
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 8

Zero's POV

I was star-struck. I mean... Imagine that the Devil tells you that he is in love with you just in different words.

I... have no idea what to do. I just stood there, in front of him, with a shocked face. He seems so serious too and guess what... I think that he hasn't even realized that, that sounded like a confession.

"Emm" I started but couldn't say anything.

He sighed and took a couple of steps back and for some reason, that action made my heartache.

"I am going to leave you alone now" He whispered.

Or.. he knew that he made some kind of confession and his hurt expression was visible on his face.

He turned around and opened the door. When he was about to go out of the room my stomach made funny noises. I heard him chuckle then stop in his tracks.

"After I am going to feed you of course," he said. "But before you go out, you should wear some clothes on and finish your bath," he said with a 'duh' tone.

But then I remembered the color of the water and was about to protest but like he could read my mind, which I know he can, he answered.

"Do not worry about the water, the spirits around here were just having fun with you-" I interrupted.

"Yeah right. Do you call that having fun? scaring the shit out of me is having fun?!" I said-yelled.

"You do not interrupt me again unless you are allowed to, understood!?" He said with venom in his voice.

I gulped then nod but then he couldn't see me so I stayed quiet, thinking that he will go if I don't answer.

He turned around with a furious expression and made his way towards me, once again I was trapped against the wall but this time one of his hands was holding both of mine above my head, making the towel that was already hanging loosely on my hips fall to the floor.

He looked down and scanned every corner and place with his eyes on my body. His stare made me shiver. He looked back up to my eyes and I saw hunger visible in his eyes.

The other hand, which wasn't holding my hands, began to trace a finger from my neck then slowly went down to my chest, made a circle around my nipples. I tried to hold back a moan as his cold finger traced its way even lower but it didn't work.

"Now, my dear Zero-" he licked my neck. "-time for punishment" he whispered in my ear before biting and sucking on it. Slowly he traced his tongue on my neck and finds my soft spot, making me shiver and release a soft moan from my mouth. I felt him smile against my skin before he kept sucking and biting it. I threw my head back with my eyes closed and biting my bottom lip, trying to hold my moans and tears. (I know what you think... I mean why cry if he barely did something, well guys one thing I have to tell you... I am a virgin). He stopped sucking on my neck then traced his tongue to my nipples. He began licking and playing around with one in his mouth. I moaned as tears began to fall like a waterfall from my eyes.

"Already crying? Is it your first time someone has done something like this to you?"

I nod in embarrassment. I tilt my head to the side to hide my blush.

I heard chuckles from his mouth. His voice made my body react to him even more. The more he talked, laughed even yelled at me, my body just reacts to everything he does and says even if it's just one word. I never thought that my body was so sensitive to his touch and especially his voice.

His voice made me to want more. Much more.

"Please" I begged.

"What do you want?-" He whispered "-Tell me, love," He said before biting my ear.

I moaned and pressed my body against his as he released my hands. My hands automatically moved behind his head, gripping his hair, and forcefully brought our lips together.

He smiled against my lips before bringing his arms around my hips, pressing me even more to his body, making our licking erections rub each other.

I moan as he rubbed it harder and faster.

Every time I look into his eyes I feel like I am compelled to show my true desire.

Then my eyes widen in shock and disbelief.

I stopped the rough kiss and cleaned my wet lips with my arms.

"You-" I pointed at him.

"So you finally realized. You are a piece of work. It's going to be hard to make you submit to me but what's the fun when you don't have the spirit to fight against me?" He said before smirking and disappearing from the room as black smoke covered the floor.

"You bastard!" I yelled.

"So.. He has this kind of effect on me too" I said before going to the bathroom and finish with my little 'problem' down there.

When I was done I sat on the chair which was placed there "How am I going to avoid his eyes? More importantly, how am I going to avoid him?!" I asked myself not expecting an answer which I got.

"That's the thing. You can't" A voice said from behind me.

I turn around slowly just to see the most creepy thing so far.

A black spirit. It was so dark that I couldn't see through it. It was, just black with black smoke surrounding its feet .it was in a shape of a human body. And I knew what it is just from it's shape and color.

"Vengeful Spirit" I mumbled before getting up fast and walking out of the bathroom.

You should stay away from those spirits as much as you can especially when you don't have a way of fighting them. Obviously, my physical strength won't help here.. 'cause you know.. it's spirit and you can't touch it...

"Damn," I said before sitting back down on the bed with a new towel around my hips.

"Definitely." The same voice from before was heard next to me.

Slowly I tilt my head to the side and see him, staring at me with it's empty and cold eyes. The eyes weren't seen either. I think that he doesn't have any eyes. Creepy.

I gulp before making more space between us as I move even further away from him on the bed.

"You know...-" he started. "-going out of the bathroom won't help you get away from me," He said.

"I-I know"

"Then why are you bothering going out when you know you won't?" He asked with a curious tone.

"You are..-"

"Yes.. I know"


"No, I won't kill you"


"I have orders from Lucifer"



"Then.. I'll be going now," I said before standing up slowly from the bed.

"No." It said.

"Listen, It,-"

"It?" It asked.



" That's your name from today onward," I said.


"I decided"


" 'Cause you irritate me"


I sigh and sit back down. Feeling less nervous and scared in his presence.

"You know I am a-"

"Hunter? Yes, I know"

"Then why-"

" Like I said... I have my orders."

"....." Silence surrounded the room until he decided to break it.

"You are interesting." It said.

When I was about to say something "it" put its cold and dark hand over my mouth.

"Don't make me angry, boy. I am much stronger than I look" He said before taking his hand away.

"I never underestimate spirits like you or spirits in general," I said seriously. "So I am not surprised that this form isn't your true form" I continued. "So if only if, I get you angry-" He interrupted me.

"You will be in deep trouble. Especially since-" I interrupted.

"I forgot my weapons at home"

"Correct," It said.

"...." Silence once again.

"So.. my name's Zero" I started.

"I know." He said. Not surprising at all.

"What's yours?" I asked.

"It," He said.

"You don't have a name?" I asked since "it" was just something I came up with just to make fun of him... which didn't work..


"Then I'll give you one," I said.

He turned his head sharply before nodding hesitantly. Since I can't see his face I'll just imagine that he is in shock with a happy smile on his face.

"Then... You will be Din from now on" I said after thinking for a while.

Din stood up and went in front of me. He was looking at me for a couple of seconds before kneeling down and bowing his head to me.

"Yes, master"