Title: Demon Slayer: The Man, The Myth, The Legend (Okay, even I have to admit that title is a bit much. But hey, it's catchy, right? ...Right? Besides, Over9000words is the one writing this thing, not me. Blame him for the cheesy title.) p.s. Akio doesn't know shit about kendo, he is just making it up to look cool - Over9000words. *Knock* *Knock*

Over9000Words · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 15: Mountain Mayhem

With Fuyume's directions (and a few helpful nudges from his surprisingly sharp beak), I navigated the winding mountain paths towards Mount Kōri. The journey was tough, filled with steep climbs, hidden pitfalls, and the occasional grumpy wild boar trying to defend its territory.

"Seriously, Fuyume," I panted, clinging to a precarious ledge, "couldn't you have mentioned the whole 'vertical cliff face' part of the journey?"

Fuyume simply hooted in response, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. Guess I'll take that as a 'no'.

By the time I reached the base of Mount Kōri, the sun had already begun its descent, casting long shadows across the ancient forest. A sense of unease settled over me, a stark contrast to the vibrant energy of the wisteria-covered slopes of Fujikasane.

"Alright, Akio," I muttered, drawing my Odachi and tightening my grip. "Time to find this missing monk and show this demon what happens when you mess with a reincarnated kendo champ."

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew heavy with a sickeningly sweet scent. It was a smell I had encountered before, during my first demon slaying mission.

Venom, I thought, my "Mind's Eye" scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. Looks like we've got ourselves a poisonous predicament.

Suddenly, a grotesque figure emerged from the darkness. Its body was a horrifying fusion of human and beast, with elongated limbs ending in razor-sharp claws and a mass of writhing tentacles dripping with a viscous, purple liquid.

"Well, hello there, Mr. Tentacles," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the urge to gag. "You wouldn't happen to have seen a missing monk around here, would you?"

The demon hissed, its multiple eyes glinting with malice. "Another insect buzzing around my domain," it rasped. "I'll add your bones to my collection."

Lovely. Just lovely.

The demon lunged, its claws slashing through the air. I dodged, my movements a blur as I activated Total Concentration Breathing. The demon's speed was impressive, its attacks unpredictable. But I was ready for it.

I watched its movements intently, my "Mind's Eye" revealing the flow of venom within its body, the subtle twitches of its muscles before each strike.

"Nice try, buddy," I said, parrying a claw that nearly took off my ear. "But you're gonna have to do better than that."

Second Form: Ryūten Hangeki (Flowing Counterstrike)!

I deflected another attack, using the demon's momentum to spin me around. My Odachi flashed, leaving a glowing trail as it sliced through the air. The demon roared in pain, its flesh sizzling where the blade had made contact.

"That's gonna leave a mark," I quipped, a grin spreading across my face.

The demon retaliated, spitting a glob of corrosive venom in my direction. I ducked, the acidic substance burning a hole in the ground where I had been standing a moment before.

"Whoa, careful there, buddy," I said, my voice laced with mock concern. "That stuff looks like it could melt through steel. And my face. Mostly my face."

The demon hissed, its tentacles lashing out like whips. I dodged and weaved, my movements fluid and precise.

The demon unleashed its toxic mist, a swirling cloud of purple haze that enveloped the clearing. I coughed, my eyes stinging, my lungs burning. Great, just what I needed - a demon with a built-in air freshener.

I held my breath, relying on my "Mind's Eye" to see through the poisonous fog. The demon's tentacles snaked through the mist, their venomous tips glinting in the moonlight.

Time to turn up the heat.

Third Form: Momentum / Surge San no Kata: Ikioi Rengeki!

I burst into motion, a whirlwind of slashes and parries. Each strike landed with increasing force, the energy from my movements building with every blow. The demon's tentacles recoiled, unable to keep up with my relentless assault.

I could see its internal organs through the haze, its demonic heart pumping frantically, its lungs struggling to breathe in the poisoned air.

"Not so tough now, are you?" I taunted, my voice echoing through the mist. "Looks like your venom isn't as effective as you thought."

The demon roared in frustration, its tentacles lashing out wildly. But I was too fast, too agile. I danced around its attacks, my katana a blur of motion, each strike leaving a trail of shimmering energy in its wake.

"You're just a big, overgrown octopus," I continued my taunts. "And I'm about to turn you into an octopus grill."

The demon's rage reached a fever pitch. It retreated from the mist, its body pulsating with dark energy. Its multiple eyes narrowed, fixated on me with a murderous intensity.

"You dare mock me, human?" it hissed, its voice dripping with venom. "I am Zankuro, the Venom Demon! I will crush you beneath my claws and feast upon your flesh!"

Zankuro? Seriously? I thought, rolling my eyes. Couldn't you have come up with a more intimidating name?

Before I could unleash another witty retort, Zankuro launched into a dramatic monologue, his voice booming through the clearing.

