
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 7

Zero's POV

Do you know how it feels when you wake up with a horrible headache? No? Well.. one thing I have to say about this... Doesn't feel so... nice. Yeah.

I groan as I try to get up from bed but my knees gave out and I fell on the bed.

I sigh and close my eyes. I take a deep breath but then... nothing.

My eyes open wide as I remember where I am but then again maybe all this was a dream and I am back home but since when did my room grew so big?

I look around the room which was pretty nice but it wasn't my room.

The whole place was red like it's on fire. There is a balcony which I doubt there is something to look at so I didn't even bother going there, not that I was planning or anything..

Well, I look at the king-size bed that I was sitting on and as I thought right, it has the color of flames which are; yelled, orange and red. Very disturbing if you ask me.

Whoever's the room it is, isn't very fond of brighter colors especially white.. I don't see any white in this room. Non, nada, zero! Empty of white. Like the guy hates the light or something.

The sheets of the bed are red, the pillows are orange and the huge blanket is yellow. Very comforting, note the sarcasm. There were 2 nightstands on each side of the bed, guess the color... and you guessed right.. red. The wooden floor was obviously holding everything on it. There are 3 doors. One is hopefully the exit of this horrible and dead place, the second is probably the walk-in closet and the third is the bathroom where I have to go and.. do what I have to do.

When I felt like I can walk again I went to the bathroom which is even more creeper than the room itself. Even though everything that a person needs in a bathroom there is but the color is... creepy. You know... the color of blood. It wasn't even red. That's what freaked me out that maybe the man that claimed to be my father has something to do with blood... I can see that he loves red more than anything but this room is even darker than the previous one. The bathroom especially. There aren't even black spots or something to add to the "beauty" of this place. There was just... Bordeaux. I am not even sure if it's Bordeaux but then again... We are talking about the Devil here which I am not surprised about this but... I thought that only Hell was on flames I thought wrong.

I take my clothes off and immediately climb to the shower and turn on the showerhead. I close my eyes and relax under the warm water but when I open them I jump out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and ran out of the bathroom. Wanna know why? 'cause the water wasn't exactly water... it was red. The color of the water was red and I am sure that it isn't even a color.

"This place freaks me out! I have to get out of here!" I said to myself.

"That is impossible, my dear" The same voice from yesterday appeared from behind me.

I turn around sharply and saw him standing right behind me with a smirk on his face.

"You look so beautiful with this color on you, darling," He said as he took a step towards me.

I stood my ground and didn't move. I narrowed my eyes and I got ready for attacking the guy.

"Are you going to fight me with only the towel on?" He asked with amusement in his eyes.

"If it's my only way out, so yes I will" I answered seriously.

"Well now. You don't even know where this place is and you are planning to run away?" He stated, mocking me.

"I don't care as long I get out of here!" I said-yelled.

"That, my love-" he said with a smile on his face but a warning could be heard from those words. "- is impossible" He finished with a deeper and darker voice than before.

I flinched and shivered after he finished with his threat I suppose.

My eyes widen from my body's reaction to his voice but I cover it up as fast as I can but I could see that he saw my reaction and took more steps closer to me but this time I stepped back. This continued until I hit the wall with my back and he put his hand near my head and brought his face closer to mine.

I stopped breathing and my eyes locked on his.

"Don't forget to breathe "He mentioned to me.

I finally started to breathe slowly but then... surprise washed over my face.

"You are surprised that you listen and-" He whispered before closing the gap between our noses, his eyes flickered to my mouth but then he went straight to my ear and bit it. My body tensed as he put his other hand on the other side of my head. I have no escape now. "-react to my voice, aren't you" he whispered.. sexily may I add.

I held back a moan which worked but when he realized that I am not going to give in just 'cause he told me to so he punched to the wall next to my head and grabbed my hips with his both hands, forcing me to come much closer to him.

"You irritate me!" He said before smashing his lips forcefully against mine. He asked for entrance with his tongue licking my bottom lip but I refused. He growled then rubbed his erection against my hip, making me gasp in surprise, he took that as his only chance and pushed his tongue to my mouth, exploring every bit of it as it entered and went out again and again.

I felt myself slowly become weak until my legs, once again, couldn't hold me any longer.

He stopped the rough kiss and smirked as I try to hide my blush.

"You are mine now" he whispered in my ear. "And I will never let you go"