Our arrival really helped the city guard troops. We defeated the enemies a lot and distracted them. So, the shapeshifters have more time to revive our fallen soldiers.
"I am very honored to fight by your side, my lord." Velvet pressed her body against me after she finished off a Durcia soldier. "I wish I could keep doing this with you."
I just smiled at her.
"Arrrgggghhh!!!" A soldier bumped into some of my troops, knocking them down. He dashed towards us, causing Velvet to point a gun at him.
I held my wife's hand to prevent her from shooting.
"Don't do anything!" I gave the order, realizing that the soldier was wearing a different armor than the others. He was the leader of this army. "He is my opponent!"
"You think you can fight me, huh!?" That soldiers keep charging forward. "We are the elite troops who will destroy you!"
I jumped up, bumping my knee into the man's face. He instantly fell with a bloody nose, and I stepped on his chest.