
Chapter 1

"Sigh...I'm so bored! " I swing my self back and forth letting the wind blow against my hair. Jason eyes was closed trying to find some sort epiphany. To others looking out they would only see a rich white kid with weird blue hair no more than 6 years old in a park well alone.... the part of this picture is the fact its 12:am no where a time his age should be alone. Sadly this is tiny bit of a promblem as surrounding the boy was group of corpses no more than 30 broken from there to here. You find a head or some poor guy hand laying around strangely enough there was no sigh of blood.

"Sigh... I really thought they would last a little bit longer. Vampires supposed to be strong right?" Jason mutter under his breath.

Jason open his eyes and if there was anyone close by there body will shiver just how chilling the young lad eyes are. Pure black it was the type of black that was so dark it seem to drive you to the abyss never to return. Swoosh, Jason let go as he was launch in the air gravity seem to on longer work as he travel Way higher than humanly possible which is an answer with in itself. Jason was no mere human. With two quick backflips hands up in dramatic pose Jason lands. In his mind he envisioned his mom screaming out encore, encore, the encore!

A warm smile greets his face just a thought making very different contrast to the grim scenery before him. Jason snapped his fingers and dark portal came into existence. A shadow like figure dressed in a butler uniform appears and bowed before him in greetings "My prince has the mission been completed"? "Oh it's you Archibald how are doing this fine evening? I must say I was tricked into coming here! You know out all people I absolutely hate being around vampires. They always so snobish noses up in the air with false self-righteousness! " So is it safe to assume that you haven't retrieve the target Master William Archibald questions. Embarrassed Jason cut his eyes in far out distance gazing out into the moon. Why it's a nice full moon we have bright and vivid wouldn't you say so Archibald?

Confusion went on Archibald face as he stood up and turn his head to see what made today moon so different than usual. It's not everyday Master Williams show a interest in something. He thought. " Why yes Master Williams the moon does appear to be very full this evening, it reminds me of 2 millenia ago.... Archibald informed. " With a mischievious smile I quickly issued a retreat within my mind and ran away!

4hrs later....." So yes Master Williams when killing your enemies it's best to do so at a time like this where the moon is bright to let them know fear that who killed them Archibald smiled as bloodlust rush out his body but with practice ease it went back into his body as if the whole scene was a illusion. So keep that in mind Young Master. Only silence greets him. A sense of painc consumes Archibald as he turns around to only find, well corpses as his sole audience. Not again Young Master!!!!!