
Demon King In Naruto

A Demon King is Born in the Naruto World, He just wants peace but it doesn't seem to be so easy after all. He who controls the seven deadly sin shall change the Naruto World, or maybe not?

MarSus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs


In the days that followed, news of Danzo's sudden loss of power spread like wildfire throughout the village. The villagers whispered about it, and the streets buzzed with speculation. Tsunade, seizing the opportunity, used this event to officially announce Danzo's "retirement" and took control of Roots, the clandestine organization he once commanded.

Meanwhile, within the confines of a secure prison cell, Tsunade's brow furrowed in concern. She had summoned Danzo to inquire about the circumstances of his defeat, hoping for answers to the mysteries that had unfolded.

"Who could have inflicted such severe wounds on him?" Tsunade mused aloud, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and worry. "It's almost as if he was too afraid to reveal the truth."

The room's silence hung heavy as Tsunade's thoughts raced. The question of who had bested Danzo, a man known for his formidable power, remained unanswered.

Her gaze narrowed, and Tsunade's mind began to connect the dots. "Could it be the same person who framed Kakashi?" The possibility lingered in the air as Tsunade ponders tthrough this mystery.

Kai returned to the ramen store, where he found Teuchi and Ayame looking at him with evident surprise. Teuchi's gaze bore a mixture of curiosity and expectation, prompting Kai to provide an explanation for his absence.

"It turns out I'm not just an ordinary person," Kai replied, his tone candid.

Teuchi's expression was a blend of amazement and uncertainty. "You mean to say... you possess extraordinary abilities?"

Kai nodded, his eyes reflecting a longing for simplicity. "Yes, but all I want is to live a normal life. To savor ramen, to find relaxation."

Teuchi's next words held a mixture of respect and unease. "Your powers surpass my comprehension..."

With a sigh, Teuchi continued, his words carrying a sense of regret. "I'm sorry, but for the sake of my family, I can't risk having you stay here any longer."

In the midst of the emotional exchange, Ayame remained silent, her emotions too complex for words.

Kai nodded understandingly. "I fully understand. I'll find an inn or someplace to stay."

Kai's earnestness then shifted toward a more hopeful request. "But would it be possible for me to visit the ramen store from time to time? I still have a deep love for your food."

Teuchi's response was kind yet cautious. "You're welcome here anytime, but we must maintain a certain distance to keep our family safe."

Kai's departure from the ramen store was marked by a solemn nod. Ayame's gaze lingered on his retreating figure, a touch of sadness evident in her eyes.

Later on, Kai found himself settled into an inn, using the money Teuchi had given him as payment for his assistance at the ramen store. As he lay in his room, he contemplated his situation. His thoughts swirled as he considered the practical matters of life.

"It seems I'll need to find a way to earn some money," Kai mused quietly.

With that, his thoughts gradually turned toward slumber. The weight of the temporal time ability he wielded weighed on him, a reminder that even his extraordinary powers had their limitations. He too was not invincible and is still prone towards exhaustion and rest.




In the secure confines of the Hokage security team's headquarters, Ebisu stood watch over a series of surveillance screens displaying footage from various angles around the Hokage Mansion. Tsunade had informed him of the looming threat in Konoha, prompting him to diligently examine the evidence before him.

"It's highly unlikely that someone could forge a village entry permit," Ebisu mused, his tone reflecting his meticulous analysis. "The only way to avoid detection would be to physically enter the Mansion and create an official permit."

His gaze remained fixed on the screens, scrolling through the footage from the days following the initial incident involving Kakashi. It was during this thorough review that Ebisu's attention was snagged by a peculiar figure within the Hokage Mansion's vicinity.

With a sense of certainty, Ebisu pointed at the screen. "Right there!" His eyes widened as he pieced together the sequence of events. In a quick succession of moments, a young man had interacted with an administrator, he touched the shoulder of the administrator and almost immediately afterward, the administrator had provided the young man with an official permit.

A spark of realization ignited within Ebisu. "That's our culprit," he declared with a mix of determination and anticipation.

Ebisu wasted no time in relaying his discovery to Tsunade. Clutched in his hand was a document featuring a captured image of Kai's face, a visual aid to support his findings.

Tsunade's attention was swiftly drawn to the picture of Kai's face. She studied it intently, her expression a mix of contemplation and intrigue. "Could this young man truly be the one behind these incidents?" she wondered aloud, a hint of skepticism tainting her words.

Her gaze lingered on the image, her thoughts churning as she considered the implications of Ebisu's revelation. "He looks so young," Tsunade mused, her uncertainty evident in her voice. Yet as she continued to scrutinize the photograph, a flicker of hesitation too crossed her features. "Aside from framing Kakashi, he did help me deal with Roots. That is a massively large contribution."

Tsunade said, "release a poster around the village, Do not write that he's wanted but rather that I want to meet him and have some talk."