

Feng Hei Lang headed back to her dormitory after a full meal. She stretched and pushed the door open. "Ah~ So I have 315 tallies right now since I just ate a meal. I did master the [Dancing Dagger] technique, so I wonder if I should go and meet Master Xue."

She pushed open the door to her room, but found a letter on the ground. Feng Hei Lang frowned and picked it up. 'Where did this come from?'

She quickly unfolded it to read what it wrote.

[Student Hei Lang,

Please report to the office at dawn. A mission has been written for you. You may pick two people to go with you.

Instructor Le Yi~]

Feng Hei Lang smiled a bit. 'A mission? Sounds fun! I wonder what we have to do.' She quickly summoned Xing out of her shadow. "Xing, you can play for a bit before going to bed. We'll have a mission tomorrow!"

Xing nodded and started running around and flapping his wings.

Feng Hei Lang sat down, thinking. 'I need to pick two people and there are no requirements. However, I think it would have to be people I trust. Also, they have to accept my invitation! ARGH! This is a PAIN!'

She started pacing around in a circle. 'I think Kang Lei would surely accept, and he's trustworthy. However, I do not know of anyone to pick for the second fox! I don't know anyone specifically in my class! What about Kirei? Nono...he would definitely refuse! Why would he ever accept? I don't even know him that well!'

Feng Hei Lang flopped down onto the floor and sighed. 'I'll think some more tomorrow...Imma go to bed first.' She watched as Xing curled into a ball next to her. "Goodnight, Xing."


Feng Hei Lang awoke nice and early. She stretched and picked up Xing. "Wake up, sleepyhead! We got a mission today!"

He yawned and went back to sleep. Feng Hei Lang giggled and placed him into her shadow. "Hah...Now I'm off to the office once more!"

She quickly ran out of her room, skipping breakfast. Feng Hei Lang went to the front of the office tower where Instructor Le Yi was waiting.

Instructor Le Yi nodded. "Right on time, Student Hei Lang."

Feng Hei Lang smiled. "Good morning, Instructor!" She pulled out the letter that she was given.

Instructor Le Yi crossed her arms. "So? Did you decide on two team members?"

Feng Hei Lang started speaking, but Instructor Le Yi cut her off. "Before that, Student Hei Lang. Someone volunteered to be part of your team."

She tilted her head. "Who is it?"

A boy walked out and dipper his head. "Student Hei Lang, it is me."

Feng Hei Lang gaped. "Kirei?!" She could now clearly see his face. He had sharp dark blue eyes, with neat dark blue hair swept to the sides.

He smiled a bit and nodded.

Instructor Le Yi cleared her throat. "Ahem...Yes, Student Kirei Ren volunteered for your team. So all you have to do is pick one person then."

Feng Hei Lang smiled. "Instructor, I would like to pick Kang Lei." Instructor Le Yi nodded. "I expected that, so I already brought him over."

Kang Lei appeared from behind Kirei. "Hey! Morning, Hei Lang!"

She smiled and waved. "Morning!"

Instructor Le Yi clapped her hands together to get their attention. "Since everyone is here, I'll be going over the mission details. This time of the year, the official tournament for Hu Li University is coming up to test everyone of their abilities. We need you three to gather medicine herbs, either from searching or buying. Be aware that when you're buying, you must go into a human city. These cloaks will disguise you."

She tossed them each a black cloak with a low hood. "There's also an emergency signal that will alert us if you press the button on the inside of the cloak." Instructor Le Yi showed them where it was.

"And the second part of the quest is hunting down the Alpha Wolf of the Iron-Fanged Wolf Clan. We need you to bring the corpse back intact, so take these spatial storage rings. Student Kirei Ren already has one, so it will only be for you two."

Instructor Le Yi passed them a golden ring that had no markings on it. "Any questions?"

Kang Lei raised his hand. "How long do we have?"

She shrugged. "As fast as you can. A maximum of a month. You better come back before then, or you'll regret it."

Feng Hei Lang gulped down her saliva in fear. "What kind of medicine herbs do you want us to buy?"

Instructor Le Yi waved her off. "Student Kirei Ren already knows. You may ask him. Now, off you go, time is ticking!"

Feng Hei Lang took off the [Shadow Cloak] she was wearing. Instantly, she felt disappointing. 'There goes my bonus 100 vitality!' She quickly used [Appraisal] on the cloak Instructor Le Yi gave her as she wore it.

[Disguise Cloak]

[Makes user look like a normal human.]

[Effect: +30 Strength, +10 Agility]

She gasped. 'The effects are really good! Well, obviously not as extreme as my [Shadow Cloak], but still good enough!'

Feng Hei Lang quickly got ready and waved to Instructor Le Yi. "We'll be head off now, Instructor!"

Instructor Le Yi nodded. "Off you go now, Student Kang Lei, Hei Lang, and Kirei Ren!"

As they started moving away from Hu Li University, Kirei Ren started speaking. "I think we should go to the nearest human city for herbs. Fengli."

Feng Hei Lang nodded. "If there are no complaints, then let's go!"