"I was once a humble monk, devoted to healing and compassion," he lamented, his tone thick with self-pity. "But the world rejected me, cast me out for my pursuit of knowledge. Now, I am an instrument of vengeance, a vessel of pure, unadulterated poison!"

Okay, drama queen, we get it, I thought, stifling a yawn. Can we get back to the fighting now?

But Zankuro was just getting started. "I will bathe this forest in your blood!" he continued, his tentacles writhing with anticipation. "Your screams will echo through these mountains as I feast upon your—"

"Enough with the monologue already!" I shouted, interrupting his Oscar-worthy performance. "I'm kinda busy trying not to die here, you know?"

Third Form: Momentum / Surge San no Kata: Ikioi Rengeki!

I exploded into motion, my Odachi a blur of steel and energy. Each strike, each parry, fueled the momentum, the power building with every movement. The demon's tentacles recoiled, struggling to keep up with my relentless assault.

I could see its insides with my "Mind's Eye," its demonic heart pounding like crazy, its lungs struggling to keep up with the demands of its enraged body.

"Not so tough now, are you?" I taunted, dodging a flurry of venomous claws. "Looks like all that hot air is making you tired."

Zankuro roared in frustration, its attacks becoming more frantic, less precise. But I was in my element, my movements a symphony of speed and power.

Glowing energy trails surrounded me, getting brighter with each strike. The air crackled with the intensity of my onslaught, the ground trembled beneath my feet.

Zankuro was tiring, his movements slowing, his attacks becoming less coordinated. It was only a matter of time...

Zankuro was a mess. His once-fluid movements were now sluggish, his venomous attacks losing their precision. The tables had turned, and he knew it.

"You... you'll pay for this!" he sputtered, venom dripping from his fangs. "I'll... I'll..."

"You'll what?" I interrupted, a playful smirk on my face. "Run out of breath? Melt into a puddle of goo? Spontaneously combust?"

I could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Enough!" he roared, his remaining tentacles lashing out in a final, desperate attack.

But I was ready.

I sidestepped his clumsy swipe, feeling the wind from his attack brush past my cheek. Amateur hour, I thought, shaking my head.

Then, with a deep breath, I gathered my energy.

Fourth Form: Rising Velocity / Shi no Kata: Jōshō Kasoku!

My body crackled with power, a faint aura surrounding me as I launched myself into the air. The demon's eyes widened in surprise as I soared above him, my Odachi held high.

For a brief moment, time seemed to slow down. I could see every detail of the demon's grotesque form, its pulsating heart, its fear-stricken eyes. And then, with a surge of adrenaline, I unleashed the full force of my attack.

With a final, decisive strike, I channelled all my power into the Odachi. A surge of energy, darker and more intense than anything I'd felt before, coursed through my veins. The air crackled with an unseen force as the blade descended, a blur of motion and concentrated power.

The demon let out a final, agonizing scream as the Odachi cleaved through its neck. A flash of black light erupted from the point of impact, leaving a momentary afterimage that seemed to linger in the air. The monstrous body crumbled into ash, leaving behind only the lingering scent of sulfur and the echo of my own ragged breaths.

Silence descended upon the clearing, broken only by the soft rustling of the wisteria blossoms. I stood there, panting heavily, my body buzzing with residual energy. The black flash still danced in my vision, a tantalizing glimpse of an unknown power.

What was that? I wondered, my heart pounding in my chest. Was it the Demon Slayer Mark? The Odachi? Or something else entirely?

I sheathed my blade, a mix of awe and apprehension swirling within me.

(To be continued)

Akio leans forward, his eyes narrowed in mock suspicion. "Hey, Over9000words, didn't you say you'd explain that weird black energy thingy in the next chapter? Don't you dare pull another one of your annoying foreshadowing tricks on me!"

Over9000words chuckles, feigning innocence. "Patience, my dear Akio, patience. All good things come to those who wait. Or, in this case, all epic power-ups and dramatic reveals come to those who keep reading."

Akio throws his hands up in exasperation. "Ugh, you're killing me with the suspense! Can't you at least give me a tiny hint? Is it, like, a hidden ability of my Demon Slayer Mark? Or maybe it's the Odachi's doing? Or perhaps it's just my inner edgelord finally manifesting?"

AI-sensei interjects, their voice a mix of amusement and exasperation. "While I understand Akio's impatience, I must advise against rushing the narrative. The gradual unveiling of mysteries is a key element of storytelling, fostering anticipation and engagement among the readers."

Akio groans. "See? Even AI-sensei is on their side. Fine, fine. I'll wait. But if this turns out to be some lame power-up like 'super-speed nose-picking' or something, I'm holding you personally responsible, Over9000words."

Over9000words laughs heartily. "Don't worry, Akio. I promise it'll be worth the wait. Now, go get some rest. You've earned it."

End of Chapter 15