
The onset of 10 tier magician

Ruby wish he knew how to start learning magic. Thommas was sitting by his side, licking Ruby. At first, Ruby asked his mom Aysel how hard are the tiles of the palace compared to average tiles. The answer to that is 2-3 times harder.

He tried punching the tile with all his force, expecting some cracks to form. Cracks formed but not on the tiles but on his knuckles. He was wondering how was his mom able to break the tiles without touching them. He wanted to ask her directly, but he was a bit scared.

Ruby requested her mom with bloody knuckles.

"Mom, my knuckles are hurting. Can you heal me?"

Aysel was tired of his shananigans.

"Why are you always making me worry? Learn something from Thomas. He never causes any problems for me. Can I ask, why are you punching tiles?"

Ruby got excited and answered in a loud voice.

"To get stronger."

Aysel was surprised by her child'e enthusiasm

"You are just four years old. What is the hurry?"

Ruby replied.

"I thought girls like stronger men."

But Aysel had a different answer in her mind

"I like chubby cute ones."

Ruby was surprised as her dad was the complete opposite.

"From which angle is dad chubby or cute? By the way, when is he coming back?"

Aysel sighed and had longing eyes

"I don't know. Let's hope your father will come back by next month."

Ruby was in pain and couldn't wait anymore.

"Can you please heal me now? It is hurting a lot."

Aysel sighed again, she felt like she was sighing a lot nowdays.

"Why are you over-reacting. It is just swollen and will heal by itself. "

Ruby was happy and gave a short energetic reply.


Aysel started healing him, and initiated a different conversation.

"Do you want me to help you learn magic?"

Ruby was on cloud nine when he heard this.


Aysel was amused.

"Aren't you excited?"

Ruby felt betrayed.

"Stop teasing me."

Aysel was starting to enjoy messing with her adorable child.

"Are all four-year-olds this rude? Hmph!"

Ruby realized what was going on and decided to get to the main point.

"Please, mom, can you teach me magic? You are the best one on this planet."

Aysel was sad that her fun was cut short.

"Ok, Ok. Listen carefully. Ok?"

Ruby sat down.

"Yes, I am listening."

Aysel started explaining

"The most important part of the magic is the reason why you are learning magic. I wanted to protect your dad from enemies, that's why I got the blessing of healing magic. You are still too young to have a reason. That's why we teach magic to kids after they turn 13."

Ruby was confused.

"My reason? I don't want anyone to force me to do anything. I want to have a choice."

Now it was Aysel's turn to be confused.

"When did I force you to do anything? Drinking milk is for your own good. You don't have any choice until you are married."

Ruby thought in his mind.

"Woah!!!, dodged a bullet there. Which four-year-old asks for the right to freedom. I have to be careful in the future."

Then he replied.

"Can't I drink chocolate milk instead of normal milk? Both of them have milk in them. Right?"

Aysel knew that her kid liked normal milk. She was wondering why was her acting weird all of a sudden.

"You can drink both milk and chocolate milk. I am not stopping you, but don't come crying to me if all girls call you fat pig."

Ruby was proud of himself for steering the conversation in a different direction.

"I don't care what they call me. My body my rules."

Aysel sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, now go to sleep."

The next day came, Ruby's personal alarm Thomas woke him up at sunrise. Sunrises in this world were beautiful. After bathing in the beauty of the sun, He mounted Thomas and went towards the palace. He was supposed to visit at 8 am, but he wasn't able to wait. He kept playing around with Thomas outside the meeting venue. After 30 mins the queen arrived. She was one and a half hours early.

Ruby thought the his teacher The queen was also excited.

"Teacher, are you also as excited as me for this class?"


Ruby received a slap on his head with a loud, crisp sound.

"Why hit me? Pearl you are so violent."

Raphlialinth replied with a smug.

"I don't need a reason to hit you. Why are you making so much noise this early in the morning? Are you a rooster?"

Ruby was angered, why would Pearl call him a rooster. Ruby called her majesty the queen Pearl.


The queen replied with a sigh. She was wondering that she was sighing a lot nowdays.

"I am already awake now, so let's start with the class."

Raphlialinth ordered something to a butler, and then they entered the room.

There was a table in the center with one usual and one long chair on either side of the table. Ruby sat on the long chair, and Raphlialinth sat on the opposite side. The butler came and placed a chessboard on the table. Ruby started arranging the pieces on his side, but the queen stared at him with dilated pupils. He just realized how stupid his action was. How was he supposed to know how to play chess? So he told the queen the most obvious answer.

"You know why I know how to play this game."

She nodded her head. There were minor creases on her forehead that one wouldn't notice if they didn't pay attention. This action doesn't really signify anything significant, but you can tell how intelligent and cautious the queen was.

Ruby asked her to explain to him the rules of this game. Chess is called chess in this world too. As Master Oogway said, there are no coincidences in life. They started playing chess. Ruby remembered watching some tutorials here and there. He could say he was better than average at this game, but the queen was crushing Ruby.

I would really love if you can just comment somethig, looking at 800 views feels weird, if i can associate a name with those number it will really help me.

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