
Demon Monarch: The Journey of Love and Cultivation

"Yue Qian, no matter where you are, I will bring you back to my side," Li Yun Fei whispered, his voice filled with determination and longing. With those words echoing in his heart, he embarked on his cultivation journey, fueled by the unwavering resolve to reunite with his beloved. Through the trials and tribulations ahead, he would persevere, honing his skills, mastering ancient techniques, and braving dangers untold, all in the name of love. For Li Yun Fei knew that no distance or obstacle could keep him from the one he cherished most.

sushi_for_seint · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


The men flipped through the file, glancing at the details. One of them looked up at the leader and asked, "Isn't this kid just a mortal with some wealth?"


The leader said nothing but reached into his bag and threw another file onto the table. It was labeled "Ancient Families."


The men's eyes widened as they opened the new file. They started to read the details, their expressions shifting from curiosity to realization.


The leader finally spoke, "Li Yun Fei isn't just any wealthy kid. He's connected to both the Li and Xue families, ancient families with hidden legacies. The qi wave explosion from his location suggests he might have stumbled upon something significant."


One of the men, eyes widening in realization, asked, "The Li and Xue families? But they've been dormant for generations. How could this kid be involved with them?"


The leader said, "We all know how these ancient families have dangerous legacies. Then let's discuss this matter. Should we?"


Suddenly, an old man in a military uniform, seemingly at the same rank as the leader, appeared in the room and shouted in a hoarse voice, "Feng Xiao Cheng! Why do you want to do that again?"


Feng Xiao Cheng turned, a sneer forming on his lips. "Ah, General Hong, always full of surprises. How dare you address your superior with such insolence?"


General Hong FuGui stepped forward, his eyes blazing with anger. "Our positions may be equal, Feng, but why are you so eager to repeat past mistakes?"

Meanwhile, in front of the university, Li Yun Fei felt a headache brewing at the mere thought of studying. As he approached the gate, a beautiful and sweet voice called out to him.


"Hey, Xiao Fei! Why didn't you come to school yesterday? Do you know how worried I was when I heard you passed out?" she said, holding Li Yun Fei's arm lovingly.

Li Yun Fei felt a bit dizzy from her sudden affection but managed to respond, adapting to the current situation even though he was unsure. "It's just family matters," he said, then walked into the university.


The girl watched him go, a puzzled expression on her face. "He's acting weird today," she muttered to herself.

On the way to the classroom, Li Yun Fei recalled his memories from this life and remembered that the girl from earlier was Lin MengXue, his childhood friend since he was three years old. They had grown up together, and now, at age eighteen, she was still a significant part of his life. This realization brought a wave of confusion, as thinking about her made his heart pound unusually hard.


Despite the confusion, Li Yun Fei decided to let it go for now and continued into the classroom. The familiar environment offered a brief respite from his tumultuous thoughts and the complexities of his dual existence. He found his seat and tried to focus on the lesson, but the image of Lin MengXue's concerned face lingered in his mind.

"Hey Xiao Fei, the day before yesterday you passed out because you didn't want to stay at school, so you pretended, right?" said a fat guy with a smirk. Li Yun Fei recognized him immediately. This was Zhang Wei, the son of the university's second president, known for his low grades and his reputation as one of the three scumbags of Beijing University, a group that also included Li Yun Fei himself.


Seeing Li Yun Fei didn't respond, Zhang Wei continued, "Hey Xiao Fei, let's go to the canteen. I'm hungry." He rubbed his tummy for emphasis.


Before Li Yun Fei could respond, a tall guy with a mischievous grin and a face smike like a clown approached them. "Xiao Fei, let's go. I know you don't want to study these things. Let's make some big events!" This was Murong Xing, the last of the three scumbags, a judo champion with a poor family background, but his athletic prowess granted him an easy ride through university.


Li Yun Fei sighed inwardly, feeling the weight of his secret life and the responsibilities he now bore. However, he knew that maintaining appearances was crucial. "Alright, let's go to the canteen," he said, forcing a smile. "I could use a break."


As they walked towards the canteen, Li Yun Fei's mind drifted to his new reality. He had to balance his university life, his promise to the old demon, and the quest to heal his parents. But for now, he would play along with his friends, knowing that every moment brought him closer to his true purpose.

In the canteen, Zhang Wei grabbed a tray laden with food and plopped down at a table. "So, Xiao Fei, what's been going on? You've been acting weird lately."


