
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 23 (Final)

Zero's POV

"Zero, wake up" A soft voice whispered in my ear.

"No" I mumbled before turning away from the annoying voice.

Seconds later a hand grabbed my area and I jolt wide awake.

"Glad you joined me," Lucifer said before licking my lips and kissing me with great force, making me moan and bring my arms around his neck only to make our already licking erections rub against each other.

"Emm" I moaned to his mouth as he pushed two fingers into my butt-hole. He moved them in and out and stretched me so he could enter.

He stopped the kiss and started kissing down my neck.

"You taste so good." He moaned before he slides himself inside of me.

"Lu-Lucifer" I moaned his name from my mouth as he let me get used to his length.

Slowly, he started moving inside of me and hitting that one spot that makes me go crazy.

He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head before he kissed me with his tongue sliding into my mouth, fighting for dominance but he won this time and then he smirked as he saw my blushing face.

His pace quickened and I felt that soon I am going to cum. My breathing became heavy and I arch my back as I came all over myself but Lucifer kept pounding into me.

"L-Lucifer" I moaned as I became erect again.

"Say my name, baby. Say it more so I can cum." He whispered to my ear become biting and sucking it.

"Lucifer. Please... Just cum already!" he chuckled from my words.

"Make me."

I smirk and snatched my hands from his tight grip before grabbing his shoulder and pulling him out of me.

He looked at me in shock as I pin him down.

"I am top today," I said with a cocky smirk.

He smiled, letting me continue what I am to do.

I get on top of him and say. "You are not allowed to touch no matter what," I said before he looks at me in shock.

"That's impossible honey! I am going to suffer like this!" He complained before I could push myself on him. I stopped and crossed my arms in my chest.

He rolled his eyes then nods. "Finance" He said.

I smile before slamming down on him and we both moan in the time.

I started to move slowly before I kissed him.

I licked his bottom lip, asking for entrance and he let me have my way. Suddenly he grabs my butt with his hands and I yelp in shock before I stopped kissing him and give the 'really' look.

"What?!!! Do you think I won't touch you when you make such an expression?! You have to be joking!" He said before sitting up and his d*ck is still inside of me. I moan because of the change of angle.

My legs are spread wide and he is in between them.

"Come now. Didn't you want to make me cum?" He mocked me.

"I-I... Ennm" I couldn't say anything because of the amount of pleasure.


"P-please let me c-cum" I whispered.

"With pleasure." He said before turning us over with him on top.

"lie down on your stomach and raise your hips." He commended.

I nod and did just as he said.

He started licking my hole and in seconds I become a moaning mess. Seconds later his touch completely disappeared and I whimpered but he came with a big surprise.

He slammed into me so hard that my head hit the wall which was right behind the bed.

"L-Lucifer" I moaned, ignoring the pain in my head which is soon gone and replaced by the sound of our hearts beat together as one.

"Yes, baby?"


"Please, what?"

"Please... Make me cum!" I said-yelled before he grabbed my throat and tilted my head back so he could kiss me.

His pace quickened and we both started moaning and getting closer and closer.

"L-Lucifer... I-I am about to.."

"Me too"

And we both came until I felt sleepy again. He pulls out of me and fell next to me on the bed.

Sex with him is.... I have no way to describe it.... Intense? Crazy? Wow?

He is the first to take my V-card so it's my first time to all of this but I think as long as it's him I don't mind giving myself to him and submit.

I stand up and then fell to floor. Even my legs couldn't react to this..

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Shower" I mumbled as a blush appeared on my face and I heard Lucifer chuckle as I enter the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and let the warm but still a little bit cold water pour down my body as I cleaned myself.

I felt something sliding on my leg and I felt it up. I brought my hand back and saw this..... it's Lucifer's... Goodness.. I think I am going to faint..

"You alright?" His voice appeared out of nowhere.

I yelp in shock and terror and cover my privet part as an instinct.

He raised his eyebrow before smirking and walking towards me, trapping me between him and the wall.

He licked my lips and then sucked on my neck, moaning escape from my swollen lips.

He bit my neck and I moan again before three fingers slide inside of me.

"Let's do it" He commended.

"No no no no no. I can't! My butt hurts!" I said quickly.

"So what? We are doing it!" He said before grabbing me by my hair and bringing my neck closer to his sharp teeth.

He bit it hard until blood was dripping from the wound.

I scream because of the great amount of pain but then I became erect again and started moaning without a reason.

He is only touching my hair and I feel like he is already pounding into me.

"W-what is this?"

"This means that you are mine for eternity. " He said before attacking my lips.

"He is going to be the death of me." I said to myself but I knew he heard me as he chuckled.

"Same here"

*Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

*Creation is hard, cheer me up!

*Like it ? Add to library!

Thank you for reading this old story of mine. Now that I have re-read it all, it made me laugh and realize how truly crazily creative I was as a teenager.

I hope that you had a few laughs and that this story made you realize how crazy I could really be. ;)

Love and appreciate you all,

Nadia Rose <3

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