
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 13

Zero's POV

I enter the black hall and immediately enter to darkness. I walk further and I shiver which means, I entered a barrier. The cold never affected me that's why I know when I enter a barrier and not just any barrier. This barrier is very powerful.

"Welcome," A deep and dark voice boomed through the walls of the hall if there are any.

I shiver again as the presence of the creature got closer to me. I felt it behind my back and drew my sword out. I swing the sword and right after my whole body twisted with it, I cut nothing. My attack missed the target or.. it hadn't hit it... Maybe... He just wasn't there?!

"You are very strong but.. not strong enough to defeat me." The voice said.

I gulp and start walking forward as I dragged my sword on the floor behind me until hitting something and fell on my butt.

I rub my head and stand back up but when I do I hit something again and fell on my knees.

"What the-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I tried to stand up but I hit something once again and fell on my butt, groaning.

"What the hell is this? What's going on?" I asked

"That's something you have to figure out. Well... I can give you a hint-" He said then stopped. I guess he wanted my approval or something. I nod but then realized that he couldn't see me.. "Don't worry, I can see you." He said as if he just read my mind. "And yes, I can read minds" He answered the unasked question.

"Who are you?" I asked before putting my sword to the holder it belonged to and stand up again. This time nothing hit me but something told me, that something is right in front of me and I shouldn't advance any further.

Before I make another step I decided to see what was in my way. I couldn't see anything nor smell so touch and feel are the only options here.

I stretch my hands out in front of me. When I felt nothing in the way I start walking slowly. After a step or two, my hand touched something solid and cold and I knew that this was the obstacle in my way.

"You are very smart. You are the first person to ever pass this test but it isn't the end. I'll level up this hall and make five times harder for you and when you pass to the other side, safely, you pass-" Suddenly, a light fell to the other side of the hall but it didn't change the darkness surrounding me. "-Let the game begin"

"Before I start-" I said. "You haven't told me who you are," I said.

"Oh right, I forgot. I just got so excited when you are about to die but I'll tell you anyway" He said.

"I am not going to die," I said with confidence.

"The one to decide that is me, not you," The voice said angrily.

"Well... I really don't want Death knocking on my door-" I heard steps behind me as I slowly moved my hand to the longest sword I have. "But you just forgot one thing-" I said before pulling the sword out and clashing in with the material which was about to cut me in half.

"And what's that?" He interrupted.

"I am Lucifer's son," I said before starting to push the sword towards him as it neared his neck I suddenly was thrown backward and hit a wall with my back. The same wall which was in my way earlier.

"You are dealing with the wrong person," Death said. "I am in charge of this hall and I will do whatever I want with it!" He yelled.

"What the fuck is your problem!? DO NOT EVERT YOUR ANGER ON ANOTHER PERSON! AND SINCE WHEN DEATH IS COUNTING HIMSELF AS A PERSON? A LIVING BEING!? IF YOU WERE ONE I WOULD HAVE PROTECTED YOU AND NOT KILL YOU?!" I yelled as I breathed heavily and without me realizing it I pour everything out of my heart. Death was human. I know he was but now...

"I like you kid-" He started. "-I really wish I would have met you first but... it's too late" He said.

"I know. That's why I am going to bring you back to the way you were before" I said as I stand up with the help of the wall behind me.

I take the sword from the floor and move slowly towards him. I raise my sword and start running towards him.

"It's impossible!" He yelled as he brought his scythe down to my neck with a strong and fast force.

I ducked and kept running as the scythe was thrown towards me from behind.

"Where the hell did it come from?!" I asked panicked.

"You should duck. Before you lose your head" Death yelled from the other side of the hall.

I duck a second before it cuts my head off. I gulp and look back to find that the huge and sharp scythe was no longer there.

"How did you-" He interrupted.

"You forgot that this is MY hall and My game! You will Not take what's MINE!" He yelled before I hear the sound of shuffling from across the room.

I think he mixed his feelings and mission. And what's his? What does he mean by that? I haven't taken anything from him! I would never want to deal with Death! I mean... sometimes I wonder if he is as strong as Lucifer!

As I was thinking the sound of the unseen wind cut through. The sound kept getting closer to me as I see his scythe flying towards me.

I panicked and ran in the other direction but I hit a wall. I stand up fast before it could reach and run towards the scythe when it was time to duck I ducked but it didn't end there. The sound of the scythe hitting the wall like before wasn't there, it means that-!

I turn around and see the scythe only a couple of centimeters from me.
