
Chapter 87: A Visit!

Jason looked up at the surveillance screens in the room.

Twenty screens completely covered the entire street, especially in front of the door, where the view was exceedingly clear.

Jason could distinctly see the person at the doorway.

And at first glance, he could confirm that the individual was not a 'postman,' even though they looked the part, holding a kraft paper bag in their arms.

Jason was once a 'postman.'

In fact, you could say he was one of Nightless City's top 'postmen.'

Thus, he was very familiar with the inner restlessness and anxiety 'postmen' felt during delivery.

But this person in the video?

Way too composed.

They stood there quietly, their gaze and facial expression showing no fluctuation or unease.

An impostor?

A wolf from the streets?

A thought flashed through Jason's mind as he reached for the Mark M1 in his hand.