
Demon Hunter (BxM)

A hunter. That's what I am. My family and previous generations are all hunters and I am the next in line. This is my job that I am devoting my life to and nobody will stop me unless they kill me. No matter who or what is in my way. I know I know I sound weird, saying that nobody will stop me from saving the world. I sound like the bad guy but trust me when you meet the demons I have you'll understand what I am talking about, especially since I discovered something very scary about myself. Something I am afraid to accept. I will never accept the fact that I am the Devil's son. NEVER. Demons were always after my life, that's what I thought, but after taking the information I got from several people or more like demons, I think they wanted their prince to come back, but what they didn't want is that the Prince will return as a hunter. A person who will kill them all without a second thought. Those stupid and useless demons thought that I would accept it just 'cause I am told to but ohh.. they are DEAD wrong! _________________________ This story has sexual contact between males. If you don't like it don't read. (!This is my very first book so a lot had changed between then and now. Maybe in the future, I'll re-write the whole thing but at the moment, that's what you get.!) ((! It was also published on Wattpad in 2015 so if you see it there, know that it's mine!)) Love you all, Nadia Rose

NadiaRose · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Chapter 10 Part B

Zero's POV

***Still The Dream***

I ran over to Lucifer, who was laying on the floor with blood all over him. His body temperature is inhumanly cold. He wasn't breathing. There were cuts and bullet holes all over his body. There was a bullet hole in his brain. Now I know why he is so crazy in the future.

I don't have to worry about him though. He is immortal so he is pretty much alive. He'll wake up sooner or later.

I saw another body laying on the floor but before I go to check her out I look around the room.

It is the same room I have woken up in. It hasn't changed even one bit. Still the same as in the future. All red.

Since this room isn't so interesting to explore I decided to check out the woman which is probably dead. I checked on her and she is indeed dead. I looked around the room to find my little self but I didn't see anything. This brat is so small I can't see him.

On my way there I saw pictures of those people (My parents) but I didn't see their pictures together or even smiling. My pictures though are with my both parents just not all of us together. Now you ask how my parents look like. See below, the writer had difficulties but still posted those. They look horrible, just so you know. Stupid writer.. Anyways back to the present.

Before I went to check on the woman I look through the pictures. They didn't change at all since youth. When I meant youth, I meant the day they met and had me. Yep.. I have this funny feeling that my father just picked her to have his child because of her looks.. She probably was a fluke.. They drank, complained about their life and had sex. That's how their story is but... When you think about it.. Why didn't my father (Lucifer) just threw her out or killed her when I was born? Maybe the present Lucifer didn't fall in-love with me. He fell in-love with her then she died, Which is now, and because I look like my mother but a male version, I became her replacement.

That's actually.. Doesn't only hurt my feelings but also my pride.

"So.. I am a replacement for her?" I asked myself.

I looked at Lucifer who was still laying on the floor.

"Maybe he really died...-" I thought out loud. "-I don't care though" I said.

"Wow, kid.-" His deep and muscling voice echoed through the walls of the room. I tilt my head slowly to his direction and saw him already standing with his arms crossed in his chest and an evil smirk plastered on his face. "-These words stung more than they suppose to" He said before he started walking towards my direction.

"I think the bullet in your brain has done something to this brainless head of yours." I said.

He didn't answer, he just kept looking at my eyes. The Lucifer from the past was more scarier then the one now.

I started to walk away from him but I tripped on something and fell flat on my butt.

"Now now. Look where you are going" he said as he looked at my feet with a worried expression.

I follow his gaze and I see myself, my little self, laying in my own pull of blood and there was a huge hold in my chest. I got closer to look what happened and when I did.. I fainted.

It was too much for me too handle to stay awake.

"Since that day, I decided to not let you get any closer to me. So, I offered you to random people who accepted you wholeheartedly from the Devil himself."

***End Of The Dream***

His voice echoed in my mind before I wake up and jolt up off the bed with a shaking body and sweat all over my skin.

"You are finally awake" Din's voice sounded from behind me.

I turn around slowly and breath a sigh of relief. Without me noticing I put my hand to my heart.

"You know..-" I looked at him. "-You have this habit of putting your hand to your chest" He said.

"I do?"

"Yes, you do. Tell me, did something happen in your past that involved your heart?" He asked.

Then the images of my little self, laying on the floor with a huge hole in my chest which the heart was missing has flashed in my mind.

I run to the bathroom and puke everything I had and emptying my stomach.

"I guess it means that yes" He said before rubbing my back.

"I-I don't have a heart" I whispered with a shaky voice like I have seen a horror movie..

"You have it. If you didn't you would be like Lucifer"

"What do you mean?"

"Because you are half human, Lucifer knew that without a heart you would be just like other humans, dead, so he.. Planted his own heart in your body" He mumbled the last words.

"He did what?" He ignored me and my shocked state then continued.

"He was in search for your heart all this time but he could never find it. Even now, he is searching for it. And no, if you think he wants his heart back.. You are wrong.. He want's his son's heart back but when he will find it, he will probably burn his heart so he could never feel again" Din said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he is afraid that the same thing will happen to you like to his wife" He said before getting up and cleaning my mouth. He led me out of the room to some big corridor and then to a huge kitchen.

Everything in this place is HUGE! It is ten times bigger than everything I have.

"Where are we going?"

"To eat of course. You are going to die at this rate"

"Haven't I eaten 2 days ago?"

"You have been out for the whole week. So it's more than two days" He said.



"And why did you bit me?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know how a half human and half Devil tastes. Don't take it personally" He said before seating me down on a chair and going to prepare something.

"Well.. Actually.. There is only one Devil.. and only one the-son-of-the-Devil so.. Yeah.. I'll take it personally"

"You have a point"

I sigh and put my head on the table.

"I am glad to be back" I said

"Of course you do." He said before giving food.

The tasty aroma entering my nose, the good-looking food in front of my eyes until drool was sliding down of my mouth.

"You should stop sex-eyeing your food and start eating," He said before flopping down on the seat across me.

"You are right.. I definitely should" He chuckled and nodded his head. "I am digging in!"

"Enjoy" I heard him say as I push every little piece of food to my mouth until my cheeks were like a squirrel's.

"What?" I said as I spit food out of my mouth.

"Yuk! Dude! Don't talk while eating, you are going to die at this rate" He said before laughing at my face.

He pulled out a phone..

"You have a phone?" I asked before he took pictures of me. "HEY?!" He stuck his tongue out then disappeared.

"I should finish my food before I go and kill him" And I did just that.