
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 4

Zero's POV:

It's been a week since that d*CK of a demon 'moved in' with me. And you ask why didn't I stop it. Simple, I couldn't.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I walk into my room and then suddenly, the scariest thing happened. My towel fell.

"Damn!! Boy, are you hot!" This d*CK of a demon said.

I blushed slightly but kept my cool. I grab the towel and put it back in the place where it belonged. My waist.

"Tsk. It was a good view" he said.

"Can. you. Get. Out!!" I yelled as I turned to face him.

"No," he said before he took a step closer.

"Ohh believe me, you will," I said, smirking. And right on time, Drake called. I picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Yo Z. How are you doing?" he asked.

"Amazing. You know. Especially when there's a d*CK of a demon living in your house 'cause just out of the blue he decided so and unfortunately, I couldn't stop him 'cause he is a d*CK of a demon than everything's fine" I said, forcing a smile and looked at him.

"So that's my new nickname from now on, huh?" The d*CK of a demon whispered.

I smiled and said "Yep. D*CK of a demon" I said it especially to annoy him. then turned my attention back to Drake.

"くどー" (damn) this d*CK of a demon said.

"Go curse in someone else's house but not here," I said.

"うるせ" (shut up) he said as he walked out the door.

"Told ya, You'll get out" I yelled before he closed the door behind him.

Then I heard laughter from the phone. "What's so funny?!" I asked annoyed.

"Oh, nothing. You seem to have a lot of fun" he said, chuckling.

"Do you want to replace me? I would be glad to" I emphasized the I.

"I better stay where I am," he said nervously.

"That's what I thought," I said. Now I was laughing.

"What are you laughing at?!" He asked.

"You" I answered.


"That was the point"

There was a short silence on the line so I decided to get to the chaise.

"Why did you call?" I asked.

"I want to meet up. Give time and date" he said but it sounded like he ordered me to do it. He has never spoken to me like that.

Something's wrong. I thought to myself.

"Who are you?" I asked with a serious tone.

"Oh! Finally, you caught on" a deep voice appeared. The voice I hoped to never hear again.

"Lucifer," I said. Annoyance, anger, and confusion filled my voice.

"That's right. Darling."

"What the f*CK a d*CK head like you want with the handsome and happy me?" I asked in a playful tone.

"I'll let it slide this time. But for the future and your safety. DO NOT speak to me like I am your damn friend. Got it?!" He said.

Suddenly, he was right next to me, behind me, whispering these words and I could feel him smirk at my reaction.

"Want do you want?!" I asked again before I turned around and tried to keep my cool and my eyes staring at his. Challenging the Devil.

Now, I could see all of him. He has really dark hair, short and smooth. Blue eyes with a mixture of purple like a crystal. Tall and strong frame. His style of clothing was also amazing.

But for some reason, he likes combat boots.

But today it was different.

He wore black shoes. Blue jeans, tight gray V neck, T-shirt. You could see his 8 pack and his muscles flex as I took his good looks deep into my mind. And a couple of rings, most of them were skulls but different eyes color.

I heard that the Devil has some magic tools but rings? Seriously?!

"What's wrong with the rings?" He asked, breaking the tension between us.

Why do I feel so relaxed when he is here?

"They look weird," I said.

He sighed. "They all have different powers and stuff. When you are going to be kidnapped by I'll explain everything" he said.


I shook my head, coming back to reality.

"What do you want with me?!" I asked again.

"I want to simply talk..." he raised his hands in defense.


"Let's meet first," he said, taking a step back.

"No," I said for short. "Now. Get the hell out before I kill-" he cut me off. And the most shocking thing came out of his mouth.

"Unless you want your friend dead under my feet" he finished then smiled. "So? What is it?"

I sigh. Then shake my head. "Fine."

He smiled then took a step forward. He lifted my head with his thumb under my chin. "Tomorrow. 7 p.m. Be ready and dress up beautifully. We are going to some special place" he said.

He let go of me and smiled even wider.

He waited for me to agree.

"Alright," I said.

"Good. Don't forget. 7 p.m" He said as he disappeared to thin air.

I released the breath I hadn't realized I was holding and sat on my bed.

"What have I gotten myself into this time?!" I said as my eyes became heavy and fell asleep without covering myself with a blanket.

"Goodnight." A deep voice whispered in my ear and I was lifted by strong and big arms and was put under the covers. "You are so cute and peaceful when you sleep, Zero. I wish I would be the reason for it" the voice said before I felt a shiver run down my spine and then falling to my dreamland.

"One day." My mouth said without my brain proceeding and thinking.

"Yeah. One day" I felt the voice smile then wind. A cold wind was blown to my face. And then I knew that the voice has disappeared.

Who was that? Such a sweet and deep voice. I want to hear more. I want to touch it. I want to feel it.

I want him!