
Demon Lord From Another World

Itsuki Tenjo was a young man ready to start the next step in his life. Until an accident sent him to another world with a kingdom in need of hero, but he’s not the man their looking for. Now left to wonder he meets the kingdoms enemies the “demons” and the discovery of something more then he realized and his role in everything as he is destined to destroy the kingdom and its royal family. Fallow Itsuki as he learns what it means to truly be a Demon Lord.

Soundwavegamer · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 2: A Meeting With The King

As we reached the throne room I was amazed at the size of it sure a throne room in a place like this. The room had windows reaching the ceiling on its left and on its right flags draped down from the top of the wall reaching to the floor they had to be at least 5 meters long, but then again I was eye balling it. The king sat on a throne at the far end next to him were two chairs on his right and left the one to his right was slightly shorter then his and was left empty, but the one to his left which was a lot shorter had a girl probably around my age sitting on it. From even how far I was I could tell she was a beauty her hair was a bright blonde color and it draped down to her shoulders her. Dress was elegant with it covering up every part of her skin. The king seemed to be a stoic man his hair was long and his faced seemed young for his age. His robes were a pure white with red trims though his faced seemed annoyed about something. The head maid kneeled before the king "Your majesty may I introduce the hero." The king looked at me and then spoke "So your the hero who we have summoned to save us? I am honored to meet you, but I do have to ask why you did not accept my hospitality when you meet the maids?" "Um I was really not interested in what they offered I don't know how the last hero was, but me personally I'm not interested in that kind of stuff." The king smiled "Well then I can't force that onto our new hero Raven please do not offer anything, but food and clothes unless he says otherwise." The maid with the glass bowed further "Yes your majesty." "Now with that said I would like to here the name of our great hero." "My name is Tenjo Itsuki." "Ah Sir Tenjo it is an honor to be in your presence." The princess stared at me with her eyes filled with lust. it was really weird to me so I tried to ignore it but I couldn't ignore it after she started to speak "I have decided father Sir Tenjo will be my husband." Ok now that was out of left field seriously she said it like one of those clichés from an anime. "So my sweet Mary you have chosen a hero to be your husband?" "Yes father and we will announce it tonight at the banquet." "splendid Raven take the hero back to his room and prepare him for the party." "At once my king." Wait we're done already? "Hey wait a minute that's it? That's all we're going to talk about?" "Please sir hero save any question til after the party." With that the maids directed me out of the throne room and back to my room they left without another word. I sat at my window looking at the town I could see two figures climbing the roofs they were dressed in cloaks and seemed to be trying to stay hidden I mean the sun was going down, but if you wanted to sneak around couldn't they have waited til night? And if that wasn't enough one of them stopped and started looking at me as if realizing I could see them. They immediately kept their run up I was perplexed by what happened, but that was quickly stopped by the knock at the door. "You can come in." The door opened and there stood the princess Mary she was looking at me with a smile on her face. She was holding something though I couldn't figure out what it was. She curtsy "Good Evening sir Tenjo." "Good evening so what brings you here?" "Well it would rude of me to not visit my fiancé." Oh god that again geez "Look princess..." she put her fingers to my lips "You don't have to say anything sir Tenjo I know it must be honor to have a princess like me in love with you." What kind of response was that? Seriously do I get a say in anything? " Look Mary..." "That's Princess Mary." "Look Princess Mary I don't understand what's going on or who you want me to fight?" She looked at me confused "Didn't we tell you in the throne room?" I just shook my head. "Hmm well we summoned you to finally defeat the Demon lord and finally end our war with the demons." So it that generic series I've seen more shows with that plot then anything else and mind you I only watched them when I had the time. "So in essence I have to win a war for you?" "When you put it like that it doesn't sound that important." Thats because to me it wasn't, but what else can I do. "One more thing what's with the scepter?" "Oh this well it allows me to use magic." "Really?" She nodded her head and then continued "Humans have the ability to use magic and use Iris to channel it through them however some people like me have the ability to use Iris, but we don't have enough to use it without a median." "Ok and what is the type of magic you can use?" "Well I can use earth magic, but there is also fire, air, and water then there's the magic you can use which is light, but only the hero can use that." "Um what about dark magic?" "Oh dark magic is only used by the demons and from what we can tell doesn't require Iris as demons are in capable of being born with it." Ok so that's how magic works here glad I know that. "So when is dinner?" "The maids will get you when it's time." She curtseyed and left my room I just went back to staring out the window. The torch's in my room were the only light since night fell it was real boring waiting for someone to come get me and maddening all I could was look out the window or look around room and if that wasn't bad enough my eyes started to play tricks on me because I thought that in the shadows I could what looked like dogs. A few minutes more past when the maids finally came in. "Sir hero we're ready to have you join us." With that I left my room.

Party had started when I walked in the guest all looked on at me with interest what appeared to be the nobility looked at me with joy and glee while the women all looked at me with flirtatiousness in their movements. The king and princess sat at the largest table and I sat next to the princess after a while the king announced me and Mary's engagement and once again I had no say in it after that we ate and people started dancing I sat there watching it remembering me and my girlfriend attended her cousins wedding in America. Oh probably forgot to mention my girl friend was from America. Anyway it on for awhile before the king asked me "So sir Tenjo can you show our guest some of your abilities?" I looked at him puzzled "Like what?" "Well show them some light magic." "Well I don't know any spells?" "Not to worry." The king clapped his hands and a maid came over with a scroll he opened "A try this Illumination." "Ok Illumination." When I said it nothing happened "hm well that was a low tier spell for the hero point at the ceiling and say Light shot." So I did and again nothing happened. "Hm this is odd bring in a mage." The maids came back a few seconds with a mage. "Can you please see if mister Tenjo has the ability to cast light magic?" The mage nodded and started to scan me when he finished he shook his head the atmosphere went cold. "Well this most disappointing." "I'm sorry, but it's not my fault if I can't cast it." "Yes I understand that which is why I most ask you to get out of my castle." "Say what now?"