Li Yun Fei shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. "Just some family stuff. Nothing big."


Murong Xing leaned in, a conspiratorial glint in his eye. "Come on, Xiao Fei. We've known each other forever. If something's up, you can tell us."


Li Yun Fei hesitated, then decided to give them a partial truth. "My parents haven't been well. I've been trying to help them out."


Zhang Wei and Murong Xing exchanged glances, their expressions softening with concern. "Is there anything we can do?" Zhang Wei asked, surprising Li Yun Fei with his genuine concern.


Li Yun Fei shook his head. "They're fine now. Let's just finish eating quickly. Later, I'm heading to the library to study for the first-year exam. Do you guys want to join me?" he suggested, extending the invitation to his friends.


Hearing his words, Zhang Wei and Murong Xing got up and examined his head. "Did you hurt your head when you passed out?" Zhang Wei asked with concern.

Li Yun Fei's expression darkened as he spoke, "It's time for hard work. The final exams are approaching, and I am determined to make it into the second year."


Zhang Wei waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, spare me your lectures. You sound just like my old man, always nagging me. Sure, your words might help me shed a few pounds from the stress, but as for learning? Forget about it. Go if you want to go."

As Li Yun Fei turned his head to Murong Xing, he said, "Xiao Fei, I know you're worried about advancing to the second year, but we haven't studied anything since the start of the first year. How should we do?"


Li Yun Fei suddenly felt a headache and wanted to curse himself. However, before he could say anything, a voice interrupted them.


"I can guide you, hehe."


There was no mistaking that it was Lin MengXue's voice. She kicked Zhang Wei's butt and said, "See, Xiao Fei wants to study now, but you two are still refusing and persuading him not to study?"

"Ah! Xiao Fei, quickly control your wife!" Zhang Wei exclaimed, trying to lighten the situation.


Lin MengXue flushed with embarrassment and anger. "You pig! Who is his wife?" she retorted, her voice laced with indignation.


Murong Xing tapped Li Yun Fei's shoulder. "Xiao Fei, if you don't go and calm her down, that pig might get slaughtered."

Li Yun Fei wanted to protest, but he couldn't help but feel amused by the banter. However, when he remembered Yue Qian, his demeanor shifted to calm and cold. He stepped forward and stopped Lin MengXue. "Lin MengXue, stop. I won't change my mind just because of their words. I'll call them later for guidance. Where should we meet?"


Hearing Li Yun Fei's words, Lin MengXue still felt embarrassed but replied in a soft voice, "Then let's go to Professor Yun's restroom. She said that we can study there." She smiled with a hint of mischief.

At that moment, another girl approached Li Yun Fei and said, "You can study with me too."


As Zhang Wei saw her, he quickly turned around and ran off, not wanting to get involved with these two devilish girls. Murong Xing also chimed in, "Xiao Fei, I think I'm full now. Pay for me and that pig. By the way, I have to go see a teacher, so I'll go first."


Li Yun Fei felt an extreme headache coming on because of his childhood friends. The other girl, named Mei Mei, was also Li Yun Fei's childhood friend. Since they were young, the two girls never seemed to get along. He didn't want to be caught in the middle of their rivalry, so he prepared to run. However, before he could escape, the two girls grabbed him back and asked, "Decide whom do you want to study with?" They stared at him with two pairs of burning eyes.

"Tell her, Xiao Fei, that you will study with me," Mei Mei insisted.


"You! Xiao Fei, come with me," Lin Meng Xue ordered.


Just then, two motorcycles revved up and sped off between them, kicking up a cloud of dust around the canteen. It was none other than Li Yun Fei's two scumbag friends.


"Xiao Fei, hurry, come on up," Murong Xing called out.


Li Yun Fei chuckled at their antics but knew that this was their only means of escape. He dashed towards the motorcycle and hopped on, laughing along the way. As they rode off, Murong Xing suddenly accelerated, shouting, "Zhang Wei, let's go! Today, let's skip class and head to our usual spot."


As they left, the two girls were left coughing in the dust, their desire to quarrel stifled. They shot fierce glares before departing.


On the ride, Li Yun Fei felt a small measure of relief. Despite the weight of his secret life, he knew he wasn't entirely alone. His friends, unaware of the full extent of his burdens, still provided a semblance of normalcy and support.