
Demon Reich

Richard Müller was a member of the 4th Army who participated in operations throughout the war, but his end would come in the Battle of Berlin, when he was defending the Reichstag, a Soviet commissar shot him, ending his life. However he did not die as he transmigrated into the body of the demon queen where he will now have to lead his people to greatness or condemn them to extinction by the human kingdoms.

KENTARO12100 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

The birth of the Volkssturm

Erika, who walked among the corpses, could see a man who was missing an arm who was writhing in pain, as he approached where he was, he looked at his appearance with a smile.

The man raised his head and looked hopefully at Erika. "Please help…"

Erika didn't let him continue talking about her because she stomped on his head with her boot.

"You have a lot of nerve to try to move and ask for help when you have most likely killed a large number of my people or even enjoyed raping our women.

Don't worry though, your suffering will end right now."

Erika then stomped on the man's head repeatedly until his skull split open and his brain came out through the wounds, after which she kept looking for survivors and when she found them she simply killed them.

After a few hours Erika along with the Stormtroopers went to the city, however once she arrived she could only find death and destruction, since the city was a ruin.

However, Erika did not care much about the state of the city, she only cared about the survivors, so in a few hours of work she managed to rescue 8000 citizens, however there were no children among the survivors because most had been killed by humans. or kidnapped to meet the needs of the nobles.

Gathering all the survivors, Erika decided to wash their minds so that they would become the base of her army, for that she decided to create the Volkssturm, an army created by civilians, whose only motivation would be to kill the humans they had invaded and destroyed. your home.

After teaching them the use of weapons, tactics of the German army and everything they need to know, he dressed them in the brown uniform of the Sturmabteilung and armed them with the best weapons the army had.

When everyone was in uniform Erika stood on a platform and looked at her loyal soldiers seriously "We are gathered today in the ruins of what was once our most important city and which was destroyed by humans.

Look around you and see the destruction made by the army of humanity, you will pay for all this with your lives, so now as the Führer of demons I am proud to declare the war of extermination of human beings.

They attacked us because we were different from them, we will attack them to exterminate them completely, from this moment no human being will be able to live in our sacred land.

Everyone should be eliminated regardless of whether they are children or women, the demons will rise up to finish off those damned bigots who attacked us, this will be our strength during this war.

Now my brothers and sisters prepare your weapons because the war is about to begin. "

The new soldiers of the Volkssturm gave the Roman salute and shouted in unison


Sieg Hail…"

Later Erika advanced with her Volkssturm army towards the fort of hope, an important meeting point for the human army and the key to attacking the demonic capital.

As they approached they could see the flags and banners of many countries and states were flying there and it seemed like they had a large amount of people inside.

Erika commanded all her soldiers to stop at a distance outside of cannon range so they wouldn't alert the humans in any way before proceeding.

When looking at the fortress, Erika showed her disgust so she decided to attack the fortress from afar using mustard gas, even though it would be a war crime, she did not care because humans did not have codes of conduct and only acted as monsters.

Preparing a large amount of artillery, he created some mustard gas ammunition and ordered her army to wear gas masks, with everything ready, she gave the order to fire.

The gas began spreading and covering the ground for kilometers around the fortress. However, since the gas was thickly spread on the ground and mixed with water droplets, visibility was greatly reduced. The clouds were yellow but they were getting thicker by the second due to their speed in moving across the landscape, so they were almost impossible to see until they got very close.

The human soldiers when they feel the mustard gas in the air try to cover themselves or get out of it's way quickly; however most of them die from inhaling it or falling unconscious from its effects, others lose control of their bodies from its strong odour which makes them vomit or fall into convulsions.

His skin began to have burns and many were blinded by the effect of the mustache gas, his screams could be heard from miles away.

When the mustard gas dissipated into the air the volkstrumm army of demons advanced and began killing all survivors outside the fortress, always shooting twice on the corpses to ensure they were dead.

When the army finally reached the fortification there were many wounded men inside who couldn't stand up anymore because of the pain, and even more than half of those had died already for the mustard gas.

As they entered inside, one man saw the figure of Queen Erika, he tried to yell at her "We surrender!" but the gas had made him unable to breathe and he fell unconscious after saying a few words.

Erika just looked at him through her gas mask and shot him using her Luger, killing him.

"In this war only death is surrender, don't blame me for being cruel when your people were even more cruel than me."

After that she began killing every single soldier in sight without giving them any chance to resist.

One by one all of them were killed by gunfire or knives or by having their throats cut.

At the end of it all there was no survivor in the fort, leaving nothing but a huge amount of bodies everywhere and blood spilling onto the floor from open wounds.

Erika turned to face the dead bodies lying around, looking down at each and every one of them and felt proud of what she did as if they had been defeated on purpose.