

On the other hand, the girl which Levi exchange words with was currently stomping her feet in anger as she narrated all that happened between her and Levi to her father.

"Dad, you have to teach him a lesson for what he said to me" said the girl while spouting like a child.

"I understand sweetie, just let me handle it, you know I will never let you down" said her father.

"Thanks dad, you are the best, but don't hurt him too much, I just want to let him know I'm not to be joked with" said Loretta while hugging her dad.

"How bold of him to give you his address, don't worry I won't hurt him that much, I will handle it tomorrow, I have a lot of things to do right now" said her dad.

"Dad I really mean what I said about not hurting him seriously" said Loretta and she walked to her room.

'Why does he feel like throwing away his life, I can't imagine someone throwing away his life so carelessly even if he or she is passing through a lot' said Loretta inwardly as she remember how Levi wanted to throw away his life like if it has no value.

"But coming to think of it, how was he able to carry me and sprint out of the road in a blink of an eye" said Loretta as she reminisce what happened not too long ago.

Levi was currently staring at the new TV that has been bought by his head butler so as to change the one that he had destroyed. On almost every news channel, the success of his brother was the only thing most of them were talking about, he didn't waste time in changing the channel to another one, after changing channel up to six times now and still seeing the face of his brother, he quickly turn off the TV.

He prefer looking at a blank television than looking at the face of his brother who abandoned him.

He called it a night as he turn off the light and shut his eyes, but after some time, he opened them back while looking at the ceiling.

Today seem like an interesting day for him as he reminisce the event between him and the girl.

'What was I thinking by not leaving the road, do I really wanted it to hit me?' asked Levi to himself as he shut his eyes for the second time.

The next morning, Levi didn't waste time in getting off the beat as he wasn't someone who would sleep for a long time.

After taking his bath, he put on a casual outfit, a t-shirt and a trouser before walking to the dining table where his food has already been served.

Just like his usual days, he walked back to his room after finished eating his food with nothing else to do.

"Dad, I have change my mind, I don't think there is a need for you to go, just give me some of your men and let me deal with him by myself, I don't really have anything to do right now" said Loretta.

"No Loretta, leave the matter to me, go find something else to do like shopping with friends" said her dad.

"We went shopping yesterday so we won't be going today" said Loretta.

"If I don't know you better, I would have said you like the boy or have something for him" said her father.

"Really dad!!, just let me take care of my own business, give your men the order so they can follow me" replied Loretta.

"Alright, just show them these and tell them it's an order from me, then pick the number of people you want" said her dad.

"Thanks dad" said Loretta as she hugged her father and take the token from him before leaving.

After about an hour, Levi who was currently reading a book in his study room was interrupted by his butler as he showed him the security footage around the gate.

Levi was surprised to see the girl he saved yesterday with up to ten men by her side, she was just standing outside the gate as her men knock on it.

"What do you want me to do, should I get rid of them?" asked the butler.

"No, let them in, I would be there to greet them in a minute" said Levi after thinking for a while.

As the butler opened the gate for them, he was about to be rushed by the ten men, but a single command from Loretta was what made all of them stop in their track.

"Is there anyone with the name Levi staying here?" asked Loretta to the butler.

"Yes miss, he would be coming to attend to you guys in a minute, so please just wait patiently until he come down" said the butler politely.

True to the butler words, Levi came out in not more than a minute, he walked casually with a confident step as he approached them, his fierce eyes which seem to be able to see through someone soul was staring at all of them until it finally landed on Loretta.

"I see you gave me the right address, are you really that desperate to die?" asked Loretta.

"I don't really like having visitors especially the noisy ones, so why don't you and your people leave my house without any trouble" said Levi coldly.

"Didn't I tell you that I will make you pay for the insults you gave to me yesterday" said Loretta.

"So bringing some bunch of worthless people to my house is how you want to get your revenge?" asked Levi while looking at her intensively.

The butler was surprised with the interaction between Levi and the girl, since when he been with Levi as his butler, he have never seen him interact with anyone before neither has he seen him with anyone he could called his friend, especially now a girl.

Thanks for reading, please add this book to library so I can be able to write more chapters to it.

Man_Marvelcreators' thoughts